Helping that person to complete the task will have no idea what impact the world will have, but if that person is a tribe leader and wants to expand his tribe, then through this method, or have such thoughts , Killing the leaders of other tribes, and then taking advantage of the chaos of other tribes, attacking and conquering the other tribe, in fact, it is still possible.

"In that case, some places will be very strange, it should not be the case. This way, it feels more like trying to make the world more chaotic, not for others."

Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that something was wrong.According to my previous thoughts, although there is a possibility, the possibility is actually not that big.

If their goals are all within a range, it’s okay, but their goals are in the entire world, scattered everywhere, the guy posting the task, no matter how strong the tribe is, he can’t do so. Reach out in many places.

The power of the tribes in this world still has its limitations, and this limitation cannot be overcome in a short time.

If you can’t overcome it, then you can’t continue to think as you thought before, but think in other ways. According to the original thinking, there should be no way to come up with a reliable answer, but thinking from other aspects may not be possible. Better explanation method.

However, Hua Yueling's attention didn't stop there. After all, there was no need to think so much for the time being. To a large extent, things in this world had little to do with them.

Hua Yueling only wanted to complete the task as soon as possible. As for other aspects, he didn't think so much.Now this kind of thinking is just that he is thinking about the relationship between the tasks in the system and the reality, which is actually very important.

I have communicated with other people through the system. Although the two parties have never met or even said a word from the beginning to the end, there is indeed a transaction between the two parties.

"But if I think so, where do the prizes for the mission come from?"

Hua Yueling thinks this question is also somewhat interesting. It should be a reward from the task issuer, but the task issuer may not even know that he has issued the task. In this case, how do you get rewards from him? .

Huayueling didn't know the rules of operation inside, but he felt that the system would definitely not lose money. As for what the system would do, it was not all he could know.

The system would definitely not suffer anyway, Hua Yueling was sure of this.

There is no need to think about how the system will do it, these are not helpful to him, and he can't say relying on these to do something.Just do your own thing now,

In this way, Hua Yueling and the others came to the tribe they were targeting, and Hua Yueling and the others were looking at the tribe from a distance.It has to be said that it is a big tribe, and it does have the performance as a big tribe.

It can be seen that the defense of this tribe is very strict. Although the wall of the tribe is also made of wood, it is very tight and high. It does not mean that a person can just enter from the outside. of.

The other thing to say is that there are also a lot of soldiers guarding there. Just a rough count, Hua Yueling found that there were more than a dozen soldiers on just one side.

"The difference from the previous tribes is really big. It feels more difficult to do something in such a place."

Hua Yueling whispered to the person beside her.Hua Yueling felt that it would be better to be more cautious in such a place, and it would be better not to have so many people passing by, it would be more unsafe.

"In this case, we'll just wait by the side and find a hidden place. It's better to go with Aroline, Xiaoling."

"It's set for the time being. Sister Yun, you and Yuetong find a place to wait for us, and we will find you later."

It would be much easier if everyone had invisibility skills, but the reality is that only he and Aroline have invisibility skills, and no one else can.In this situation, only the two of them can act together, but it is more convenient for two of them to act, not to mention that both parties are in a state of invisibility. In this state, it is easier to invade the tribe.

Hua Yueling and Alorin were quite fast. After they separated from Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong, they hurried to the entrance of the tribe along the way.However, they have long been invisible, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Two people came to the entrance of the tribe lightly. They slowed down. It is better not to be too arrogant in this kind of place, otherwise it will be easier to be found.

The two sneaked into the tribe quietly, and no one discovered their existence along the way.It can be seen that even in such a large tribe, there are not so many high-end combat powers in it, and even people who can compare with Huayueling cannot be found, let alone a task that can compete with Aroline. Up.

Hua Yueling and the others took a quick turn in the tribe, but in fact they didn't have to be so careful after entering the tribe.The soldiers on the periphery are very alert and need to be careful, but the inside of the tribe is not the same. The people inside the tribe are certainly not as alert as the soldiers outside, so in the case of great differences in strength, even if there is something Mistakes can also hide the past.

Hua Yueling and the others don't have to worry about anything, they can move forward in a relatively relaxed situation.It’s a troublesome thing to find in such a big tribe,

Here they still need to spend a lot of time looking for it. Their goal is actually very simple. They are looking for the largest building here, which should be the place where the tribal leader lives.

This may be a consensus. Generally speaking, people with higher status live in better places.In a tribe, the tribal leader is the person with the highest status, so he lives in the best place in the tribe. In fact, this is normal and there is no problem.

Hua Yueling and the others circled around, aiming at a big house in the depths of the tribe.The house looked very luxurious, although it might still be a bit old in Hua Yueling's eyes, it was a building in this world after all.

But this is only in the eyes of Hua Yueling and others, in the eyes of others in this tribe, it is already a very, very luxurious building.

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