"It should be right here."

Hua Yueling and Aroline hid beside a building, staring at the building with the largest area in the distance and said.

They searched for one in this tribe. Although there are many large buildings, there is no building comparable to any building.

To say that it was not the tribal leader but other people in the tribe that lived there, Hua Yueling thought that was impossible.

Except for the tribal chiefs, it is estimated that no one would dare to build such a large building, at least such a conspicuous building.After all, such a building in this place can be said to be the largest building in the tribe. In this case, although the leader of the tribe may not say anything, what will he think and what other people in the tribe will think.

These all need to be considered, and the people here must also understand these, so before building a building, they will definitely build their own place according to the building built by the tribal leader.

Don't underestimate this, because it can be fatal sometimes.

Hua Yueling and the others observed for a while, but although there were people in the building, all they saw were servants. As for whether the owner of that place was on the facade of the building, they were not yet sure about this.

"Let's go and take a look. If you can't find it later, go out first and come back later."

It's hard to observe anything just by observing here, Hua Yueling and the others decided to go closer to see how the situation is.The two arrived at the destination quickly. At the entrance, the two did not go inside immediately, but stopped, waited for a while, and then continued to the door.

Listening to the sound inside, it was quiet, there should be no one near the door, and no footsteps or other sounds could be heard.

Looking around, making sure that there are no other people nearby, Huayue opened the door lightly.

The door was not locked, so he pushed it open easily. The two walked in quickly, and then managed the door again.Observing the situation again, the hall was very quiet, with no one.

The two decided to act together and search the entire place.And if the time for Huayueling's stealth skills comes, they can even hide here directly, without going out at all, and continue to explore here after the time has passed.

In any case, this is considered to be a relatively good method. Hua Yueling thinks that this is enough, and there is no need to go out in trouble.

And it can save time, don’t worry about this or that.

The main reason is that there doesn't seem to be many people in it, and their strength is enough, so don't worry about that much.

The two people knew that there was actually no one here, there were people here, after all, not long ago they discovered that there were servants here.It's just that those servants don't know where they are now, and they can't see them here.

"Be careful, Xiaoyueling, pay attention to your time, don't be caught by the time and don't know."

"Well, I always remember it, there will be no problem."

Hua Yueling said quite confidently. In fact, he didn't need to remember at all, as the skills showed how much time was left.There is almost half of the time left now, which is definitely enough.

If you can find the target now, there will be no problems if you directly solve the target and leave immediately.But the problem is that it is impossible. It is difficult for them to find the target in such a short time, and no one knows where the other party is now.

It's fine if he is at home, but what if he goes out.

Hua Yueling and Aroline did go around the tribe for a full circle, but they didn't see anyone who resembled the leader of the tribe.Generally speaking, there should be a lot of people around such people, so it is easier to find them.

Going up the stairs, I didn't expect that there will be stairs at this time. Although it feels a bit dangerous, the actual problem is not too big.

Hua Yueling went all the way, and soon ran into a servant.He immediately stopped and waited until the sound of the opponent's footsteps passed by his side and disappeared downstairs before moving on.

"That man is just a servant."

Hua Yueling looked back and looked at the other party's identity easily.It's not just about dressing, but there must be a big difference between a tribal leader and his servants.

After the two people reached the second floor, they began to look for it. The second floor is a bit smaller than the first floor, and it is naturally easier to find. Hua Yueling and the others spent some time on the entire second floor. Turned around, but did not find their target here.

"Go to the first floor again."

They haven't searched the entire first floor before going up to the second floor. Since they are not on the second floor, it is more likely to be on the first floor.

You don’t need to manage the second floor anymore. Then, just search the first floor and there is no problem. I just don’t know if you can find someone on the first floor.If they can't find anyone on the first floor, they can only hide in a place and wait for the time being. Although the time left is enough for them to find or speak out, there is no need for a short time.

What's more, even if you don't go out, you can still get in touch with Sister Yun and Yuetong. It doesn't matter if you don't contact them. In terms of their strength, Sister Yun and the others have no need to worry.

The gap between the two sides is still a bit bigger, not to mention Sister Aroline, even if only Hua Yueling is alone, there is no problem in killing seven in and out in this tribe.

Footsteps sounded downstairs, the sound of the two servants who went downstairs.When Hua Yueling and the others searched upstairs, the two people didn't know if they were busy with their work downstairs, it seemed that they didn't.

Standing at the top of the stairs, lowered your head and looked down. Below the stairs was an empty hall. There were no people in the hall. The two servants who came down were not here either. They should be in other rooms when they heard the voice.

"The room where the servant is listening to sounds should be where the master is not."

Hua Yueling said in a low voice. Although the two servants lowered their voices, Hua Yueling still heard clearly.After all, where the strength lies, his hearing is not comparable to those of ordinary people.

The two servants talked very happily, and they still talked about the master's gossip. They were really not afraid of being heard by the master. If they were really heard, then they would be in big trouble.

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