The two servants didn't care much about what Hua Yueling talked about. He only cared about whether he could get news of the master here from them.But after listening for a while, he shook his head. Those gossips were nothing useful, just gossip.

After listening to it, I felt that what they were saying was useless, it was impossible to help them find the person they were looking for, so Hua Yueling thought about giving up.It's better to find it by yourself, it's useless to hear it here.

The two looked at each other, and then they changed directions and looked in another direction.There was no footsteps, no other movement, and it seemed that no one else was there.

In that case, it might be possible to find something from the other direction, but Hua Yueling didn't have much hope. Sometimes the greater the hope in her heart, the worse it turned out to be.

Hua Yueling and the others turned and looked for it from another direction.The following roads are basically connected, so it is actually quite easy to find someone.Also don't look at this building is quite big, but it doesn't take much time to start looking.

"It seems that he is not here."

After searching for half of the area, Hua Yueling and the others came to the other side at this time, that is, the area where the two servants were before, and now they seem to be still here.Hua Yueling can also hear their conversations and busy voices.

The two didn't care about this. They went all the way and searched all the places they had passed along the way, but they didn't see any figures.Generally speaking, after their observations, it seems that there are only those two servants in this building now. It doesn't look like there are other people. If there are other people, they should have been able to find out. It's impossible. So far, nothing has been discovered and no progress has been made.

When they came to the room where the two servants were, it turned out that they were busy cooking, and the two of them were busy cleaning up the dishes in their hands. They looked quite busy.

"There are no other people, it seems that we still don't disturb them. Let's go out and have a look, if you look at it this way, the other person should really not be here."

But there is a problem. If the other party is not here, where will he be?

It's not that I haven't searched outside, and I have searched outside, but I didn't find the other person. This is strange. Neither outside nor here, then where is the other person?

Huayueling was thinking about such a problem, but in fact there is another possibility that he just let it go.This possibility is not unavailable, but Hua Yueling and the others didn't think about it before.

They have been thinking according to their previous ideas, which is the way to find tribal leaders when they go to other places.Basically, the tribal leaders in those places are in the tribe, and maybe they are not lucky enough this time, so they encountered this situation.In any case, it seems that there is no progress.

"It seems that the other party is not here, what shall we do next?"

Hua Yueling looked at Sister Alorin and asked her opinion.If you can't find it here, you can naturally go out and continue searching, but the possibility of finding it shouldn't be too great.It is fine to wait here, but it will take a lot more time.

"Is it time for invisibility?"

"It's fast, there are still dozens of seconds, but it doesn't matter. I can use the skills attached to the hidden dragon blade, so that I can continue to act, and when the time on the hidden dragon blade is also used up, the invisibility skills will also be used. Can be used again."

"That's OK, let's not wait here, just go outside and look for it. He should be outside. Maybe we are out of luck. He has already gone out. If it doesn't work, we can only find a way to ask someone to ask. ."

In fact, it is to ask someone to ask, but it is definitely not just to ask someone if you find it. That's definitely OK, but it may be a little troublesome then.

No matter what, what Hua Yueling and the others need to do now is to find and see where the other party is. This is a more serious issue.The other party may be in the tribe, but Hua Yueling feels that it is more likely that the other party is not here at all, and it will definitely be more troublesome.

Of course, they can actually wait here. That's nothing, but it takes a little longer.

Although Hua Yueling and the others said they had time, they didn't use time like that.

"What should we do if we can't find him yet."

After leaving the house, Hua Yueling whispered to Sister Alorin next to her.Anyway, he felt that Sister Aroline would definitely not want to wait here, let alone her, even if he didn't want to do that, it would be a waste of time.

There are so many things he can do in that kind of time, how could it be wasted here.

The crowd in the tribe is worthy of being one of the largest tribes around here. Compared to the tribes they have been to before, it is more lively.The tribes I have visited before give people a relatively deserted feeling. Although Hua Yueling and the others have not stayed in those tribes for too long, they still have some impressions of those tribes.

No tribe has such a lively feeling like this tribe, this is a place that really makes people feel very popular.Those ministries are too small and fewer people,

"Leave here if you can't find it. I've already noted the location. When you go to other places, just remember a rough distance and you can teleport it back. It doesn't have to be as troublesome as it is now."

Aroline said that, it didn't sound like a troublesome thing, it could be done easily.

Hua Yueling didn't know if it was troublesome, but he must have thought the same way. It was not too different from Sister Aroline's thinking, and she didn't want to waste too much time here.Anyway, there is still time for the task, and the task goal is not the only one. As long as it is confirmed that it can be sent back, then this time for "waiting" can be used to find other goals. Maybe the goals in other places are solved. If it falls, the people here will also come back.

After walking around the house of the tribe leader, Hua Yueling and the others walked around here again. What they have to do is simple, look for people here that can attract their attention.If there is such a person, that person may be the target they are looking for, but if not, then one thing can probably be determined, the person they are looking for should be out.

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