No matter what, Hua Yueling and the others will not give up this task for the time being.It will continue after the rest, but I don’t know how long it will take.

Look again at Sister Liweiluo and Mu Ningshuang, their affairs seem to be unsolvable for a while.Hua Yueling still doesn’t know what they’re thinking about. It feels strange, but since they are so busy and they don’t seem to be going back in a short time, there is no need to worry about them. Up.

Take your time, anyway, as long as you can complete the task.

Since the ratio of time had not been calculated between the two parties, Hua Yueling was also worried about some things, and he did not dare to go back.I'm afraid that the time here will pass in a blink of an eye after I go back.

But there is another point that he hasn't thought about clearly until now, that is, what is the calculation of the time mentioned in the task?Is it based on the world you are in or the world where the next task is located.

According to what he thought, it should be calculated by the world where he was in the next task, but the other possibility cannot be said to be completely impossible.This made him more confused.

But in any case, he is not ready to test at the expense of mission failure.Let's talk about it later, let alone, this kind of test is actually meaningless, unless the time ratio between the two worlds is so huge that it is incredible, otherwise it is not necessary at all.

If the time ratio between two different worlds is really too huge, then this world is still useful.But it is difficult to make good use of this.

In any case, Hua Yueling and the others will not go back if they don't complete the task today. They will only want to go back until the task is completed.Although Hua Yueling already wants to go home to rest, but this kind of thing can't be arrogant.

After resting for about a quarter of an hour, Hua Yueling felt that it was almost the same. The road they walked along the way was actually not that long, so there was nothing particularly tired.Now that I am relaxed, I feel a bit boring in such a place.

The main reason is that the environment here is not very good. If the environment here is better, Hua Yueling will definitely feel that there is nothing to rest here.But the bad environment affected his mood and made him reluctant to stay here for too long.

"Are you going to take a rest? If there are no problems, let's go."

Hua Yueling looked up at the sky. It was clear that it was already afternoon, and the sky was a little gloomy.But what surprised him was that he didn't know if the sky was gloomy or something else. The sky was a little too gloomy. If it were in the real world, Hua Yueling even thought it might be raining.

But in this world, this possibility is also great, or that this is the most likely guess.

Hua Yueling felt that taking advantage of the current weather, it might as well continue to act, and acting earlier was better than waiting.It’s better not to wait for the task in the afternoon to complete it by yourself. It is better not to expect the task to be executed and completed by yourself. That idea is unrealistic.

No one else had any opinions on the idea of ​​Hua Yueling, and everyone decided to continue to act.Several people drank a few more bottles of drinks, and then stood up to leave.

The same as before, they still use the teleportation array to teleport away. This time they just chose a direction. Hua Yueling and the others came to the teleportation array again. This time, they don’t know how far to teleport and where to teleport. .

For Huayueling and the others, there is no good way, one can only look at their luck.If they are lucky enough, maybe they can transmit to a good place and get the information they want directly.

However, Hua Yueling didn't think that she and others would be so lucky. After all, although they had been lucky before, they were obviously not lucky enough.

Next, I don't know what the place they go is like, what kind of environment it will be.Hua Yueling hopes that the environment in the place he visits this time will be better. He likes the environment full of nature, rather than the dry place where life is almost imperceptible like where he is now.

No matter what, the portal in front of them was opened, and Hua Yueling and the others passed through the portal again. The next thing to do was to look through the portal to see what place they had reached.

After entering the portal, Hua Yueling found herself in a terrible place.There are dark plants everywhere in front of me. This kind of plant does not make people feel the existence of vitality, but makes people feel lifeless.

Such a statement may be a little mysterious, but it feels like that for Hua Yueling, staying in this place, it feels like standing among various dead things.

Hua Yueling didn't know how to describe this feeling, it was really uncomfortable anyway.

Looking further ahead, what you can see at the end of your line of sight seems to be something similar to a swamp pond.However, the water inside looked dark red, and it was a bit oozing from a distance.But think about it, if you look at that thing up close, it might not be better there.

No matter what, Hua Yueling felt that the place they were transmitting seemed to be wrong. Will anyone really live in such a place?

Hua Yueling was very suspicious of this matter, but since it was teleported here, she couldn't go back like this.

"Where shall we teleport to?"

Hua Yueling asked to Sister Aroline who was walking in the front, Sister Aroline was standing in front and did not leave in a hurry.

"I don't know much, but the location here shouldn't be too deviated. I don't know if there is really anything nearby. It doesn't seem to be easy to say depending on the situation.

Aroline whispered.When she came to this place, like Hua Yueling, she was skeptical about whether the tribe could be found here. After all, the environment in this place looked too bad, and it felt even worse than the place where they first went.

It's just drought there at best, but it feels like hell here.This is not a joke.

It doesn't feel good even with their strength in this kind of place. What about ordinary people, can they live in such a place?

Hua Yueling was skeptical about this, but even so, they didn't have anything to leave, after all, guessing was just guessing.There are many places that seem to be unable to survive, but some people can live in such places.

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