When Hua Yun and Lu Yuetong also came to this place through the portal, they were also shocked by the sight in front of them.I never thought that the place I came this time was so different.

In fact, the most important thing is that there is a big gap between the place they visited this time and the place they visited last time. Although the scenery of the place they visited last time can’t be said to be very good, at least it is a place with a natural atmosphere and full of greenery. .

But here, although plants can be seen everywhere, they seem to be planted in hell, not like plants that grow in an ordinary world.

There seemed to be something floating in the air, but Hua Yueling only had some feelings like this, but she couldn't see anything.He looked closely, but still couldn't see anything, the air was muddy, maybe it was just because of this, that's why he felt that way.

Several people don't like this place too much, but there is no other way, unless you go back and send it again, but who knows where it will be sent again.So there is no hurry to go back, first walk around here, if you can't find anything here, then it is not too late to go back.

Several people walked here for a few steps. Even the ground didn't feel good to people. The ground was a bit sticky, as if it had just rained.And it's rainwater formed by glue.

Adding to the fact that there are not very vigorous grasses everywhere on the ground, let alone the feeling.

An unspeakable smell floated over, Hua Yueling smelled it, and couldn't help covering her nose with one hand. The smell was really not good.

"Everywhere in this world seems to be almost like this."

Hua Yueling thought about other places, whether they were better or worse than here.Think about it carefully. He hasn't been to a place with a worse environment than here, but don’t worry about these, just say those places that are better than here, although they seem to be different in terms of feeling, Hua Yueling feels that they are different. To some extent, they are the same.

He didn't know how to describe this kind of sameness, but it was definitely impossible to see it just by looking at it, and it needed to be felt to be able to feel it.

I don't know how to describe it, anyway, the feeling here makes him uncomfortable, but it makes him feel very familiar.

This is a rather strange feeling, and there is a conflict between the two feelings. This conflict is not only in the two feelings, but also in his heart.

Stepping on the ground that is not solid and the grass that is drifting in the wind, Hua Yueling guessed that no one would usually come to such a place.Even people who live near here will probably not come to such a place.

It would be dangerous if it fell into the red pool in the distance. Hua Yueling didn't know what the red "ocean" was. It looked more like a swamp.Such a place is not something people like them should go to, and going to such a place is still very dangerous.

Hua Yueling and the others are naturally very clear about this, not to mention anything else, they don't even want to connect to such a place, let alone go inside.And it doesn’t make any sense to them to go to that place, and there is nothing to do there.

If there is a tribe there, they might still consider it, but if there is no tribe, they will do something there.

Hua Yueling and the others need to find a tribe here. Although Hua Yueling himself thinks that the possibility is not very large, it cannot completely deny the existence of this possibility.

But that's not sure, after all, people who grew up in such a place from the very beginning should have been familiar with it a long time ago.For those people, this is their hometown, which is no surprise.

Maybe they don’t like this kind of environment, but they have lived here since they were young and take all this for granted, and they don’t say that such a place cannot live in people, and their ideas are definitely related to flowers. Yueling and others are different.

In any case, there is no denying the possibility of other tribes here.

Walking on the muddy road, this place is different from other places, it seems that it rained not long ago, otherwise the ground will not give people such a feeling.

Hua Yueling doesn't like walking on such a ground, it feels soft, but she can't go back at this time, so she can only temporarily endure this kind of dissatisfaction.There is no need to worry, just as before, come slowly, don't worry.If the environment is worse, it is worse. Anyway, other places may not be better than this place.

Naturally, there are good and bad in this world, but there are still fewer good places, and relatively more bad places.Hua Yueling doesn't like such a place too much, anyway, besides the environment is not so good, there is another drawback, that is, it is too deserted.

In fact, being deserted can’t be said to be a shortcoming, but it depends on where it is. Fortunately, it’s during the day. If it’s at night, you can shoot a Far Cry.Even if the environment of this place itself is sufficiently ghastly, plus almost no other creatures can be seen, it is terrifying deserted.

The only sound that can be heard is probably the sound of wind, but it is not surprising that wind can be heard no matter where it is.

But there are almost no bird calls and even other sounds that can be heard elsewhere, which is really strange.It stands to reason that even in such an environment, there shouldn't be any sound. It feels somewhat illogical.

Is there really no other creature here?Hua Yueling was also looking around and looking for it, but the surroundings were quiet, basically there was nothing to see.

"It's really deserted here."

Hua Yueling couldn't help but say to other people beside her after walking for a distance, she couldn't even hear the footsteps.After all, the foot is not a solid ground, but a muddy ground that may sink directly after stepping on. Fortunately, the previous rain does not seem to be that heavy, so although the ground is a bit soft, it is not so good that it will be as soon as you step on it. To the extent of being completely plunged into the ground, only a layer of shallow footprints remained.

But even this restricts their forward speed a lot. If the ground is flat, they can walk fast, but on such a ground they can't do this.

I had to control my speed and let my steps go slower, not so fast.

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