Hua Yueling and the others have been waiting in the living room for lunch, which is basically prepared by Sister Livio alone.However, Huayun also went in to help during the period, and later it was the two of them working together.

"The food is cooked, let's serve it. By the way, let's go, too. Aroline and Jelusy call over, it's time to eat."

Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong volunteered to serve the meal, while Mu Ningshuang was responsible for calling Aroline and Jieluxi sister.The two of them have been out for a long time, but they haven't come back yet, and they don't know what they are doing.

Mu Ningshuang walked out of the living room quickly, and when she got outside, she quickly found the two people. They were right next to a portal, seeming to be studying something.

Seeing them now, Mu Ningshuang remembered what happened not long ago, and she and Liweiluo sisters also gathered together to conduct research.The situation back then looked similar to the current situation, but there were more people back then, and only two people were studying here first.

"Xiao Ningshuang, you are here to tell us to eat."

As soon as Aroline saw her figure, she immediately guessed what she was here for, so she spoke.There was no doubt in his tone.

"Well, Sister Livello has already prepared lunch, and I'm waiting for everyone to eat."

"Okay, wait a moment, we will go back now."

Aroline got busy as she spoke, and the portal could not be kept open, otherwise it would be dangerous.It is best to close it first when no one is around or when there is no control, and then open it when it is used.

The three of them returned to the living room. When the three of them arrived in the living room, the table was full of dishes.

The aroma of those dishes is extraordinarily attractive, plus the color in the eyes.It's worthy of Sister Livello's craftsmanship, it really doesn't exist.

Hua Yueling couldn't help but want to steal it, but he didn't have the skill, Liweiluo made a lot of dishes.

He also didn't expect that there would be so many, a large table was full of food.But it's almost the same now, the servings have been brought out, Hua Yueling went to the kitchen again, opened the refrigerator, took out two bottles of drinks and put them on the table outside.

"Okay, wash your hands and come over for dinner."

Hua Yueling said to others after putting everything up.Aroline and Jelousy both went to wash their hands, while Hua Yueling and Lu Yuetong took out the bowl and chopsticks again to serve everyone a good meal.

This lunch was nothing to say, Hua Yueling and the others had been busy in another world for more than two days, although it was not that they didn't eat anything.But how can the food eaten in such a place be compared with Liweiluo’s craftsmanship, the difference is not a little bit, Hua Yueling feels that she can eat such a delicacy, she said that she is happy and there is nothing else to say Up.

Sister Liweiluo's craftsmanship is naturally not said, Hua Yueling has not eaten any food that is better than her cooking.

After a lunch, Hua Yueling and the others left here.After all, Sister Yun has to go to work in the afternoon, and Hua Yueling and the others have to rest.

"We will go back first."

"You also go back and have a good rest. Don't come here in the afternoon. I guess I'm lying at home and don't want to move."

Lu Yuetong and Mu Ningshuang did not follow them, but separated halfway.In the afternoon, they were also going to stop going to Hua Yueling's house, but only to rest at home. They also needed to rest. The two days of time really caused them a lot of exhaustion and they were very tired.

The two have no other thoughts, just thinking about going back to rest.Those who are busy in that kind of place, even if they have saved a lot of trouble later, they don't need to go how to get there. Basically, they just rely on the portal to travel everywhere, and can't walk a few steps.

But even this still makes them feel very tired, and the same is true for Hua Yueling, everyone is very tired.

No one wants to continue studying or reading at this time. Everyone wants to go back to rest after lunch, take a good rest, and regain their strength.

Everyone is tired, who is not the same.Don't look at Sister Aroline who seems to be very energetic, but in fact she is very tired, and it is estimated that she will take a rest.

Sister Livello and the others shouldn't stay here for too long, after all, they have already finished their work there, and they came here to understand the situation here.

But I don't know if the world is attractive to them. Judging from their previous reactions, they seem to be quite interested, but Hua Yueling is not sure.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether I am interested or not. Anyway, I won't go there for the time being."

Hua Yueling thought to herself, although she said that there are still two tasks to complete, there is no need to be too anxious when there is no time limit. Just take it slow, why bother about it.

There is a task that has idle time, but the limited time is quite long, so there is no need to worry.The other task is unlimited time, so there is no problem.

Since there is no problem, Hua Yueling is absolutely unwilling to go to such a place recently.The current situation is that if Sister Aroline, Sister Livello, and Sister Zelusie followed along, it would be very dangerous if Hua Yueling and the others went.

Don’t look at the guy who lured them to the past is injured, but in this case Huayueling still can’t guarantee that these people can defeat the opponent and are the opponent’s opponent. In this case, it’s better to be cautious. If you go, try not to go.

Hua Yueling knew this by himself, so he took a cautious attitude and didn't think about things over there when he didn't need to go.

As for when to go to that place again, it depends on what Sister Aroline and the others think.If they decide to visit that place again in the near future, then they will follow along, which is fine.

But looking at the reactions of Sister Aroline and the others, it is estimated that it will not pass again for the time being.I spent a lot of time there, and I should have gained a lot from there during this period, so there is no need to go there for the time being.

Put that world aside first, there is no need to think about the things over there, at least it will be impossible for them to pass again in a short time, there is no need for that.

It's a pity that only she and her sister went home. Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong both went home, and they probably won't come back today.

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