She stretched her waist greatly, and after returning home, Hua Yueling glanced at the time. It's quite early now, and it's not time for sister Yun to go to work.

"Sister Yun, you should also go back to rest and rest, isn't there still some time. If you are afraid you can't get up, I'll look at the time for you and call you when it's time."

Hua Yueling's gaze was quickly taken back from the watch, and she looked at sister Yun who walked in with him.Sister Yun looked tired, after all, she wandered with them for a while, although she came back with Sister Livio after that, but it didn't take long even if she came back.

In addition, at noon, she still made lunch with Sister Livello and didn't take much rest.This is different from Hua Yueling. After Hua Yueling came back, she had been resting until she was woken up when it was time for lunch, which was different from her.

"It's okay, you can get up. Xiaoling, you are also very tired, go and rest soon, sister, I should leave later."

"I was fine, and I was resting after I came back, and I slept for more than an hour."

Hua Yueling patted her chest and said, then pushed sister Yun to her room.

"Sister Yun, go and rest, leave me alone. Otherwise, we really don't have much time to rest after we talk for a while."

Being pushed directly into her room by Hua Yueling, Hua Yun originally wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, she didn’t need to argue with her brother any more. Just like what her brother said, if she argued for a while, she would have No need to rest, time really shouldn't be enough.

There is still some time to take a break, but if you are not taking a break now, and wasting some time like this, then there is really no time.

So she didn't say anything at all, and went into the room by herself, then closed the door and went to rest.

After watching her sister enter, Hua Yueling walked back quite boringly. He was about to reach the sofa after a few steps. He suddenly thought of something and turned around and went to the kitchen.

After taking a can of drink out, Hua Yueling didn't go to her room, and went directly on the sofa in the living room. After opening the drink, she started drinking.Now he is too lazy to move even if he can move, if he can stay still, he thinks it is best, but before he can rest, he has to wait until Sister Yun goes to work.

Just stay like this until then, anyway, you don't have to wait too long.

Hua Yueling glanced at the time, there was only half an hour left, and it was not a problem to wait half an hour here.

Holding the phone while watching and drinking a drink, Hua Yueling didn't care about the time, but occasionally glanced at the time displayed on the upper right corner of the phone.After waiting for the time, he slowly got up, then went to sister Yun's room and asked her to get up.

"Sister Yun, sister Yun, it's time to get up."

Hua Yueling didn't try too hard, but he thought that even if Sister Yun was in her sleep, such a voice response should be enough to wake her up.

It didn't take long for Sister Yun's voice to be heard inside, and then Hua Yueling turned and left.After a short while, I heard rapid footsteps, and then the door was opened, and I saw sister Yun walking out of the room.

"It's about this time. I have slept for a long time. Xiaoling, you haven't rested, so go and rest soon. You don't care about the evening meal. You can cook it when my sister comes back. If it doesn't work, go to the restaurant to buy some The dishes will do."

With that said, Hua Yun walked to the door very hastily, Hua Yueling still wanted to send her off, but she refused.

It was sent to the door, and then watching sister Yun go downstairs through the elevator, Hua Yueling originally wanted to send sister Yun away and then come back to rest by herself.But now that Sister Yun doesn't need it, he still chooses.

After Sister Yun disappeared behind the elevator door, Hua Yueling closed the door, then went to the kitchen to get a can of drink and went back to her room.All the drinks he got before have been drunk.

"Well, let's get some sleep later, although it's a bit late, it's still too sleepy."

At this time, Hua Yueling actually didn't want to take a rest again, but he was indeed too tired. If he didn't rest, he couldn't stand it physically and mentally.So after thinking about it, he decided to sleep for a while, no matter if it was more or less sleep, he still needed a rest. At this time, he couldn't just give up like this. No, he couldn't stand it if he didn't rest.

My eyes were almost unable to open, and I was extremely sleepy. My eyes were dry and painful. The point was that I couldn't open them.She didn't have much strength, she was really tired and fell on the ground.

Before he went to that world, he never thought that this activity would make him so tired, especially the more trouble he got back.Otherwise, all the problems can be solved in one day, but the problem later is that you often need to go to many tribes in order to find the target. This will cost them a lot of time, otherwise they will only come back sooner.

After lying on the bed, Hua Yueling didn't move. He lay on his back on the bed, closed his eyes, and took a long breath.The mobile phone was put aside, he had no intention of playing with the mobile phone now, and after a while, he felt like he was going to fall asleep and fell asleep.

But there are still some things he needs to do before that.Looking at the drink next to her, Hua Yueling barely got up with one hand, then opened the drink and started drinking.

But because of the urgency of drinking, I was choked for a while, coughing several times before he recovered.

"Go to sleep when you finish drinking. I'm going to die of sleepiness."

After taking small sips to drink the rest of the drink, Hua Yueling put the drink can aside and lay down again to rest.

Sleep a little longer, so I don’t know when to wake up.But he estimated that he could sleep for at least one or two hours.After all, this is usually the case. Besides, because I am so tired today, I definitely need to sleep a little longer. If I calculate this way, there is no way to wake up without three or four hours.

But no matter what, it's time to rest. After Hua Yueling got down, he closed his eyes, and he fell asleep after a while.He fell asleep faster than he thought. He thought he would have to lie down for a while to fall asleep.

There was no snoring, and there was no movement, Hua Yueling fell asleep peacefully like this.The afternoon time is estimated to pass in such a dream, there will be no change.

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