After falling asleep, Hua Yueling was in such a state of not knowing it, and entered a strange time again.When he felt like he had woken up after a long time asleep, he found himself in a strange place again.

This is not my home, I didn't wake up in my own home, but in a strange place I had never been to, and I had never seen it before.

At that moment, he just came out roughly what was going on, but he still thought it was strange how he came to such a place again.

Why did this happen? Hua Yueling frowned.It stands to reason that such a thing shouldn't happen, but what happened before him forced him to change his mind.

This is very strange. The devilish guy in the other world is now hiding and he is injured, so in a short time, he should not be able to trouble himself.In that case, why did he fall into such a state again.

No one answered his question, he could only try to explain his doubts by himself, but he could not explain such a question with his current knowledge.

A dazed and puzzled emotion lingered in his heart, this was a world different from the world he had been to before.And this time there are other changes.

He has an identity in this world.That's right, this is something he has never seen before.Here he has parents and family.

When he woke up, he turned his head and looked out. What he saw were old decorations and old windows.He seems to have come to ancient times.

I thought to myself that Hua Yueling was not very surprised by this. After all, he had been to various places, so it is impossible to say that he came to ancient times just because he slept.Although this can be considered incredible to ordinary people, it can only be said to be commonplace for Hua Yueling.

It was even so ordinary that it made him feel that it was nothing, but it was just another ordinary experience.

Now let's confirm where you are.Hua Yueling moved his hands and feet a bit, and did not say that his strength was lost because he came to this place. He could feel the strength contained in his body, so there would be no problem with food, and he was afraid that he would be a little bit in this place. I don't have any strength, so it would be funny.

After moving her hands and feet for a while, Hua Yueling walked to the door, opened the door and walked out directly. It was quiet outside, and no sound was heard.But it was a big place outside, and she was in an independent courtyard.

After turning around here and learning about the situation here, some content also emerged in Hua Yueling's mind, and these content were things like his current identity.

To say that it is completely useless or not, but it is not very useful.

In this way, I walked all the way out of the courtyard and came to the place where the main courtyard was. Hua Yueling looked around, and there were some maids and servants busy.Seeing him coming out, one of the maids was taken aback and hurried over.

"Master, why did you wake up so early this morning, do you need a servant to wait for you to wash?"

"No, if you have something to do, you can go and I'll go outside and see."

"But master, you haven't greeted the master and madam..."

"Is the old lady all up?"

Hua Yueling didn't know much about the strange ancient world he was in now, and even more so about the so-called parents of this body now, but since the maid had all said it, he couldn't say no.

"Master and Madam have not yet started."

"Then I'll talk about it later, when the old lady gets up, I'll go to greet you."

Speaking, Huayueling waved her hand, turned around and walked out, the maid gritted her teeth, glanced back, and then hurriedly chased after her.

"Master, do you need a servant to ask someone to follow you."

"Well, just call someone personally."


Hua Yueling stopped, did not continue to go out, but waited here.The maid came back not long after she left, and saw a servant who was about the same size as her next to her. The clothes she wore on her body were not very good, but in this world, it should be considered good. At least it should be so compared to ordinary people.


"Okay, you just follow me."

Hua Yueling said so and didn't let the two of them say anything, so she walked out quickly.The maid winked at the servant, and then the servant hurriedly caught up with Hua Yueling, and followed him out a little timidly.

In fact, even Hua Yueling himself didn't know what he was going out to do at this time, but he also knew that he couldn't just stay at home. This would definitely not work. It would be better to go outside and have a look.

Maybe after I have some understanding of the world, the situation will be a little different.No matter what, his purpose will definitely not change, that is, to leave here as soon as possible. He doesn't want to stay in such a place for so long, let alone other, this is not the real world, but false and illusory world.

It's not the first time that he has come to a world like this, so he can't be said to be strange by then.But if you really want to say how familiar he is with this place, it must be nonsense.

This is an extremely unfamiliar place, a place he has never heard of and has never seen before.In terms of the current situation, the most important thing is to understand the situation here and understand a situation in this world clearly.

Another point is also very important, and that is your identity.Through the brief exchanges with the maid just now, he can understand the fact that he has some identities in this world, but he doesn't know the specific identity.

I can borrow certain excuses, such as my lack of clarity or amnesia, but after thinking about it, I still feel that there is no need to do so.

Why bother?If you want to say that you have so many ways to understand the situation, you don't have to be anxious to ask the people around you, it's not good if the key is seen by the other party.

Regardless of whether it is illusion or reality, the most important thing is really what identity he has right now.Is this body one's own or someone else's, and whether one is controlling one's own body or controlling another's body.

If this body is better for your own, then you will act in the same way as before, so you don't have to worry about anything.

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