How to understand his identity, the answer to this question Hua Yueling has not yet figured out.The servant beside him must know his identity, but he can't say whether to ask directly.

It doesn't matter what the other party thinks, it doesn't really matter. In his current capacity, there is no need to be oriented towards what the other party thinks.The identity of the two parties is different, so the way of doing things will be different.

But there is one thing he cares about. If the other party reports the questions he asked to his father and mother in this world, it must be a trouble.At that time, the parents asked if they could find a way to fool the past.But no matter what, it's better not to ask yourself anything casually. Who knows whether to explain such a problem at that time will lead to other problems, that is not what he thought.

That being the case, I just didn't say anything, just walk around and look around according to my own ideas.I just don't know what the servant next to me is like, whether he usually followed me, or was just temporarily pulled by the maid to make up the count.

The latter one naturally saves a lot of things, while the former one is somewhat troublesome. He glanced at the servant who was following him. The servant was half bowing his head, but he seemed quite courageous, and he did not dare to look at himself. .

The possibility of pretending is greater. No matter how timid a servant is, how timid he is.Is it scary to that extent?

I glanced at my attire, the attire of a typical weak scholar, in no way seemed to scare others.

It’s because I didn't have a good temper before, so would the servant appear to be so afraid of myself?Hua Yueling wanted to ask some questions, but after thinking about it, he felt that it didn’t seem necessary. Now, no matter who you are asking, it’s best not to ask this guy next to yourself, this guy next to yourself. You may know something, but it is not a good idea to ask him such a question.

After Hua Yueling left the house, she wandered around the city aimlessly.This is a very big city. He looked around. The area where their home is located is the so-called noble area. The whole street here is relatively quiet, not as messy as other places.

Hua Yueling was walking here, occasionally she could see some servants coming out of those houses and leaving in a hurry.However, other people can be seen, but Huayueling doesn't know those people, but with certain beliefs, he still feels that it is better for him to say hello to the other person, otherwise it would be too rude.

Some people are suitable for him to walk out and wander around, but some people come out in a sedan chair.For this reason, Hua Yueling didn't know what kind of character was sitting in the sedan chair.

He didn't know much about the characters here, and it was naturally even more impossible to know the guys who couldn't even see their faces.

Hua Yueling looked at the sedan chairs very curiously, and was very curious about it. The sedan chair should be a tool for the ancients to travel, and it is probably not much different from what he had in mind.

In addition, the sedan chair was lifted by people. Four people lifted the sedan chair in the four corners at a slow speed.

To say that the servants in ancient times are really miserable. Not only are they busy with all kinds of things, but they are also busy at this time.If it were ordinary people, it would be impossible to do such a thing.That's not just for fun. After all, there is not only a sedan chair, but also the people in the sedan chair. Fortunately, four people carry the sedan chair instead of two. Otherwise, the sedan chair might be given to you halfway Fell to the ground.

Hua Yueling just looked at it curiously for a while and then withdrew his gaze. He was still quite curious about those people, but it was not the time to think about it.

"Xiaoxue, what's going on now? It stands to reason that no one will bother me for the time being, right? And although my illusion skills and mental power are not as good as that guy, I don't mean to be casual. People can trouble me."

The current situation is that the guy should not have the leisure time to make trouble for him, but he also thinks that other guys should not have the ability to make trouble for him. In this case, who got himself into such a world? inner?

I don't know if Xiaoxue can answer this question for herself, but Hua Yueling knows that Xiaoxue must know something. Anyway, Xiaoxue's strength lies here, and she has been following herself.

If something uncontrollable happened, Xiaoxue would definitely be able to find something out of it, instead of falling into the current situation without being aware of it.

"This was not done by someone."

It was only after Hua Yueling walked some distance forward that she got Xiaoxue's reply. Hua Yueling didn't know what her reply meant.It was not made by someone, what does this sentence mean?

Hua Yueling was thinking about such a problem. Since it was not done by someone, it could explain what it meant, and it could explain that someone deliberately targeted herself.

Hua Yueling thought like this in her heart, and she didn't know if her thoughts were correct, but no matter what, after listening to Xiaoxue's answer, people would think that such a possibility was relatively high.

"In fact, this time things have a lot to do with the owner himself."

"It's more about myself? What does this mean?"

After hearing what Xiaoxue said, he became more puzzled, and didn't quite understand what she meant.The sentence that he has a big relationship with himself is what he is most puzzled. If he comes to such a place, it must be related to him if he thinks about it, but it cannot be said that it is because of himself that he came to such a place. ?

Hua Yueling is still confused now, what is going on.

"This time the master was scammed by himself. Actually, the master should have realized it a long time ago, but the master hasn't paid attention to it all the time, so he didn't find anything, otherwise it would be impossible."

Although Xiaoxue said there was some explanation, Hua Yueling hadn't understood what Xiaoxue meant until now.How much does what she said has to do with herself?

"The most important thing is whether you really understand your own situation, the master, if you look closely, you can actually see something. All of this is caused by the master’s ability to upgrade too much at one time, otherwise it is It won't become what it is now."

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