"Is that right?"

Hua Yueling quickly checked her skills. The most important thing was the illusion skill. In fact, Hua Yueling was very happy that she had so many levels in the illusion skill. He didn't expect things to become like this.

If he had known this, he would never do that, but regretting now is of no use.

"Is it written on it?"

Hua Yueling curiously opened the skill introduction and started to check it. He didn't care about it before, so he didn't even read the skill introduction.Now I just noticed that even the introduction of illusion skills had changed unconsciously.

"Because the skill itself has been improved too much at one time, it is impossible to fully control the skill, and it may be backlashed by the illusion and dragged into the illusion world. If the illusion cannot be broken, the opportunities such as the skill will be sealed."

"What does it mean?"

It is the last sentence that Hua Yueling cares most about. He wants to break the illusion in front of him. Currently Hua Yueling has no clue.I don't know what I need to do, but I still need to take it slowly, not too anxious.

"It means that the master cannot break the illusion in front of him, so the level of the illusion skill will be sealed, but this kind of seal does not mean that the level of the skill is directly reduced. The master can remove the seal by other means and regain the level of the skill. And after unblocking, there is no need to pass trials anymore."

"In this way, the situation is similar to what I am in front of. The process of unblocking is actually a test."

"Yes, it's like this."

"I don't want to do this. If I can, I hope I can solve all the problems directly here, saving myself more trouble."

"Then solve the problem here, try to solve the illusion in front of you."

"Xiaoxue, do you have any clues?"

Hua Yueling asked, he really didn't know what to do now, that was the case without an accurate goal.He also has no good solutions.

If Xiaoxue can't provide any clues, then he can really only plan for a long-term resistance.

"People don’t particularly understand this, but they have a place to remind the owner. Now the owner’s situation here is similar to that of a book or game with chapters. It’s chapter by chapter. It doesn’t mean that you can do it all at once. I can crack the illusion, but I have to do it bit by bit."

"What does it mean?"

Hua Yueling asked suspiciously. Although he could guess something based on what Xiaoxue had said, there was still some confusion.

"Does it mean that I can get out of here after cracking it for a while, or what?"

"That's what it means. The owner doesn't need to completely crack everything. It takes a lot of time. As long as the progress reaches a certain level, you can get out of it, and then you can freely choose when to enter the next time. But the owner also needs to know, no If it is completely cracked, the master's illusion skill level will be in a sealed state."

"It's nothing, and now I don't need too high skill level. As long as I can get out of this world, it's fine. But I still have to unlock the illusion skills as soon as possible. It is hard to upgrade the skill level, if it is always It's not a matter to be sealed."

"And there is another good thing. If the master can crack the illusion this time, maybe he can raise the level of the illusion skill by one level."

Xiaoxue's last words sparked some interest in Hua Yueling, nothing else, but if he could improve the illusion skill level in this way, then he must have earned it.

"Can this happen?"

"People just say it's possible. It's not necessarily true. It depends on the master's cracking level. If the master's cracking is not very good, then the experience gained will definitely be less, and the possibility of wanting to upgrade is small. a lot of."

"That's right, but it's not bad. It's not that easy to get one level up with such skills at my current level."

"But the master has to be prepared. It is not so easy for this illusion world to truly crack. Although the master's strength in it is considered good, it is impossible to be invincible in the world. No matter what you do, you should be careful. Better."

"I know this naturally, and I will be more careful. Now the main purpose is to understand the situation here, and nothing can be done without understanding the situation."

Hua Yueling nodded seriously after listening to Xiaoxue's words, just as Xiaoxue said, no matter what time it was, he must be careful.Anyway, no matter what, you must not be careless.

I am a person of some status here, but this is not enough.The most important thing is to get enough information, no matter what.

I don't know if there are some people I know here. If so, maybe you can ask them.If not, you can only think of other ways.

Fortunately, he is still a person with some identity, not at the bottom, otherwise it may be more troublesome.But as long as his strength is still there, there is no need to worry about these.

No matter what, your current status will definitely bring you more help, but don't expect too much.

Hua Yueling was also walking around aimlessly for the time being, looking at the servant beside her, the other party basically had nothing to say, quietly.This makes Hua Yueling want to say nothing but know what to say.

I thought it would be better not to ask him. Anyway, there will be opportunities afterwards, and the rest will be discussed later.It's better to look around now, don't care about other things, you can't go back here for the time being, just settle down and come slowly.

It doesn't matter how much time you spend in your dreams, as long as you can bear it.Don't worry about that much. Even if you have lived for decades here, when you wake up from your dream, the world you are in will not have too much time.

This is also the biggest reason why Hua Yueling is not too anxious. If the time here is smaller than the outside time, he dare not spend too much time here to do something.Hua Yueling couldn't afford such a price, no one could afford it.

This street is quite long. It’s a long way to the end. It’s a place similar to Central Park. In the middle is a round pool resembling a fountain. People come and go here, and you can hear all kinds of things. the sound of.

It seems to enter another world from one world at once, just out of the way.

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