The passing pedestrians are chatting, some are running busy, others are running, others are walking slowly and slowly, and some are looking for a place to sit here.

There are all kinds of people here, but these are just ordinary people.

There are many people like Hua Yueling who are well dressed. Wearing is just one of the ways to judge. Another way of judging is to see if anyone around is following.

Those with some identities like him are followed by maids or servants. Girls are generally followed by maids, while men are followed by servants.That's pretty much it.

There are no people he knows, and a city is as big as it is. It is impossible to say that he can find someone he knows once he comes out.That kind of lucky thing is not to say that it is impossible, but it is certainly not very likely.

"Well, that figure..."

Suddenly, Hua Yueling's gaze was attracted by the girl who was dodging in a passage in the distance and poking her head out.Just a glance from a distance, he felt that the man was really familiar.But I really want to say that I know her something is wrong.

It hasn't been long since Hua Yueling herself came to this world, how could she know people in this world.

I thought so in my heart, Hua Yueling still subconsciously chased after him, maybe that person would know himself, maybe, he couldn't help but have such thoughts at this moment.

Subconsciously he chased him up, but after two steps he stopped, and subconsciously looked at the servant who had been following him.

"Can't let him continue to follow, otherwise it may be exposed that I am not the original owner of this body. I have to find a way to distract him."

"You go back, I don't need you to follow."

"But Master..."

"I will go to please my parents in a while, you don't need to follow me, I won't go far away, don't worry about my safety."

Hua Yueling said so, but the servant didn't dare to let him act on his own just because he made a promise. If something really happened to Hua Yueling outside, then he wouldn't be able to eat it.

Seeing that he hesitated and didn't want to leave, Hua Yueling could not know what he was thinking.Thinking that it was not easy for him to persuade him, but his current identity was different, he could be regarded as his master, and he would dare not listen to his orders.

Thinking of this, he also had an idea. Why should he solicit the opinions and opinions of the other party? Just order him directly.

Hua Yueling directly ordered the other party not to follow her, and told him to go straight back.

"But, Master..."

The servant obviously wanted to say something, but refused to go back like this.It's not that he really has the courage to fight his master, but he just thinks that if something happens to the master outside, then he will be in danger.

Rather than something going wrong then, it's better to follow the young master and follow the young master now and save what's going on.

Hua Yueling didn't expect that he would not listen to her own words, is she so innocent.In fact, he also understands what the other party is worried about, but this will not affect his mood, no matter what, he must let the other party leave, and as soon as possible.

Hua Yueling looked over again, that the person was no longer visible in that direction, and she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.I can't continue to delay, otherwise that person will probably hide, and then it will be almost impossible for me to find the other party.

Right now there was not enough time, Hua Yueling couldn't care about other things, so he drove away the servant beside him without saying anything.There is no need to convince him, and the point is that he can't be convinced at all.

Being driven back by Hua Yueling, the servants are naturally unwilling. Everyone is afraid of taking responsibility, let alone someone like him. If something really happened to Hua Yueling outside, it would almost be called it to him. For a disaster.

But under the strength of Hua Yueling, he did not dare to object.After all, neither the young master nor the master is something he can afford.

Driven by Hua Yueling, he also dared not stay here, so he had to turn around and walk back.

Hua Yueling stared at his back for a while to confirm that he had gone back, and then hurriedly ran towards the passage where she found a familiar figure.I don't know if the other party is still there, if it is still there, maybe you can talk to the other party.

It just felt that the other party was a little familiar, and Hua Yueling still had confidence in her own strength, he believed that even if she faced that figure, she wouldn't have much problem.Hua Yueling is still very confident about her strength.

He rushed over quickly, paying attention to the people on the road while focusing part of his attention on the small alley far away.However, apart from seeing the other person's figure at first, Hua Yueling has never seen anyone there in the past.

At the entrance of the alley, I poked my head and looked inside. There was almost no light in the alley, it was dark, and it felt like an underground passage.

"Not here?"

The other party seemed to have left, Hua Yueling found that there was a person in the alley and could not see it.Turning his head and looking around, there was still nothing to be found, and there was no one inside.

It's because I came a little bit late, so there is no one here. Could it be that the other party has left this place in such a short time?

Hua Yueling wasn't sure what was going on, but the current situation was not so good, and the person she was looking for could not be found.If he rushed over from the beginning, there shouldn't be any problems, but he was slower.

"It's better to come as soon as possible. Let's go inside again, there seems to be a bad feeling."

Regardless of whether this is a big city, it is natural to think that something bad will not happen here, but don't think about it so well.Such a small alley hidden in the dark, if you go in casually, who knows what will happen.

Hua Yueling himself wasn't sure whether he would encounter difficulties here, but he was not afraid of them.Although he felt that there might be some problems in his heart, he did not slow down because of this, and continued to move forward.

Along the way, Hua Yueling came to about half of this small alley, and the sound of footsteps sounded from both sides.

After a quick glance left and right, Hua Yueling immediately determined where the footsteps were coming to her ears.There is a door on the left and right. I don’t know why I made such a thing here. It seems to be used for trouble.

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