Waiting outside until late at night, Hua Yueling and the others began to act. The two found a place where there was no one, and then they still adopted a similar strategy to yesterday.However, this time Lin Qianlian's power was even stronger, and she was able to better control this power, so this time her actions were easier than before.

Hua Yueling took her to the city wall without any effort.

"Good job this time."

Hua Yueling was a little surprised. She thought that Lin Qianlian might still be a little uncomfortable, but she didn't expect her ability to adapt better than she thought.They came to the wall with ease, and the two of them did not waste time, and quickly jumped off the wall.

But there was no way in this regard. Hua Yueling couldn't let her jump down alone, so she had to hug her down from the wall.

Hua Yueling jumped off the wall and landed directly on the ground. Then she quickly dodged and hid in the shadows. She looked at the situation outside with her probe and confirmed that there was no one else before she left here quickly.

During this process, he kept holding Lin Qianlian, Lin Qianlian did not speak, until after running for a long distance, Hua Yueling rang to put her down.

Apologized to Lin Qianlian, but Lin Qianlian shook her head and said that it didn't matter.

"I'll take you back."

"No, I can go back by myself."

Hua Yueling insisted on sending her back. Although she said that her strength could not be dangerous, Hua Yueling still didn't want to let her go back alone.Hua Yueling felt that she had to send her to her home instead of letting her go back alone.

Hua Yueling sent Lin Qianlian back home. After reaching the stronghold, Hua Yueling watched her step over the wall and enter inside. When her figure disappeared, Hua Yueling turned and left the place.

When she returned to her home, Hua Yueling also went straight back to her room, lying on the bed, he closed his eyes, and he also needed to rest.

At the beginning of the day, he basically didn't do anything to say that he was tired, but he was actually a little tired inside.Facing the current situation, Hua Yueling no longer knew what to do.

Right now he has tried a lot of methods, of course, the most used is to find power.With regard to those powers, Hua Yueling had to say that those powers did not help him much.

At least so far, he hasn't gained anything. The most important thing is the core of the illusion world.Now Hua Yueling is very curious how the illusion world hides the core parts so deeply, he can't find any clues.

This is a very strange thing for him, he doesn't know what to do.Just keep looking for it, and what use is that. In the end, nothing will change, just like everything they do now.

What else could be done next, Hua Yueling hadn't thought of a better way at present, he was already a little helpless.Everything I have done so far seems to be in vain.

It is not the same as the illusion skills he has encountered before, maybe this is the difference caused by the illusion skill level.He had never seen such a terrible illusion before.

That's right, it's terrible. In the process when you can't find the direction of travel, you will gradually feel an inexplicable emotion surrounding you.

Hua Yueling understood this feeling very well, but it was here that he felt the uncomfortable feeling.In fact, he hadn't experienced much before.

Although he has also experienced various things in illusion, he has experienced disappointment, and sometimes feels unhappy because he has not been able to achieve his goals, but he has never been so unsure of what to do.Yes, he really didn't know what to do.

There was Xiaoxue's reminder, but Xiaoxue's reminder did not help him so much. He didn't know if it was his own problem or other problems.But the problem has not been solved as it is now.

Hua Yueling understands this, but the biggest problem is that he doesn't know what to do.

There is no good way to solve the problem you are facing. Do you continue to look for it? This is naturally one way, and perhaps the only way.Hua Yueling knew quite a bit about the world itself, but he didn't think his understanding could provide much help.

There may be some help, but don't think too much, thinking that such a method can really quickly find what you are looking for.

It was just a dream. Hua Yueling felt that she had never been so clear before, and she had understood this truth after a long trial.Nothing is more troublesome than these things. What should I do? Hua Yueling has been thinking about such issues.

There are many things I can do, but to a certain extent, there are few things I can do.He is very troubled by this, and has been troubled by it recently. He originally thought that he might be able to gain something by spending more time outside, but the gain can only be said to be unsatisfactory, and the gain is still for Lin Qianlian. , In fact, he himself did not gain much.

But Hua Yueling didn't think much, what Hua Yueling wanted to do most now was to leave this place.The progress of things was somewhat unsatisfactory, but he did not give up because of it. On the contrary, he had more motivation to crack all of this. He believed that he could do it, not the other way around, thinking that he could not do it.

It is not enough just to have such beliefs. There are many people with similar beliefs, but not everyone can truly achieve this.Only by finding a good enough solution can the problem be solved, or not good enough, but a solution to the problem.

Now Hua Yueling still hasn't found it. He feels like he is walking in the mist. In this mist, he doesn't know where he should go next.There was a blank scene in my mind, as if my whole person was in a thick fog, thick fog everywhere, the more so, the more I don't know where to go.

The current situation is not favorable to Hua Yueling. He wants to find a way, but it is so easy to find a way.If he continues, he can only wait. After all, he doesn’t know what he should do. Then he can only wait until what happens in this world. At that time, there may be a way to emerge. Hua Yueling thinks so, he doesn’t want to. Do that.

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