Hua Yueling is a person who doesn't like to wait, so he is unwilling to adopt such a method, although he has already spent such a life in this world and I don't know how much time he has.

There is no other way, Hua Yueling can only say that, he has no good way to solve the problem, otherwise it won't be the case.Hua Yueling still has no good ideas about how he should do it right now.

Xiaoxue didn't know if there was a good way, but Hua Yueling had asked her several times before that, and got some advice from her.Which suggestions can't be said to be completely useless, but obviously not so useful, otherwise Hua Yueling would not still stay here, unable to get out of this ghost place.

Hua Yueling turned over on the bed, thinking about many things, but the most important thing was what to do next, he thought about this for a long time and didn't think about it.

But he didn't put all his energy on this, it's just that after thinking about it, he couldn't think of anything for a while, so he turned over and fell asleep like this.

For the time being, he couldn't think of anything, and he just didn't think about it, and he was somewhat tired from the actions of the day and night, so let's talk about it after resting.What to do tomorrow, wait until tomorrow, he can't think of anything today.

In fact, even if it is tomorrow, I may not be able to think of anything, but after a rest, my head may be more awake, instead of being a little confused as it is now.

Hua Yueling didn't like this feeling, she was not sober enough, and it made people feel uncomfortable.

He fell asleep not long after closing his eyes, and the day passed.

Day after day passes, life here is basically the same, and there is no change in the city.This is true for both ordinary people and courtrooms. Although Hua Yueling would often meet with Lin Qianlian, the two of them are basically chatting now, and then Hua Yueling will teach her how to use her power.

At the same time, Hua Yueling was also learning about the power inherent in her body. Hua Yueling tried to let her control that power, which was a very important thing for her.If you can control that kind of power, maybe everything is not a problem.

Lin Qianlian's body strength is very important, and Hua Yueling realized this after several exchanges and teachings with her.If she can draw out and control that kind of power, perhaps it can change the current situation.

Hua Yueling thinks this is a good opportunity, maybe this is a way to solve the problem by herself.Hua Yueling still didn't think of what she would do, but he already had a general idea.

In fact, Hua Yueling had also thought about these things, but he hadn't figured out exactly how to do it yet. He only had a general idea, and he was acting in accordance with his own ideas.I just don't know if that idea can achieve the result I want.

Hua Yueling doesn’t have much confidence in this, but he thinks it is still possible, because Lin Qianlian has that power, and that power should be stronger than the other three powers he found combined. .

"Maybe that power is the core of the illusion world?"

Hua Yueling even came up with the idea that the most dangerous place is the safest place. There is indeed such a saying.However, Hua Yueling had never cared about Lin Qianlian's power before, and the most important thing was that he hadn't observed it too seriously, so it was not clear that there was such a terrifying power in her.

Had it not been for this time to go out and spend so long with Lin Qianlian, so that he had time to understand Lin Qianlian seriously, he still didn't know that Lin Qianlian possessed such power.

But now that this is not far away, Hua Yueling thought to herself that he didn't tell Lin Qianlian this.There is no need for Lin Qianlian to know this for the time being, and knowing it is useless.

Hua Yueling was just trying to help her guide the power buried deep in her body while teaching her how to control her body's strength.

But this is obviously not so easy, and the degree of difficulty is actually higher than he thought.That power is like being protected, it seems that it can't be used without a special time. This is the feeling that that power brings to Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling tried to use various methods to guide that force, but these methods were basically useless.That power is well protected, no matter how it is guided, that power is closed and cannot be used.

"It seems that this method is useless after all."

Hua Yueling originally didn't expect to be able to do this so easily, but the current situation made him realize that it was more difficult to do this than he thought.

In this case, it would be more difficult for Lin Qianlian to control that power, but Hua Yueling believes that she has to do this, otherwise, if the power will affect Lin Qianlian and even control her. , Hua Yueling would be very passive.

"You must find a way to master it in one fell swoop, and only if Qian Lian truly masters this power, you don't have to worry."

If Lin Qianlian took control of that power, it would not only be a good thing for her, but also for Hua Yueling.In that case, he would have a way to crack the illusion world in front of him and use the power she gained.

That power must have a lot to do with the illusion world, so after Lin Qianlian controls that power, she can use that power to do something.

But Hua Yueling was not sure whether that was the full power, and there was currently no evidence to prove it.

But the most important thing now is to control the power, not to guess what, how to control that power, Hua Yueling has not had an accurate idea so far.

For some reason, that power gave him a rather strange feeling.That power seems to be protected by something, but the power that protects it has not been discovered by Hua Yueling until now.

It is not easy to break through the protection of that power, but with the power that Lin Qianlian possesses, it is impossible. If Hua Yueling's own power is certainly not a problem, the key is that he cannot do that.

If he could do this, Hua Yueling would naturally do it a long time ago. After all, it would be a good thing for him or Lin Qianlian, but he couldn't do that.Can only rely on Lin Qian Lian's own power to control that power.

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