Hua Yueling is also wondering if there is a way to do this with her own strength, but there are several difficulties, one is the potential danger, I have to say that the danger still exists.If he wants to completely avoid the danger, it is unlikely, and he doesn't know where the danger is hidden, so it is difficult to take precautions.

The other is that Lin Qianlian’s body is rejecting his power, which means that he wants to transfer his power into Lin Qianlian’s body to suppress the power hidden deep in her body. Is growing exponentially.

This is not a joke, if it is just the power that needs to be overwhelmed by that power, Hua Yueling will naturally have it, but several times the power is a relatively large consumption for him.So there is no alternative, Hua Yueling can only give up temporarily.

Another way is to increase Lin Qianlian’s power. When her power is enough, she can directly use her own power to do one thing. Then there will be no troubles of all kinds, but this The problem comes from how to gather so much power.

The core of the second method is still Hua Yueling to look for the power that is scattered outside, but it is not easy to find so much power.Those powers are hidden deep, like the power found during the day can only be said to be good luck.

It’s impossible to ship it so well forever, and then nothing will be found after that.So it's not so easy to do it. Under this circumstance, Hua Yueling will think of other ways, but she hasn't thought of anything yet.

"Xiaoxue, do you have any idea?"

"I don't have it for the time being, but the master can try to increase her strength."

"I also know this, haven't I been teaching her how to use those powers all this time?"

"No, no, it's not just that. The master must understand this."

"Then Xiaoxue what are you talking about?"

Hua Yueling did not understand what Xiaoxue said. In fact, he felt that he was trying his best to teach Lin Qianlian how to use his power. In this regard, he did not fish at all, but listened to what Xiaoxue said. What I did seems to be incorrect.

Maybe the problem is not how you taught, but what you taught. Does Xiaoxue think what she taught is wrong?

What he taught Lin Qianlian was the things he found useful to her, such as how to control her power and how to use her power.

"The master taught this, but just teaching her these is not very useful, even if she has completely mastered the power she has now, does the master think it is really useful?"

"It can't be said that there is no, but it is not very useful."

Hua Yueling herself was certain of this, so she answered her question without hesitation.

"The problem is here. Even if she completely controls the power, in fact, there will be no change in the result. It is not that great for the master. Because of this, the master needs to make some changes. The way to continue, it won’t work."

"So I should change my approach and teach her something else."

"You have to teach her things that can increase her strength."

Hua Yueling thought for a while, he has something like that, such as what he learned from Sister Aroline, and what he learned from the system.

A variety of different training methods similar to martial arts cheats, using that method can be used to improve the strength.After thinking about it, Hua Yueling felt that what Xiaoxue said was not wrong, how could she have not thought of this before.

What I should think of, in fact, I should be able to think of it, but I didn't think about it at all, patronizing Lin Qianlian's power to see, and not caring about the power she had not yet acquired.

There is nothing wrong with it. If she can learn other mental methods and ways to increase her strength, then she will be even stronger.When the time comes, the control of those powers will be hand-in-hand, and there will be no major problems.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling felt that she had indeed made some mistakes. She should have thought of this long ago, and shouldn't wait to realize this until now.After realizing this, Hua Yueling immediately thought about what mentality she should teach Lin Qianlian.

In fact, he also thought about it, the best mentality is to be able to have a good coordination with the power that Lin Qianlian herself already possesses.In this way, not only can she gain new power, but also can better control the power she already has.

The right is the best, and doing so is called killing two birds with one stone.You can't just be aware of one of them, and think of all the things you need to think about. This is the most correct.

From this point of view, his thoughts were not so thorough. He also told himself that he had to think more than just one point.Before that, his problem was this.

Perhaps from the bottom of his heart, he hadn't thought about it that way. Hua Yueling didn't have much to say about it. Anyway, there was still time, even if it was later, it didn't matter.

"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will find her, and then teach her. But you have to think about what to teach her."

Hua Yueling hasn't thought about this for the time being. In fact, it is very easy to choose if there are no restrictions. The most important thing is that there is a restriction that he has set himself.

This qualification must be met, he thought so.That is to say, what he taught Lin Qianlian must be able to enhance her mental strength, so that it is good, otherwise the power she absorbed would be useless and wasted.

If Hua Yueling faces such a situation, there is no problem. After all, he has the system and Xiaoxue can help. It doesn’t matter if the strength is different from the mental method he has learned, but for Lin Qianlian, this is A very important thing.

So it's best to think about it now, take action after you think it out, and just teach her directly at that time.

Hua Yueling thought about what she knew, which of them were more suitable for Lin Qianlian.But to be honest, he has not actually learned the mental method of mental power. His mental power is not improved by this, he is improved by other methods.

"Xiaoxue, do you have this or that kind of mentality?"

Since there is no other way on my side, I can only rely on Xiaoxue. Although I don't have many gold coins now, I might still be able to exchange it for a mental method that will exercise my mental power forever.

"The master may be able to teach her how to use magic."


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