Lin Qianlian is a very smart girl who can endure hardships. Don't think Hua Yueling has taught her a lot, making her study progress more smoothly.But if she was not such a person, her strength would not have progressed so fast.

This is true whether it is magic or melee.The magic power is still growing, the speed has slowed down a lot from the beginning, but it is still growing, this is the most important.

As long as the growth is not stagnant, there will be no problems. In addition, the progress in melee combat is slower.If you want to improve your melee ability, in addition to improving your body, it is also a faster way to increase energy similar to magic.

Originally, there was no such concept in this world, and it was Hua Yueling's teaching that made her understand that there is such a power.Hua Yueling told her how to find out those powers, and also told her how to improve those powers.

The improvement in melee combat is actually different from the improvement in magic. This must be clear.The best way to improve in close combat is to fight. Fighting is the most important. Only after fighting can you improve yourself fast enough.

Regardless of the physical aspect or the power aspect similar to magic, magic is different.The only thing magic requires is combat experience, and other improvements do not depend on actual combat.

In fact, magic has advantages in this respect, as long as you have enough magic power and know enough magic, that is enough.Close combat requires actual combat to give birth to these.

But whoever is good or bad cannot be judged based on these, after all, it is not so easy to make a judgment.

Hua Yueling seems to have made very good progress recently, but it is still unclear when she will be able to make herself leave.Recently, he has a feeling that he is very close to that key point.

It is estimated that it will not take long to achieve her goal, Hua Yueling probably had this idea, but he was still a little worried.Although he believed in his own feelings, the feelings were nothing more than feelings after all. Hua Yueling was still worried that he was thinking too much.

That possibility also exists, after all, it is not that he has not deceived her.In fact, it is not accurate to say deception. It can only be said that feelings are not necessarily correct, so everything must be treated in a correct way, and nothing should be taken for granted.

Hua Yueling naturally understood these things, but in this situation, the inner tension was unavoidable.

In the morning, Huayueling got up a little later, and he hasn't gotten up very early in the recent period. There is no need.However, most of his time has been spent outside recently. During this time, he has been to many places and he has done a lot of things.

For example, to expand her intelligence system, Hua Yueling thinks this is a very important thing.After all, even if he leaves here temporarily, it doesn't mean he won't come back again. Before that, he can teach Lin Qianlian his intelligence system and let her take control of him.

Hua Yueling thinks this is a good note, Lin Qianlian is worthy of trust, and if her intelligence system is built well enough, it will bring her a lot of help.

Hua Yueling is looking for someone worthy of her trust. Normal people certainly can't, but the people around him are okay.

Hua Yueling first focused on his family members, the most important of which were his maids.However, Hua Yueling didn't know much about those maids, so he couldn't be completely sure whether he could trust them.

Hua Yueling also communicated with them, and the result of the exchange was not bad.But he was still a little worried, so he was thinking of a way.

After all, those maids might still listen to their parents, which was something he didn't want.He hopes to find someone who only listens to his own words and not others to be the leader of his intelligence system.

After finding such a person, he needs to improve the opponent's strength, at least to make the opponent invincible in this world, similar to Lin Qianlian's.Only in this way can her safety be guaranteed and her control over the organization can also be guaranteed.

Therefore, Hua Yueling is looking for such a person, preferably an ordinary girl.Don't look at it in the capital city, but there are a lot of poor people in ordinary people, but there are definitely fewer people like that in other cities.

After all, this is also the capital, and the capital must look like a capital.As for how the problems of poor families are resolved, Hua Yueling is not very clear.

Therefore, Hua Yueling sent her own hands to search for girls from poor people. First of all, she must be beautiful enough, and then she must be obedient enough.In fact, the second condition is easier to meet, mainly the first condition.

On the other hand, Hua Yueling also asked Lin Qianlian to help her, starting from two aspects, Hua Yueling believed that it should not take long for herself to gain something.

But Hua Yueling also thought of another method, which is to redeem people directly from the brothel.This is also a way, and he has money on hand.

It's just that he has never been to such a place before, and Hua Yueling is going to take a look.He believes that the loyalty of the redemption from there must be nothing to say, but he does not know whether there is a suitable person.

With such thoughts in mind, Hua Yueling decided to visit the brothel not long after getting up.

He didn't take the servant, he went alone.Wearing a luxurious suit, I believe that with the value of this suit, people there can understand what kind of person they are.

Hua Yueling started acting as soon as he thought of it. After exploring the city during this time, he knew the general layout of the city very well, so even if no one led the way, he could go to the place alone.

Regardless of how early the time is, the brothel is already very lively.Hua Yueling stood in the distance and looked at it. The girl outside was gorgeous, but not to his taste.

"Yeah, this prince should come to us for the first time, do you want someone to introduce you a girl?"

Hua Yueling glanced at her, then nodded.

"Who is the most famous girl here?"

"That's naturally the girl Saier, but I don't know..."

Without having to finish her sentence, Hua Yueling smiled, took out a piece of gold and threw it over.


Hua Yueling asked.

"Hehe, the son is really generous, enough. Hong'er, take the son to Miss Sai'er."

"Yes, mother."

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