Hua Yueling soon saw Miss Saier, which was almost what he thought.Sai'er girl looks older than him in grade, but she is not much older, she is also in her twenties.

There is a girl beside Miss Saier, who should be her maid.

"Sail has seen the son."

"Girl Saier is polite."

Hua Yueling also greeted her politely, at least from the very beginning, Miss Saier was pretty good.But this can't be certain, you still have to contact to be able to determine who she is.

This is very important for Hua Yueling, he must understand the other party to be able to determine if the other party is the person he is looking for.And what is certain is that Hua Yueling is not looking for one or two people, he needs to find a few more.

In this respect, he certainly can't take all these girls home, if the parents know that it may cause some trouble.

After chatting with girl Saier, Hua Yueling thought she was a very good girl and had a good impression of him.Sai'er girl also had a good impression of him. The two of them were drinking tea and chatting about various things. It's a pity that Hua Yueling has no accomplishments in Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, otherwise he would definitely be better by the other party. Look.

"Today I had a very happy conversation with Saier girl, but I don't know if Saier girl is willing to give in.

Hua Yueling said that she wanted to redeem her, but Saier gave a wry smile and said hesitantly.

"Sair thanked the son, but I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"As long as Miss Saier is willing, I will be sure to redeem for Miss Saier."

"If you can, I would thank the son."

The other party doesn't know his identity. In fact, if he really wants to redeem him, he can actually not even pay the money. He believes that the people here are not fools.However, Hua Yueling was not prepared to do that. He had money anyway, and there was no need to do that kind of thing.

In this way, Hua Yueling left here, and then directly asked the person in power here. This is a very simple matter. It is impossible for the other party to not know his identity. The other party even wants to not charge money as he wants, but Hua Yueling still gave the money at the original price, and then accepted the contract of sale.

So Miss Saier and her maid were her own, and the leader of the intelligence organization was found.But now it is not certain that it will definitely be her, Hua Yueling still needs to look again, the overall feeling that the girl Saier gave him is a relatively weak girl, not suitable for this kind of thing.

But people can be changed. Hua Yueling believes that she can change something. Maybe she is not the best person to do this now, but after his teaching, Miss Saier will definitely be able to take on such responsibilities. .

Hua Yueling went back to find Miss Sai'er, showed her the deeds of selling to her and her maid, and then she was about to take them home.Sai'er thanked him, but she had to pack up her own things.

"Then I'll just wait here, Sai'er tidied up and said."

"Thank you, Master."

Saier said gratefully.She and her maid began to pack things up. In fact, they didn't have many things, but they still packed their things into a package very seriously.The parcel Huayueling held them for them, Miss Saier and her maid naturally said that this was absolutely impossible, but Huayueling didn't care about it.

Hua Yueling took them back to her home here, and then went to her parents and told them about this.After all, she was brought back home, or she should tell her parents.

But in fact, Hua Yueling knew that a better way would be to send her to another place. It would not be great for her to live with herself, but after all, this is an illusion world, so actually, don't worry so much.

The reaction of his parents was smaller than he had imagined. Originally, he thought his parents would be angry with them, but they didn't. They just asked casually, and then let Saier live with her maid.

After Sai'er was bought by him, it was actually his concubine, as well as her maid.So Hua Yueling directly let her live in her own yard, anyway, there are vacant rooms there, but they need to be taken care of.

Hua Yueling told her maid to clean up the room and took them to her room after she asked Sai'er to meet her parents.

"You can just treat this as your home from now on. Your room needs to be cleaned up. You put your things here and wait until you have cleaned up."

"Thank you son."

It is still difficult for Saier to change her name so quickly, but since it has been approved by her parents, in fact, the change will happen sooner or later.Hua Yueling was not in a hurry, and in fact, he didn't think about these things at first, but now he feels that these things really need to be thought about.

"Saier, are you tired? If you are tired, take a rest here."

Hua Yueling did not want to act in such a hurry, but he still asked Saier. After Saier shook his head and said that he was not tired, Hua Yueling decided to teach them some kung fu now.

In fact, the sooner this kind of thing is done, the better, and he also has to find ways to help them improve their strength as soon as possible.They are naturally different from Lin Qianlian. Lin Qianlian has an adventure, has the power that she has entrusted to her, and is also very talented in magic.

Miss Saier doesn't know if she has talent in this area, Hua Yueling thinks she can give it a try, but she must teach her in other areas before then.Magic is indeed very strong, but it is much less useful in this world, and exercise will not have that kind of problem.

After confirming that they had no problems, Hua Yueling took them to the house she bought, and then showed them her methods.

Magic is only one aspect, there is also the melee aspect.Regardless of which aspect, both girls were scared by him.

Originally, they didn't know much about Hua Yueling, so they were still a little worried.But for this period of time, Hua Yueling gave them a very good impression. It seemed that Hua Yueling was a good person and treated them well.

Sai'er girl has private money, and she is the most popular girl anyway. In fact, she still has a lot of money on hand.So after being ransomed by Hua Yueling, she also took the initiative to teach her private money to Hua Yueling, but what surprised her was that Hua Yueling didn’t want it, but instead asked her to keep it for herself. You can also buy it without looking at his face.

Naturally, Hua Yueling didn't need her money, and would not redeem her if she needed it.

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