"Are the sons and sons fairies?"

Sai'er came back to his senses after a brief surprise, and asked in a low voice.

"It's not a fairy, you'll know after the next game. This ability is regarded as a method of the fairy here, but in some places it is just an ordinary method. Do you want to learn, if you want to learn I will teach you if you want."

Sai'er and her maid are not fools, they are very smart, in fact, from the way Hua Yueling brought them here, and then to show their own means, they can probably guess Hua Yueling's mind.

Now hearing him ask this, the two girls will naturally not be so stupid to refuse.This in itself is the purpose of Hua Yueling, don't look at Hua Yueling saying anything, but they can guess it, otherwise Hua Yueling doesn't have to do this.

And not from the purpose of Hua Yueling, it is said that the two of them themselves are yearning for this, how could they not want to learn such a method, but they still have some doubts about this.

"My son, can we really learn this method?"

Sai'er still couldn't believe that she could learn such a method. In her opinion, only immortals could do such a thing, although Hua Yueling did it and showed them to them.

"Learning can be learned naturally, but it still depends on your talents. Your talents are the decisive factor in determining whether you can learn such methods."

What Hua Yueling said is a bit exaggerated, but it can't reach that level, but Hua Yueling is not afraid to hit them.Rather than making them wonder whether they can be doubted, it is better to make them feel that learning is difficult.

"But that's only one aspect, and there are others I want to teach you."

Hua Yueling found one suitable for the two girls from the exercises he knew. In fact, he didn't decide by himself. He also listened to Xiaoxue's opinion in this regard.Xiaoxue has a great say in this regard.

Even if Xiaoxue didn't communicate with the two girls, she actually knew the two girls better than Hua Yueling.Xiaoxue is the one who knows what the two girls are suitable for studying, so in addition to saying some of her own ideas, Hua Yueling still believes in Xiaoxue.

"The master's idea is understandable, but the two of them actually don't have to specialize in this aspect. They also need to grow in terms of strength."

"That's right, if there is only speed, then there is no way to fight. They must be made enemies of ten thousand people, otherwise I will teach them this is not useless."

"In fact, magic is also a kind of combat method. It's just that magic is not enough. Their physical fitness is still a little worse and needs to be improved."

Hua Yueling naturally understood these, but just like magic, these were not so easy to do.They need to spend time and energy to improve themselves, otherwise there is no way.

But know that this is not so easy. Huayueling wants to train enough powerful subordinates in a short period of time, but wants to train two girls in such a short period of time, and train them into very powerful people. easy.

Of course, if it is just to make them stronger than ordinary people, or even just stronger than ordinary soldiers, it is not difficult.But what Hua Yueling wanted was not that.

It's very simple if you just want to reach that level, but what's the use of that.Wouldn't it be a waste of what I taught them?

After receiving their affirmative answers, Hua Yueling began to teach them some useful things, such as how to meditate and how to improve their bodies.

This is also very important. The mental method Hua Yueling taught them will gradually generate new power in their bodies.That kind of power is completely different from magical power, and that kind of power is also very important to them, and they need to learn to use it.

But there is no need to think about so much for the time being. After all, that kind of power has not yet been obtained, and I will wait until I get it.

Hua Yueling taught them a new mental method, which is very fast to learn and take shape.But it is difficult to grow to a very high height.

Hua Yueling’s plan is to first make them strong enough, and after that, although the mental method they learn will become slower, Hua Yueling can teach them other mental methods and adopt different mental methods to cooperate To accelerate the speed of promotion.

Whether this kind of thinking is correct or not Hua Yueling himself can't be sure for the time being, but he thinks that this kind of thinking shouldn't be too problematic and can be tried.

After all, what is needed most now is to promote them as soon as possible, and everything else must be put behind.What's more, even if the speed of the current learning mentality has slowed down, there is still the magic aspect.

After teaching them the mental method, Hua Yueling asked them to practice the mental method first, and the others could wait until later.In addition to mental methods, Hua Yueling also needs to teach them how to fight, and after their strength is sufficiently improved, they also need to let them experience the real battle.

These were all planned by Hua Yueling, but he didn't know how much he could do for the time being.He only knew that he didn't have much time, and Lin Qianlian was making rapid progress now, who knew when everything would change.

Huayueling thought that she also needed to take care of Saier and her parents to Lin Qianlian. With her current ability, she can come and go freely in the city, unless she is surrounded by the army, otherwise no one can stop her. of.

During the remaining period of time, she may not be able to do much on her own, but Hua Yueling hopes that they can grow up quickly and become someone who can be alone as soon as possible.

The two girls are practicing, while Hua Yueling is here to help.There are ways to have haste but not to reach them, but Hua Yueling still provided some help to them.These help may not be so effective, but it is better than doing nothing.

Hua Yueling hopes that they can grow up more quickly than they do, only then can it meet his expectations.The cultivation speed of the two girls is not very fast, but Hua Yueling can feel some changes in their bodies.

"Judging by the current cultivation speed, it won't take too long."

Hua Yueling thought to herself that the help he provided was also very valuable. If it weren't for him to help, the two girls would actually not be as fast as they are now.

As a guide, Hua Yueling is helping them avoid detours, which is very important for them.

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