In order to confirm the idea of ​​"father" in this world, Hua Yueling found her "father".It is necessary to talk to him, Hua Yueling thought so.

The most important thing to talk to him is to understand what he is thinking, which is very important for Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling wanted to know how the other party thought, after all, what he was going to do was a very dangerous thing.And he has never noticed that there is anyone who can be used under the hands of "father".

There may indeed be such people, otherwise, who gave him the courage.But it can only be said that it is possible. After all, there may be no. As for whether there is or not, this Hua Yueling can't be sure.

Hua Yueling couldn't guarantee whether he could get enough information from him by talking to his father.No one can guarantee.He will not necessarily tell others about such important things, even if the other person is his son in name.

After all, what he was going to do was too dangerous. If he couldn't keep it secret, he basically didn't say what would happen if he was worn out.A little carelessness is a situation that will never be restored.

In fact, it was because of the need of Huayueling's ruling to chat with the other party. Huayueling redeemed Saier and hoped to give her a safe home.Just judging from the current situation, this home is not safe at all.

Hua Yueling went to look for his father, but soon he found out that his father was not at home, he should have gone out for something.

"It seems we still have to wait for him to come back, hoping that there will be no bad news."

Hua Yueling shook her head helplessly.If it is possible, he naturally hopes that Lin Qianlian's words are false, so there is no need to worry so much, but the facts tell him that it must be true.

If it is false, Lin Qianlian should tell herself the truth, not to mention that the initial transaction between the two parties was also caused by this. She cannot use a false news to deceive herself.This is even more true now, Hua Yueling can affirm this.

"It's really troublesome. If you encounter such a thing, can't you make everything easier?"

Hua Yueling also knew that this kind of thing was impossible, and what happened right now was a trial for him.In fact, in the final analysis, it is the problem that the illusion world has laid for him. It is not so easy to solve this problem.

Since Hua Yueling still didn't know anything, it was not so easy to solve this problem, it was more difficult than imagined.Hua Yueling can understand, but if she can, she hopes she can do something.

At the moment he doesn't know much news, this is a problem.News is always the most important thing. Only when you have enough information can you make a choice, and then you can choose how to act. If you are weak, you don’t know anything, so you don’t have to do anything.

After walking around in the yard, I don't know when "father" will return.Hua Yueling thought about this, then found a maid and told her to tell herself when her father came back.

The maid agreed, and Hua Yueling went back to her room.What to do next, lying on the bed, Hua Yueling was thinking.

"Go and see Saier and them."

Hua Yueling felt that she didn't care enough about them, she should care more about them.After all, I redeemed them back, and some terrible things may happen later.

Regarding these, Hua Yueling felt that she needed to vaccinate her in advance to at least let her understand what her current situation was like.

In fact, what his father has to do is to win or lose, but Hua Yueling always feels that it is more likely to lose.It can't be called a mayfly shaking a tree and hitting a rock with a pebbles, but it is not much better.

What's more, those of them are not necessarily single-minded. Even if they succeed then, who knows what will happen.

How things will develop up to now is completely unknown, and Hua Yueling herself does not know.After all, he didn't know much about these things, and what he learned was not from his father, but from Lin Qianlian.

Regardless of whether Lin Qianlian's organization has a relatively complete intelligence system, it is actually very difficult to obtain sufficient information about this kind of thing.

After all, if you want to think about what Hua Yueling's "father" does in this world, it is not something that can be casually watched and let others know, it needs to be understood.

Such things must never be let others know, and if they are let others know, it means danger to him.So no matter what you do, you need to be cautious and hide yourself as much as possible.

Because of this, it is basically impossible to obtain too important information.However, in contrast, it is easier to know what they think.

It's impossible to hide everyone, but it must be done as much as possible.

"The son."

Seeing Hua Yueling coming to her room, Sai'er was originally studying, and quickly stood up and looked at him.

"Don't worry about me, I just came to have a look."

Hua Yueling shook her head and said, but the two girls still got up to entertain him. After all, Hua Yueling is now their master.

"You don't need to be too nervous," Hua Yueling saw that they were a little too nervous, even when facing herself, not to mention facing other people in the family. "You are still my recognition now, that is The owner of this house."

Hua Yueling grabbed Sai'er's hand and said, nodded nervously when she saw her, couldn't help but laugh.

Sai'er's maid went to make tea, while Sai'er was with him.The two people just sat on the bed and talked.

Hua Yueling first asked her how she was living here, Saier naturally wouldn't say that her life was bad, she said that she had a very happy life.I haven't been so happy in a long time. With freedom, no one will force myself to do anything, and I don't need to force myself to laugh to please others.

What Saier said was not a lie, she was really happy when she arrived at Huayueling's house.

"That's good, I'm still worried about your unhappy life here."

Hua Yueling was also very happy about this, but originally Hua Yueling wanted to talk to her about something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it. Now is not the time to say it.

Seeing Saier so happy, don't let her worry about other things.Besides, there is no need to worry about these things, there is still time to do something.

Hua Yueling even wondered if she wanted to send Sai'er away in advance, after all, something might happen in this world after she left.

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