Hua Yueling chatted with Saier about her life. Saier is quite satisfied with her current lifestyle. She also likes such a free lifestyle. This is the lifestyle she yearned most when she was in that place. .

Now it is her dream to be able to live according to her own ideas, without having to think too much about other things, just whatever she wants.

In fact, from this point of view, Hua Yueling is very good to her. There are no restrictions on her, and she does not ask her to do anything, except for her to practice martial arts.Whoever believes it will feel this is very good.

Besides, Hua Yueling had never forced her, had no such thoughts, let alone such actions, which allowed her to live very freely.

Saier likes her life very much and hopes that such a lifestyle can continue.

"Saier, how is the progress of your martial arts training?"

In the past few days, Hua Yueling hasn't had time to pay attention to the progress of their strength, so Hua Yueling also wants to understand from their mouths to what extent.

"It's okay," Saier's answer felt like a perfunctory answer. He would neither say good nor bad, but just say it was OK. "But we have all made some progress. A deeper understanding."

"Oh, this is good news. This shows that you have a deeper understanding of the mentality you have learned, and this is a good thing for you."

Hua Yueling nodded and said with satisfaction.This is definitely a good thing for the two girls. They have a deeper understanding of the mind, which means that they have to make progress again, both in mind and on their own ideological level.

It's not just that my martial arts have made progress, but the progress in mind can sometimes also represent progress in realm.Sai'er and her maid actually had some shortcomings in this respect. Now this shortcoming has been made up a bit, but this is obviously not enough.

"Tomorrow, let's find a time to practice there again, let me see how your current strength is."

"Since it was the son's request, the concubine is naturally all right."

Sai'er immediately agreed. In fact, even if she didn't agree to Hua Yueling, she wouldn't say anything, but it's impossible for Sai'er not to agree.

After that, Hua Yueling and the others chatted about Saier’s current life and so on. Anyway, the two people talked a lot of topics. Don’t think that Hua Yueling is not the kind of person who likes to talk, but they are two people with Saier. 'S chat is actually quite interesting.

Sai'er may be because of life, so she can still speak, at least better than Hua Yueling, chatting with her is actually quite interesting.

Sai'er can not only say, but also observes his words and expressions, and can see through Hua Yueling's face what should and should not be said to him.It is always interesting to talk to such a person, and what you say is what you love to hear.

It didn't take long for the maid of Kung Fu Sail to come back. She put the tray on the table and poured two cups of tea.But Hua Yueling noticed that she was a little deliberately avoiding herself.

"What's wrong with your face?"

Hua Yueling stared at her, while the maid dodged her gaze and gave the two cups of tea to Hua Yueling and Sail.

When asked by Hua Yueling, the maid pointedly looked at Saier, while Saier noticed Hua Yueling's gaze and looked at him with a smile.

"It's nothing, it's probably because the kid didn't watch the road, so he accidentally bumped into it."

Hua Yueling did not speak, but stared at Saier instead, which means you continue to say, do you think I believe it or not.

"You two," Hua Yueling patted their shoulders, with a look of helplessness. "You think I don't know anything if you say this. Really, if you have any problems, just tell them, and solve them if you have any problems. , Not to mention that you have to recognize your identity."

Hua Yueling was not satisfied with their reaction like this. After all, their identities are different. Now hitting them is just hitting her in the face. Thinking about it, it's not that simple.

"You are different from them. They are maids, and you are the masters of this family. You have seen whose masters are so tolerant to ordinary people. If they don't do this kind of thing, you can still do Forgive them. Go, solve the problem yourself, remember your identity. Do whatever you want, I won't say anything."

Hua Yueling put the teacup aside and signaled them to go out and solve the matter quickly.Sai'er and her maid looked at each other, and there was some kind of light in their eyes.

They might have thought that Hua Yueling would react like this, or perhaps they had not thought that, anyway, Hua Yueling would never allow them to be bullied in their own homes.

"And you, although you are still Saier’s maid, but you are also my woman, you can be said that you two are actually sisters. What's more, you have practiced the mental method I taught you, how can you still let her Keep playing, I can't do this in the future."

"Yes, son."

Sai'er's maid was very happy after listening to Hua Yueling's words. She didn't expect Hua Yueling to care about herself so much, she didn't expect it.I thought it was only because of his master Saier that he would treat himself well, but now it seems that it is more than that.

"You little girl," Sai'er said on her lips, but she was actually quite happy. After all, the other party has been following her, and it is what she hopes to see a good ending. "Let’s go, get you Things are resolved."

The two girls went out, while Hua Yueling sat in the room for a while and then went out.After going out, he could see the two girls go into the yard, and Hua Yueling also followed. They soon found the maid who had trouble with the maid Sai'er.

In fact, what I want to say is that the identities between the two parties are actually similar. In terms of time here, neither Saier nor her maid can compare with each other. This is for sure, even the combined time can't compare with each other.

But it can't be compared like this, Sai'er and her maid status are different from each other.Sai'er didn't say anything. He was not bought back to make him a maid. She was not only a subordinate, but also Hua Yueling and the woman who had decided.In this way, Sai'er's maid would naturally not be able to escape, which means that the two of them can actually be regarded as Huayueling women, so their identities are higher than each other.

In this way, the maid dared to move Sai'er's maid, and she really didn't want to live, but Hua Yueling could also understand that the other party didn't know the identity of Saier and her maid, so she would do that.

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