Hua Yueling's plan is actually very good, regardless of their young age, but it is not a good thing for boys and girls to live together.It is better to let them live separately, rather than live together, otherwise who knows what will happen.

Hua Yueling is not very clear about what kind of people these children are. After all, there are so many children, and judging from the situation when they were adopted, they are relatively poor children, and it is worthy of people to sympathize with them.

Characters can be molded, and Hua Yueling admits this. You can't say what kind of person you are after being born. There is no such thing.Personality may be inherited innately, but the overall character of a person comes from the blend of innate and acquired.

The position occupied by nature may not even reach a quarter.A person’s character cannot be judged by who he was born or whose child he is, but by what kind of family he has lived in since childhood. This is the most important point.

It's a pity that these children are some years old, think about their original life, maybe life has changed some of their characters.No matter what kind of person they really are, they may have learned to hide now.

Hua Yueling couldn't help it either. He was not an omnipotent god. Naturally, it was impossible to say that he could easily know what others were thinking and what others were like.There is no such easy thing.

But no matter what, Hua Yueling didn't care too much about those, at least don't worry about it now.Besides, there is still a long time to understand what those children are like, there is no need to worry so much.

Hua Yueling may not have time to do these things, after all, he is still not sure about many things.For example, this time I leave the fantasy world and come back again.

There is no way to determine these, so Hua Yueling can only give these things to Sai'er and the others.At the same time, he didn't forget to remind Saier that if something bad happened, just leave it alone for now. If you can leave, find a way to leave, and then you can find a way to ask others to take care of the things here.

"Master actually doesn't need to worry so much," Xiaoxue might think that his worry is too redundant, so she suddenly reminded that Hua Yueling hadn't communicated with her for a long time before this "Master won't I thought I could leave after Lin Qianlian reached a certain level?"

"Isn't it like this?" Hua Yueling asked with some surprise.The reason why he arranges so many is because he is worried about this. If Lin Qianlian reaches a certain level, then he can leave by herself. In that case, he can't participate in the following things. Who knows what things will become. What Hua Yueling was worried about, "Could it be that I don't have to leave immediately?"

"Yes, when the owner leaves is actually up to the owner, not when the conditions are met. In fact, you can leave at any time after the conditions are met, but the owner can choose the time, not that you must leave."


That's pretty good. Hua Yueling was a little worried at first, but after Xiaoxue said that, he felt that there was no need to worry at all.As long as you are here, everything is basically in your own hands, and there will be no problems at that time.

In fact, there is no need to worry about anything, because there is a big gap between whether he is here or not.Hua Yueling can solve a lot of problems here, and those problems may be difficult for Lin Qianlian or Sai Er to solve or would never think of.

Hua Yueling was relieved thinking of this, since she didn't have to leave directly, so many things were relaxed.At least you don’t have to worry so much, Hua Yueling can be considered relieved, otherwise he has been worried about it all the time, what should he do, how much preparations can make the situation improve, and there will be no surprises. Other things.

Hua Yueling actually thought a lot, and did a lot of preparations, but now it seems that those preparations are unnecessary to use.As long as she is here, no matter what happens in the end, she can protect Saier and the others. Hua Yueling is still very confident.

The difference in strength between the two sides lies there, let alone anything else, if Huayue Ling is willing to help, then it is hard to say what direction things will go in then.But Hua Yueling didn't want to care about these things for the time being, and Lin Qianlian hadn't told him about this, obviously Lin Qianlian was not willing to let him get involved in these things.

Lin Qianlian's organization Hua Yueling was not prepared to participate in it, there was no need for it.Anyway, as long as those under Lin Qianlian can guarantee her safety, the other Hua Yueling are not too worried.

And this may be a good thing for her organization.But don't look at Hua Yueling's thinking a lot, in fact, he hasn't even figured out what will happen up to now.

Hua Yueling was also thinking about what might happen at that time, but after all, he had talked with his father and learned something from his father.Lin Qianlian was not the one who was doing something, but they were actually being used.

Lin Qianlian has nothing to do. She doesn't know what will happen so far, but she seems to have a premonition.

Things are developing step by step. What will happen next?Hua Yueling was thinking about these things. At present, he still doesn't know, nor can he guess it. After all, people's ideas are not so easy to guess.

This kind of thing can make people feel annoyed. Hua Yueling is quite irritable now. He is eager to see something happen, but at the same time he doesn't want anything to happen.This idea may be complicated or conflicting.

Sometimes even Hua Yueling himself didn't know what he was thinking. He himself was very complicated. After thinking about a lot of things, he actually didn't know what he wanted to do.

But Hua Yueling himself didn't want chaos, but he knew he couldn't stop this, so if he knew what would happen in advance, he could better prepare.

But Hua Yueling didn't have any hope for this, and there might be some trouble, but it is not so easy to understand clearly.The more such things are hidden deep enough, they won't be revealed so easily.

Hua Yueling understood this, so he thought about seeing the situation then.there is always a solution to a problem.

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