As time goes by, key things are getting closer.I don't know when it will start, but Hua Yueling feels better every day.

It was about to start, Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but it still hadn't started yet.The city was calm and there was no change, but Lin Qianlian was the one who changed the most.

Hua Yueling has been there many times, mainly to teach Lin Qianlian and her loyal subordinates.

However, Hua Yueling also noticed the changes in Lin Qianlian's stronghold, and Hua Yueling could feel what people were busy there.People go in and out, and there are fewer people living there. I don't know where they went.

Hua Yueling was aware of this, but he did not ask.Lin Qianlian didn't say this to him either, but Lin Qianlian did the same thing every day, basically training and improving herself, perhaps to deal with organizational matters when Hua Yueling was away.

Hua Yueling didn't care about these things, but he also told Lin Qianlian to be careful when doing things and not to reveal her own identity if it was not necessary.

Lin Qianlian still listens to Hua Yueling's words, and she also knows that Hua Yueling is for her own good.What's more, she knew in her heart how important it is to hide herself. Her identity is very important, not to mention the consequences of being known to others.

So she agreed directly. She also knew the importance of hiding her identity. As long as she was not known by others, then she would not be in danger. Lin Qianlian knew this very well.

But even so, if Huayueling didn't say anything, she originally thought about what she would do if she needed to come forward.But now she has changed her attention. Anyway, she still has a lot of people she can trust.

When that happens, just send your hands to do something. You only need to hide and control the situation.People like her can hide as deeply as possible. As long as they can hide themselves well, then it will be difficult to encounter any danger, and Lin Qianlian gradually realized this.

In any case, this is important to her.Think about it since I came here, I have always acted more cautiously, and I haven't done anything that is too noticeable.

Although there have been some accidents and some traitors in the organization, now after her round of rectification, the situation is much better than before.

Some of those traitors were picked out, and some were still hidden deeply, hiding themselves, not wanting to be discovered just like this.

In any case, the situation is moving towards a more favorable situation for her. This is the situation Lin Qianlian hopes to see, and she is also quite happy.

In terms of luck, she is still good, Lin Qianlian hasn't felt this way for a long time.But after meeting Hua Yueling, she often had such thoughts.

Lin Qianlian had never thought that she could still be so lucky, how could she have achieved the current level without Hua Yueling's help.It is impossible for oneself to obtain such a powerful force, nor is it possible to be so confident in such things.

Hua Yueling's help is vital, and Lin Qianlian feels that there is nothing to say about this.Hua Yueling gave her too much help, and also gave her too many surprises.

But now Lin Qianlian still can't tell the other party what to do next, not because it is something in the organization.In her opinion, there is no need to hide it.

But Lin Qianlian felt that she had no need to tell Hua Yueling, if she could, she didn't want to drag Hua Yueling into these things.

If you want to say that this is her own business, you can say the same, there is no problem, but if you really want to say it, this is not just her own business, but the entire organization.

So in this situation, if possible, she was unwilling to pull in Hua Yueling and let him do something for the whole organization.Lin Qianlian knew very well in her heart that if Hua Yueling were to help, then the purpose of the organization should be easily achieved, but at the same time she also knew that if she really did that, it would also cause many other problems.

Lin Qianlian felt that Hua Yueling had helped her enough, and she didn't need to trouble him anymore.After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, she can also control the situation herself, without worrying so much.

As for what will happen next, this is not what she can predict for the time being.Step by step, this is true for everyone, even if there is a plan earlier, who can guarantee the plan will be successful.There is no such thing.

Even if there is a plan, the plan may be implemented smoothly at the beginning without any problems, but after things slowly develop, I don't know when everything will change.That kind of change may benefit the plan itself, but it may also undermine the plan. These things are possible.

Lin Qianlian hasn't thought so much yet. In fact, she has some plans herself, but it's just a relatively simple plan, and there is nothing to say.

Actually, Lin Qianlian may not have thought about what to do, but he already knew what might happen in this city.So currently she is also preparing for those things, which in itself is the reason why she came here.

If you can, muddy the water here to make it even more muddy.The most important thing is not to let others discover this, and let others not know that they are behind it.

Otherwise, it is definitely not a good thing for them to let others know about their existence and realize that they are behind the development of the matter.

In this city, their strength is not enough. It can be said that there is no doubt. In terms of strength, even if there are some people here, their strength is compared with the strength of the city itself. Strength is nothing.

The strength between the two parties is basically incomparable, and their strength is very weak.Don't look at Lin Qian pitying them very strong now, but just this is not enough, no matter how powerful they are, they can't reach the level of enemy of a thousand or even ten thousand.They are not so strong yet, or not so strong.

There are at least tens of thousands of soldiers in this city. If you think about so many soldiers, if they really fight, they can be consumed just by their numbers.They didn't reach the level of Hua Yueling.

Hua Yueling is not afraid of this kind of battle.

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