Hua Yueling also thought about what she should do, but after receiving enough news, there was no need to think about it.

Hua Yueling still spent some time on this, but not too much.Relying on the help of the maid and others, Hua Yueling received enough news that he knew where the treasure was hidden and where the imperial dining room was.

"I don't know if there is anything to eat in the imperial dining room. Our time is not very good. If we come earlier, we will definitely have it."

Hua Yueling said to Sai'er with a smile, Sai'er also smiled, thinking this was very interesting.After all, she was also very interested in the food in the imperial dining room.

But Saier didn't say anything, just followed Hua Yueling.Those who are interested do not mean that you have to go and see it. It depends on what Hua Yueling thinks. If Hua Yueling wants to go, then she will go with Hua Yueling, if Hua Yueling doesn’t think so. , Then she is fine, there is no need to go to that place.

If there is any problem with Saier's character, it may be that he is too easy to go. It can't be said that this character is bad, but some things depend on time.But Hua Yueling really likes this kind of personality. As a person is alive, it's better not to find too many things for yourself. That's good for others, and Hua Yueling thinks so.

But he had no way to do this, his life was difficult to calm down, and Hua Yueling had no way of doing this herself.

Hua Yueling seldom went to trouble others, but it didn't mean that others would not trouble him.For Hua Yueling, he couldn't stop these things. How could he stop others from asking for trouble? Could he still tell others not to trouble me?

There is no such thing. For Hua Yueling, these things are not something he can decide. He can only see tricks. As for other things, he can't determine anything.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling was actually a little troubled, such as things in the world of illusion.He wants to do nothing, he wants to eat and die here, but is that possible?

There are too many things for him to do here, of course, Hua Yueling can also choose not to do these things, but that is still a problem.Hua Yueling couldn't keep going like this, he wouldn't do any development in the world, that kind of thing was impossible.

Hua Yueling has nothing to do with this. If there is no other way, let's continue to work on it, what else can be imagined.

Sigh, then continue to act according to the original plan.Moreover, if he can really find a good enough treasure, then he can be sure that he might be able to increase his number of gold coins.

But don't have too much hope, Hua Yueling understands this in her heart.After all, everything in the illusion world is worthless. Xiaoxue had already told him about this, and there was nothing to say.

It's just that no matter how few they are, they are still gold coins, and the usefulness of gold coins is not much. No matter how few mosquitoes are, they are meat, not to mention this is a good opportunity.Bai's opportunity should never be missed, unless he is a fool.

Hua Yueling had already made a good chance. If he could find the treasure house, then some of the treasures would be exchanged for money. There are still many things in this world that require money.Although he still has some money, it is not enough, so he needs to raise more money.

He planned to divide the money into two parts, one of which was naturally handed over to Saier to manage, and the other part was handed over to Lin Qianlian.The remaining treasures are exchanged for points.

Hua Yueling made such a decision for the time being, but how to do it concretely still has to wait until the treasure house is found. Hua Yueling believes that there must be many treasures in the treasure house in the palace, which can exchange a lot of funds.

But what if there is no such thing, what if there are few treasures in the treasure house?Such things are also possible. If there are such things, Huayueling prepares to put things on her side first. Gold coins can be obtained anytime. There is no need to have to now, in this world. Go to layout.

After all, it's not that you will never come back when you leave. There is no such thing.In fact, there are many illusions that can be directly cracked, but the illusion he is facing now is different. It is not the kind that can be cracked directly, but it takes a lot of time to solve it.

From this point of view, the time he now spends here is estimated to be only a small part, and the current situation is just a prelude.After all, nothing big has happened so far. According to a story, it is just a brief beginning. In this case, it is very necessary to prepare for future actions.

In fact, Hua Yueling knew what she would do again and what to do next.If you don't have to come back after the cracking, Hua Yueling naturally doesn't have to worry about anything, but the situation is not that way.

Therefore, it is necessary to have enough money in this world. No matter what you do, you cannot lack money, and then there is manpower.In fact, he didn't have any advantages in these two aspects. Lin Qianlian was better there, but there were problems.

In any case, it's useless to think so much. The most important thing right now is to find the treasure house as soon as possible. If you can't find it, it's no use saying anything.

Hua Yueling understood this very well, so next he put all his thoughts on it, he relied on his illusion skills to collect news.But collecting information is not so easy this time, and it is even more difficult than before.

In fact, this was what Hua Yueling had thought of, and it was normal for such a thing to happen, nothing strange.

After all, it is a royal treasure house, it is impossible to say that everyone knows it.Even if someone knows, it will only be a small part, and the second cannot be all.

Who will that small group of people be?When Hua Yueling thought of this, she felt that she was really stupid. The emperor must have this kind of information in his head. Why did she want to stay close and farther away? There was no need at all.

Thinking of this, she said to Saier, and then the two returned to the queen's palace.

I found the emperor in the queen's palace. The emperor would not have thought that someone could come to the palace so easily, and he would never be discovered until now.In fact, this is a very incredible thing. The emperor could not have thought of this, nor would he think that this kind of thing would happen, but this kind of thing happened, and it actually happened.

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