After finding the emperor, Hua Yueling directly used illusion skills to obtain the information he knew. In fact, Hua Yueling could even directly use illusion skills to control the emperor.This kind of thing is possible, and it is not impossible for Hua Yueling.

It's just that Huayueling thought for a while and thought it was better to be more careful, and you can give it a try, after all, this was something he hadn't thought of before.No matter how you feel that the emperor is the same as other people in this world, but facing him is completely different from facing others, there is no way, after all, the other party is an emperor, there is no way to refute this.

What kind of person the emperor is is just an identity, but this identity is scary.After all, the emperor has his majesty, and in that moment, it is difficult to change his thoughts of this or that.

However, Hua Yueling has changed. In fact, this difference for him is very small, it can even be said that there is almost no, but there is no way to change his mind for a while.This is also normal.

Now Hua Yueling's thinking has changed. It's not the same as before. Otherwise, if there is no way to turn around, she might still do nothing.

Hua Yueling thinks this kind of change is very good, and she really needs some change in her thinking.You can't think in accordance with the original idea. That way of thinking is definitely wrong. To change, what you need to do is to change. Change as much as possible.Whether it is thought or action.

But on the other hand, changes in thinking also represent changes in action.This change is inseparable.

Hua Yueling tried to use the illusion skills to control the emperor, if it was really able to achieve this level, in fact, there was no need to do many things.However, Hua Yueling was not prepared to tell this to others. The emperor should do what he should do. It would be better not to say his own strength.

Anyway, as long as enough security is enough, other things are not so important.

And the most important thing for Hua Yueling is to obtain enough information, not the other, and the other is not important at all.It was relatively easy to control the emperor, and Hua Yueling found that it was not more difficult than others, which was really something he hadn't expected.

But thinking about it, I understand that this is actually normal, after all, there is no power he possesses in this world.In this situation, no one in this world can resist him.

That would be boring, Hua Yueling thought to herself, but he didn't plan to say anything, so be it.

After getting the news she wanted, Hua Yueling didn't plan to waste time here.Hua Yueling went out from the queen's bedroom, found Sai'er who was hiding, and then took her to the destination.

Not to mention, the hidden treasures in the palace are pretty good.If it weren't for the news from the emperor, Hua Yueling couldn't be sure that it was the place she was looking for.

It looks no different from other places, and most importantly, the treasures are not on the bright side.

Has the emperor thought of this long ago?Hua Yueling is not quite sure, but it doesn't matter, anyway, no matter what the emperor thinks, she will still be cheaper in the end.

Such a concealment can't help Hua Yueling, but if he wants to find it himself, he doesn't know how much time it will take.After all, it is impossible for Hua Yueling to find it with just one stroke. There is no such easy thing, and it takes a certain amount of time for Hua Yueling to find this thing.

The palace is so big, there are many places he needs to look for.It's not wrong, the scope of exploration skills can cover is very large, but it takes a lot of energy he hates.

Hua Yueling didn't want to spend too much time here, he hoped to resolve the matter here as soon as possible, and then go back.This was Hua Yueling's thoughts, so he was so anxious, otherwise there would be no need at all.

And he also has the ability to do this. No one other than him can do this. This is where Hua Yueling's advantage lies, or what no one can compare.

There is a natural gap between other people and him in terms of strength. There is nothing to say about this.Hua Yueling has enough strength to do this thing, but this does not mean that other people can do this thing.

This is the difference between Hua Yueling and others, so he doesn't have to worry about anything, he can do whatever he wants, without fear of being discovered or having problems.

Soon he found the target location according to the memory in his mind, and after Hua Yueling got there, he entered.Sai'er followed him in. It looked quite ordinary inside, not as if something was hidden.

However, although Saier had some doubts in his heart, he showed nothing on the surface.

"The treasures here have been hidden, and nothing can be seen from the surface." How could Hua Yueling not know what she was thinking, so she took the initiative to explain it.And he didn't just explain, and then he would take away all the hidden things here.

Hua Yueling took her and found the entrance to the underground quickly, and she didn't know why there were so many tunnels in the palace.Moreover, these tunnels are not said to be long ago. Hua Yueling can know from observation that these basements have been out for a while, and this is a problem.

Did the emperor do this?If it is true, then why would he do this.This is a bit interesting. In order to hide the treasure, I did such a thing. In fact, this kind of thing is not what an emperor should do.

I don't know what the emperor thinks, but hide his treasures in such a place.After all, the entire palace is under his control, so the things hidden here should be safe, and there can be no danger.

But the emperor still did so, it means there are some problems here.As for what kind of question it was, Hua Yueling didn't actually have much interest in it.

After all, he didn't plan to do anything in this area, as long as he could take away all the treasures in there, what else could be there.Everything in it belongs to me, even if there are any problems there, it doesn't matter.

After finding the treasure house, Saier was frightened by the contents of the treasure house.Although she had long thought that there would be very valuable treasures in the treasure house in the palace, the treasure in the treasure house still made her dare not imagine.

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