"I don't know much about this, but according to what I know, the price of the treasures we retrieved yesterday will not be too low."

Sai'er did not specialize in studying these after all, so what she understood was not so clear, but according to what she said, those treasures were quite valuable.

Hua Yueling looked at Xiaodie, but Xiaodie didn't respond.Sai'er didn't know anything about it, and Xiaodie was even more so. She may have seen some, but she has never seen so much.

It seems that I can only rely on Lin Qianlian to do this.In this case, there is no need to worry too much. Lin Qianlian should be able to solve everything. Although it is estimated that it will take a lot of time, it is inevitable.

A few days passed, Hua Yueling has recently felt more and more that the situation is not right. Before that, the feeling was not so deep. He felt that maybe he was thinking too much, but now he feels that he is not thinking too much. It's the fact that it's just as you think.

Something really has to happen, it is inevitable.There have been some riots in the city recently, which is unprecedented. Before he walked in the city, he felt calmer. Although there were a lot of people in the city, and it was very lively, it felt completely different from the current one.

"I just don't know what it will be like this time."

Huayue Lingxin thought secretly, every day he was monitoring the emperor to see if anything happened to him.Not to mention, he really understood a lot of things, the emperor still knew some things, and there was a hidden power under his hands.

That power is exclusive to this emperor, and others are not clear.

Mysterious power, Hua Yueling shook her head and laughed at the thought of here. In fact, it is not wrong to say so, but according to her own thoughts, it may be different from those of people in this world.

The emperor did indeed have a force under his hands, but it belonged to the emperor's army, a secret army. The strength was not the strongest in the world, but it was almost the same.

Under this circumstance, Hua Yueling probably understood the emperor's practices, but he was not particularly interested in that mysterious power.After all, what would happen if he found it, and Hua Yueling was not planning to do anything at present.

Before nothing happened, Hua Yueling basically didn't go back and did anything, just watch it like this, and wait until the time comes.

Before you know it, time always flies quickly, and things change in a blink of an eye. Although Huayue was prepared early in the morning, the whole city was in a strange peace in the early morning. At that time, Hua Yueling realized that the kind of thing she realized was about to happen.

"Saier, you two should be more careful. It's best not to stay here today. Although I am here, it is not clear what will happen in the end."

If it is not necessary, Huayueling is not going to make a move, and he doesn't think it is necessary. He didn't come here to help these things. If he doesn't make a move, it depends on his own thoughts, not other.

In fact, he felt that he had no need to make a move. After all, they should have been prepared for this kind of thing.It’s just that the final result is hard to say. It’s not that you will be able to succeed if you are prepared. Wherever there are such good things, the chance of success will definitely be higher.

"Saier, I will be away for a while later, but no matter what, I will definitely resolve the matter here. I don't know what direction the incident will go in this time, so I am not sure whether the situation is stable. You don’t want to come out until I come down, or until I find you, you know?"

Sai'er looked at him worriedly, but Hua Yueling didn't tell her more.Just like what he said, he himself didn't know what happened this time, so he couldn't tell Saier when it would end.

Hua Yueling can change some things, but for the time being, he is not going to do anything. He wants to see the situation.

This time, his father is not the main force, but he is also one of the senior strikers.Hua Yueling couldn't understand why his father wanted to do this, but there was no way, he couldn't change anything at this point.

Huayueling sent Saier and Xiaodie away from the house and took them to a house that they had bought in the name of the two of them.There were no other people in that house, only the two of them, and Hua Yueling also provided them with enough money.In fact, even without these two girls, they can live well, after all, their strength lies there.

After sending them away, Hua Yueling also let go of her heart, at least not so worried, and then he will see how things are going.

In the solemn atmosphere, Hua Yueling saw the people walking hurriedly on the street. Those people were not the same, and they didn't feel right.But Hua Yueling ignored them, he was going to see Lin Qianlian now.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the emperor's job, sending someone to clear out all the people on the street, or someone else.But why do you want to do this? Hua Yueling didn't think there was any point in doing this, and it had no meaning at all.

But no one can answer the doubts in his heart. Hua Yueling was walking on the street, investigating the surrounding situation, looking for anyone to be there.But obviously there is no one here, everything is so quiet.

"Maybe it's too early."

Hua Yueling didn't know what to do, he had nothing to do.To say that the relationship between what happened this time and him is actually not very big.That's right, if it wasn't for his father and Lin Qianlian to get involved, he didn't think he needed to do anything.

But now it's different, he has to do something.It's just that there is no need to worry.

There is still time, everything can be done slowly, don’t worry too much.Huayueling looked into the distance, where you can vaguely see the tall and magnificent palace, where the emperor's residence is.

"What is the emperor doing now."

The picture emerged, and he could clearly see the emperor's figure in his mind.I saw the emperor pacing in the room, and the eunuch stepped forward to tell the emperor that it was time to go to court.

"Just as usual."

Hua Yueling thought secretly in her heart, but that was only the superficial situation, in fact it was not the case.The situation is not complicated, but it is only now, after which the situation may change and become more complicated.

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