Hua Yueling observed the movement of the emperor for a while, and then withdrew his gaze. The emperor was about to go up in a while, and it was very difficult to observe anything. Instead of that, it was better to focus on other places.

I don't know what will happen today. Just when Hua Yueling was thinking about it, she suddenly heard rushing footsteps from a distance.Hearing the voice, I don't know how many people were acting, Hua Yueling was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly hid.

"I don't know why this happened. Is it because this is just an incident?"

Hua Yueling didn't know if that was the case, but he guessed that there should be some relationship.I knew that the time had come, and then I would finish this event, and then I could leave here.

In fact, even if he doesn’t complete the incident, he can leave directly. It’s just that Hua Yueling is unwilling to do it. Hua Yueling thinks that she can’t do that. She needs to fully control the situation. As long as this time the matter is over, he will do other things afterwards. Don't worry about it.

But no matter what, he must do something in this event, he can't just wait here.

Looking at those people, they were dressed well to hide themselves, so Hua Yueling didn't know the identity of each other.But looking at their actions is not about doing good things.

"These people don't know which side they are, but they shouldn't have much to do with Qian Lian."

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling felt that he should go to Qian Lian to see, but he had better not let others know that he had passed, otherwise some things would be troublesome.Hua Yueling is still very clear about the situation, so he also knows exactly what to do.

In any case, the best way to do this is to keep others from knowing that you have passed. If you let others know, then their reactions will definitely be different.

Hua Yueling hid her figure and went to the stronghold where Lin Qianlian was. Speaking of which, Lin Qianlian did a pretty good job during this period. Most of the treasures that Hua Yueling gave her were sold, but there are still Some are left and there is no way to sell them yet.

It would be very difficult to sell it now, so Hua Yueling simply didn't ask Lin Qianlian to sell those things, but directly put them away and handed them to Lin Qianlian.Hua Yueling also told her that she didn't need to ask herself about the following things. If these things were sold, the money sold would be reserved for her to use.

When he arrived at the place where Lin Qianlian lived, Hua Yueling found that it was a little bit different, and there was basically no difference from usual. It was very peaceful.The people in the yard were moving, as if nothing happened.

Hua Yueling was not sure what they would do next, but what Hua Yueling was certain was that they would definitely do something.Now their actions are just to cover people's eyes.

Lin Qianlian was still in her room, and she could vaguely see who she seemed to be talking to, and Hua Yueling couldn't recognize who the other figure was.But it may be Lin Qianlian's subordinates.

Hua Yueling didn't care too much about these things, and the relationship with him itself was not too big, there was no need to pay attention.Hua Yueling was observing in the dark. He had nothing else to do today, just to go around, he didn't know how things would develop, and he was not too willing to take care of these things in his heart.

I only need to manage my own affairs, and if there is any accident, just watch it.

Hua Yueling thought so, he didn't have too many thoughts, and he didn't want to do things that others couldn't do, and even he himself was not particularly willing to take care of these things.But there is no way, who will let these things involve him.

The situation in the imperial city is worse than expected. This is something Hua Yueling did not expect. He originally thought that the emperor had subordinates such as dark guards and an organization that no one else knew about. The situation in the city should be Some control, but it doesn't seem to be the case now.

"I don't know if he really didn't control it, or if he did it on purpose."

Hua Yueling felt that being an emperor was definitely not that simple, not that it was so easy to hide some things.Maybe those people think that they are perfect, but don't underestimate an emperor.

Thinking of this, Hua Yueling felt that things had become interesting, what else would happen next, he was quite looking forward to it.But if it is really the same as what he guessed, then those who want to make things happen will be out of luck.

Maybe they thought what they were doing was very secretive, but they didn't know that the emperor had been prepared long ago. This is actually quite interesting to think about.What is the emperor waiting for? What is he doing?

There are many speculations in Hua Yueling's heart, but for now, he doesn't know what the truth is.Just go on like this, anyway, sooner or later you will know.

Lin Qianlian seemed to have no problem here, but Hua Yueling didn't leave either. After all, there was no other place to go for the time being. All Hua Yueling had to do was wait, there was no need to worry.

Hua Yueling hid in the dark, observing Lin Qian's actions.Regarding today's matter, Lin Qianlian actually didn't say anything to him, she said some related things, but she didn't say much, only mentioned some occasionally.Hua Yueling was not particularly interested in this, and it was Lin Qian pitying them after all, so he didn't ask much.

With the passage of time, it gradually became lively, but the bustle came and went fast, and it didn't take long for it to become quiet again.People all went out, but Lin Qianlian did not move and stayed in her room.

After a short while, Lin Qianlian came out of her room.Standing in the middle of the yard, she raised her head and looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath.

"It looks like she is still quite nervous."

Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, but she can also understand Lin Qianlian's feelings. If she encounters such a thing, she will definitely be nervous.After all, this is not a simple thing, let alone what people like them can do, there is no such thing.

How could there be such an easy thing in the world? Regardless of Lin Qianlian's expressionless expression and nothing to say, it seemed basically the same as usual, but Hua Yueling could feel the tension in her heart.

Lin Qianlian turned around in the yard, seeming to be thinking about something. Hua Yueling didn't bother her, and there was no need to bother her. What she would do next, Hua Yueling was thinking about this.

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