The stalemate continues, and I don’t know how long this situation will last.Hua Yueling couldn't understand.To say that the emperor's stalemate is still good, so what reason does the opponents have to stalemate, why do they have to do so when they have the upper hand?

Hua Yueling simply couldn't understand the thoughts of those people. It was very problematic, not just a question of thought, but also a judgment of the situation.The current situation is beneficial to you and you still do nothing. When the situation no longer favors you, you don't have to do anything.

After sighing, Hua Yueling felt that the drama here was probably almost finished, and there was nothing to watch.Judging from the current situation, people who want to do something must be unable to do anything.

Hua Yueling had nothing to do with this, and he couldn't control so much.I don't know what will happen in the future. Those who are connected with the rebels will probably be arrested, but I don't know if my father and Lin Qianlian will be discovered.

They must have something to do with this incident. Hua Yueling thinks it is absolutely like this. There is nothing to say. The key is whether they will be discovered.

Regardless of the person who is most responsible for this incident is the leader, but the leader will not be punished too much.

It still depends on the identity of the leader. What Hua Yueling is thinking now is just a guess, and it is hard to say whether it is exactly what he thinks.

Hua Yueling still had some doubts about this. He didn't know how the situation would develop next, but the development of the current situation was somewhat out of control.Over time, if the outsiders do nothing, then the situation will only get worse, and in the end they will not have the upper hand.

And now they have wasted some time and can't continue like this. It's just that no one cares about this matter. The real leader has always refused to come forward. This is a big trouble.

"Father, you are already old."

"You still came out, Xiao Sixteen."

The emperor looked at the entrance of the main hall and saw his children come in from outside.

"Father knows it's me?"

"Huh, Nizi!"

The emperor roared angrily and fell down. Even if he knew this for a long time, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart when this happened.No matter what, the other party is also his own child, so the father and son are facing each other, and the mood is not good.

With a sigh, the emperor was several years old suddenly.

"You rebel, what do you think, do you really think it works?"

The emperor looked down at the son who walked in, feeling uncomfortable in his heart. This uncomfortable emotion was difficult to eliminate for a while.

"Yes, as long as the emperor father surrenders the throne to me, then I will settle the matter afterwards, and there is no need for the emperor to worry about it."

"Worry, you are really a good son I raised!"

The emperor didn't speak any more. He looked at the eunuch beside him. The eunuch seemed to have understood something. He clapped his hands, and the people who came in suddenly attacked.Everyone was caught off guard by this order, and no one expected such a thing to happen.

The sixteenth prince heard the shouts of killing behind him, and realized that something was not right. He quickly turned and looked behind him, and saw his own people fighting.

"what happened?!"

He asked incredulously, never expected such a thing to happen, it was incredible.Aren’t those all your own?Could it be that there are people from Emperor Father among them, at this moment he realized that what he did was not enough.

I thought I was hiding well, and then I found a time to make trouble to achieve my wish, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen at this critical moment, how could it happen.

"His Royal Highness!"

"What's the matter," the sixteenth prince was still able to remain calm, and did not become confused because of this. "Tell me what happened. Those are the people you found. Why would they suddenly attack their own people? !"

"His Royal Highness, it's not the time to talk about this. We have already lost. I don't know what happened to those people, but they are very strong. Our people are not opponents!"

"how come?!"

Getting this answer made the sixteenth prince feel incredible. It is surprising enough to know that the opponent rebelled before, but the elite soldiers in his hand are not the opponents of these guys who don’t know where to find them. Do you eat it?

"Little Sixteen, you are still too young."

The emperor sighed and said nothing more, but just when everyone thought that this time the matter was going to be resolved in this way, Hua Yueling heard another rapid and slightly chaotic footsteps outside.

The footsteps were very loud, and Hua Yueling heard it very clearly. This made him frown. Are there other forces?Very strange, what's going on.

The palace has become a vegetable market, anyone who wants to come can come, no one can stop others from coming in, think about the emperor is really pitiful, encounter this kind of thing.

Hua Yueling found that another group of forces had arrived outside the palace. This time it was also some soldiers in armor who came here. These soldiers did not look weak, and their leader was someone Hua Yueling did not know. .

But speaking of it, Hua Yueling didn't know many people here, he watched the other party led the soldiers into the palace quickly.Everyone in the hall was shocked by this incident. No one thought that there was something else, and they were all relieved.

Even the emperor couldn't help frowning and looked outside.

"General Zhang, is that our reinforcement?"

"No, no, your Royal Highness, you also know that there are not many soldiers that the minister can mobilize. If you mobilize too many soldiers, you may be detected in advance, so the minister thinks about finding someone to supplement his strength."

"Then what's the matter with them?!"

"This minister doesn't know."

The chaos inside made Hua Yueling feel more and more interesting, and there were a lot of dramas in the palace.But this wave after wave is really interesting. These people seem to have calculated when to act.

"But those people should be Qian Lian's people over there, how could she get in here?"

Hua Yueling was a little strange in her heart, and it seemed that she had reached some kind of agreement with the emperor, otherwise they didn't need to help the emperor.And before that, they appeared as the helpers of the sixteen princes. This is definitely not a decision made by temporarily changing their minds, but has been decided in advance.

I don't know when the matter was discussed, and how it was discussed.

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