The more Hua Yueling thought about it, the more he felt that these things were really interesting. Everyone felt that he was in control of everything, but soon discovered that he didn't actually control everything, and that things were in the hands of other people.

These people are more cunning than the other, all hidden behind the scenes, no one is a fool.But when you really act, you will find that something is wrong, not in your own hands, but in the hands of others.

The sixteenth prince thought he was in control of everything, but in fact, he was in control of his father's hands, and what he did was just what he did.

The emperor also felt that he was in control of everything, but things were obviously not like that, otherwise, what happened to the people who came behind.

Hua Yueling was very curious about this. He didn't know what was going on with those people. He didn't know them very well, so he just took a written test.

He didn't know what Lin Qianlian thought, and after all, Lin Qianlian didn't shoot directly, but sent some men over.The emperor did not use his own power but the power of her men. What does this show?

Hua Yueling believed that this did not mean that the emperor believed Lin Qian pity them, perhaps this was to take this opportunity to eliminate the power in Lin Qianlian's hands.There may be no way to eliminate too much, but as long as she can reduce the high-end power in her hand, and then take this opportunity to disintegrate the internal organization of Lin Qianlian's organization, then there is nothing to worry about.

Hua Yueling guessed that the emperor thought so, but didn't know how they got in touch.It stands to reason that it is impossible for Lin Qianlian to say that he came directly to the emperor, and the emperor also cannot say to go to Lin Qianlian. In this case, how the cooperation between the two parties was achieved, Hua Yueling is still very curious about this. .

Where did the group of people who came after them came from? Hua Yueling was quite curious about it, but obviously no one could answer his question.Hua Yueling stared at the entrance, and saw the group of soldiers quickly entered the palace under the leadership of the leader, and the other party sent some people to guard the gate of the palace and closed the gate directly. The gap between the three waves of people came. Although Hua Yueling had not thought about this before, it was clear that the leaders of these people who came in last were the smartest.

Next, as long as he can control the form inside the palace, the situation outside will be easier to grasp, without worrying about other things.

It is not like the two groups of people who rushed in before. Although they said that they had controlled the situation, it was controlled, but in fact it was not the case. They did not really control the situation and could not stop the arrival of others.

The situation suddenly became more chaotic. The battle inside hadn't ended yet, and with other people, even those people didn't know what to do for a while.

Seeing such a situation, Hua Yueling felt a little funny, these people were really good enough, otherwise it would not have caused the current situation.No one knows what direction the situation will take, and no one can control the situation.

Chaos, apart from chaos, there is only chaos. Everyone is overwhelmed by the current situation. No one knows what happened. It only took one morning. It seemed that everything was out of people's control.

The emperor's face was also a bit unsightly. He thought he didn't need to send out the power on his hand, but now it seems that he has to do it, and it must be done as soon as possible.

I talked to the eunuch next to him, and then the eunuch didn't know who winked at him, and Hua Yueling didn't know what happened next.

All this is developing very fast, faster than expected.

Unknowingly, the palace was filled with soldiers. The team that came last was not only the last, but also brought the most soldiers. Hua Yueling didn't know how the other party did this, but it was obvious For the other party, this is a hard work.

In fact, for the sixteenth prince, he did his best to do this, but his power was not enough, he had only so much power in his hands.

In fact, he can't do anything with the power at hand, but he still has a dream, thinking that he can do what he wants to do with the little power at hand.He didn't know that he was dreaming. Even without the help of Lin Qianlian's people, the emperor couldn't just surrender like that and give him the throne. He didn't have that ability, as he could tell from what he did.

He didn't know anything, but thought he had mastered everything.And he didn't show up at the beginning, very timid.

In contrast, the people behind are obviously after a long period of planning, and have much more power on hand than him.

When the emperor saw this scene, he was actually very angry. He was clearly the emperor, so everyone in the circle did not want to listen to himself, but listened to others.

Although those people are their own sons, they are just princes. They are not the emperor. There are so many people who listen to them, and they can call the army if they want to call the army, although this kind of power is limited.

Although the emperor had long realized that his control of power was insufficient, he did not expect that his control would drop to this level.Those people don't listen to their own words at all, but listen to other people's words, which is really wrong.

They should know who they are. The trouble of helping their son find Lao Tzu is purely funny.What those people are thinking, in fact, he knows what they are thinking in their hearts, but they are somewhat unable to understand this situation in their hearts, no matter how much he is the leader of this country, and he is not that old, those people just Can't wait, this is simply an insult to him.

But even in this situation, His Majesty the Emperor still did not panic. In fact, he had already made preparations. He had known such things would happen before these things happened today.Because of this, he didn't care much, because she was prepared for more than just this.

Although there were so many people that made him a little surprised, it was nothing more than that. He had a lot of power at hand, and there would be no problem with dealing with his hapless sons.

But the problem now is that he can’t wait any longer. If he waits any longer, no matter how much power he controls, it’s not enough. If those powers cannot come in time, they will be useless. This is not what he wants to see, so he was early I sent someone to dispatch the force in time, but I didn't expect it to come here.

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