"Should we help? Uncle and the others are still very conspicuous. If there is any action, it will be easy to detect, but it should be much easier with our help."

"Well, I don't know these things, after all, they haven't told me about this. But I can help asking if I have the opportunity."

"If you need our help, just say it, we will definitely help."

"Maybe I will really trouble you at that time. I don't have much time, and there are urgent things to do, and I will leave it to you for the next things. And the children I adopted, you should all know. Their strengths are also pretty good, and you can discuss with Saier to see how to arrange them, whether to stay here or take them away, whatever you do."

"It's okay for those little guys to stay here, but does anyone manage them?"

"I leave it to Saier to manage. If Saier must follow you, there is no way."

Hua Yueling explained that the children were managed by Saier and Xiaodie, and they did not ask others to help.There is no way, after all, she does not want more people to know that those children are actually related to her.

It is naturally the safest to give it to Saier and Fluttershy. There is nothing to worry about, they can manage it very well, and there is no need to think about other things.If you hire someone, there are more things to think about.

That's why Hua Yueling didn't want to ask others to help, even though she had enough things to consider here, and there were so many children.In the beginning, Hua Yueling and the others did not have so many children to be managed, but Hua Yueling found that there were many children abandoned in the city. In addition to the children adopted elsewhere, Hua Yueling calculated it basically The number of children adopted by himself is almost sixty.

This is not a small number, and the food provided by the children is also considered good, so a day's cost is a lot.

Fortunately, there is Hua Yueling, otherwise, she can't afford to raise so many children.Hua Yueling himself didn't have that much money. After all, he was not a rich man himself. If it hadn't been for so many treasures stolen from the palace later, Hua Yueling didn't have much money at hand.

Money is not so easy to make. In addition, Hua Yueling didn't say to focus on this. Hua Yueling didn't work hard to make money, otherwise he could make more money.It's just that Hua Yueling is still not so short of money. Don't think he needs a lot of money to raise those children, but he won't worry about it when there is no shortage of money.

After that, those children need to be handed over to Lin Qianlian and the others to manage. As for the issue of money, there is actually no need to think about it. Not to mention the wealth that Lin Qianlian owns as the leader of an organization, even if it is just The treasures that Hua Yueling gave her to sell were enough to raise the children for many years, as long as it didn't cost too much.

After teaching those children, Hua Yueling didn't want to continue to spend time managing them, after all, Hua Yueling didn't have that kind of time.Next, he will leave here, how could he have time to take care of other things, he can only leave it to them.

After that, it's up to them to see what kind of situation those children can develop. Hua Yueling can help them, but then Hua Yueling has no time to help them.

Hua Yueling went to the palace again, and the chaos in the palace had temporarily subsided.Hua Yueling observed for a while and found that the sixteen princes were pressed into the hall, and the general who led the last wave of troops also entered.

"I don't know who the second wave of team belongs to, and I haven't seen anyone's figure."

Hua Yueling thought to herself, but no other people were seen in the hall.Only the sixteenth prince still had the general. As for the general who led the first wave, there was nothing to say, and he was killed directly outside the temple.

That guy was miserable enough, he couldn't be said to be the mastermind, but he just died here.However, Hua Yueling would not sympathize with the other party, it was the other party's own choice. If you want to blame, you can only blame him, no one else.

As for the situation in the main hall, Hua Yueling thought for a while, sneaked onto the ground, and then walked around from other directions without anyone else discovering it.With the help of invisibility, sneak into the hall, and then directly to the top of the hall.

Hua Yueling found a good place to hide. After hiding, Hua Yueling poked her head to observe the situation below. The emperor stared angrily at the two people below, not just two people, but there were actually many others. There is a problem, but the emperor also knows that this kind of thing is not so good for him if it is pursued.

The emperor did not say that you can do what you want, unless you do not want to maintain your own country, otherwise you must think about it and then make a decision.Just like now, although the emperor wanted to kill all those who betrayed him, he couldn't do that.

The people under their hands are not saying that they can easily change a large number of them if they want to, it is not that easy.Regardless of the number of people under his staff, but that doesn't mean much. There is no way to change it immediately. These things are not so easy.

Hua Yueling understands this very well, but he is still a little worried, and even if the emperor doesn't say anything, he doesn't know who betrayed him, but it doesn't mean that these things can be kept secret for a lifetime.

Therefore, even if today can pass smoothly, Hua Yueling does not think that his father can relax his vigilance, although the father of this world cannot be regarded as his true father.

But even like this, Huayueling still needs to find a way to protect him and find a way to give them. The most important thing is his "mother" and the rest of the family. He has made some preparations for these things, but overall I still ask Lin Qianlian to do it.

Hua Yueling believes that Lin Qianlian can do this well and will not let herself down.Don’t underestimate Lin Qianlian’s strength. In fact, even before his help, Lin Qianlian’s strength was not that weak, but she could not fully control this power, but she gained new strength after learning from him. Later, the situation is different.

Hua Yueling not only gave him terrible power, but also taught her a lot of things, which also improved her psychology.

But the most important thing is strength. She has strength so that others dare not resist her and will obey her.But it's not enough if she is alone, she also has those equally powerful subordinates.

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