Hua Yueling stayed here for a while, but the time for the meeting today was stretched for a long time because of these things, and it seemed that there was no way to solve the problem in a short time.

The emperor issued a series of instructions, and it seemed that he wanted to withdraw his rights.And more strictly control the country.He realized that what he had done before was wrong, and gave some of his sons ideas to make them feel that he could gain power.

And it really gave them power, and they wanted to use the power in their hands to do something.This kind of thing is not good, even if the last thing is over, it will be of any use, it will not do any good to oneself.

After the emperor realized this, he understood that he could no longer continue the policy of herding sheep, and that the policy of herding sheep was of no use.Not only is it useless, it is even possible to push his country into a zone where he cannot recover. This is certainly not what he wants.

He had thought about this before, but he hadn't wanted to do anything at that time, but when his children brought strength to force themselves to do something, he changed.

This country is its own, at least for now, and in the future, the heirs of this country will be appointed by itself, not by them.

Not only dealing with those people, but also the ministers in the court, his eyes swept over them.He has no way to do anything at present, and he does not know how many people are involved in this incident. At least from the current situation, it seems that everyone has nothing to do with it, but he is not a fool, it is impossible.

Some of them must have discussed with their son in advance, and it is even possible that such a thing is theirs.But there is nothing we can do now, not only for evidence, but also for an opportunity.

It is not so easy to promote some people. It requires a deeper understanding of other people. It is necessary to understand whether those people are competent and what their personalities are like.

These all need to be understood, so it takes time.But after solving these problems, there should be no problems for the time being, so you can rest assured for the time being.

Hua Yueling stayed here for a while, and left after feeling that there was no problem. He didn't need to stay here for too long, as long as he understood the situation here.After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the situation, Hua Yueling stopped paying attention to these things.

What to do next, Hua Yueling felt that there was no need to do anything.

"The next step is to bid farewell to Saier and others, and leave here temporarily after bidding farewell."

Not knowing when the next time I will come back in, Hua Yueling asked Xiaoxue.

"Well, after about a month, the world will become completely different at that time, time will pass for a long time, and the owner can choose where to appear when he comes here again. Is it still in this city or in By the two girls."

"How long will it be before I come back here?"

Hua Yueling is also worried about this. He must be unable to do anything during this period of time, so what will happen here.But the two girls are together, plus there are so many people protecting them, in fact, there is nothing to worry about. After all, the highest level of military force in the world is basically those generals. The level of generals in the court is in the eyes of ordinary people Very strong, but it is not enough to put them in Lin Qianlian.

There is nothing to worry about, and then leave them with some useful props and the like, and then they can leave.Hua Yueling thought so in her heart, staying here for so long, if you can go back, then go back quickly, Hua Yueling wants to go back, wants to see her sisters, he still misses them very much.

But the time outside hasn’t passed long, so don’t worry too much about it.If this has been so long inside and so long outside, then he will definitely not be as leisurely as he is now.

Hua Yueling found Lin Qian pity them, and told them what she was leaving.But he didn't say where he was going, only that he needed to leave for a long time, maybe even several years.

They didn't understand this kind of thing very well, and asked where Hua Yueling was going, Saier and Xiaodie wanted to follow together, but Hua Yueling couldn't take them with them for the time being, so they could only refuse.This is also no way. It's not that Hua Yueling is unwilling to take them, but there is really no way.

"Don't worry, when I come back, I will definitely take you away next time. This time it's not that I don't want to take you, but there is no way."

Hua Yueling explained in a soft voice that the girls were very considerate and agreed, without any comments.Although my heart is not very happy.

Although Lin Qianlian also wanted to be with Hua Yueling, he still had things he had to manage. He couldn't just leave with Hua Yueling casually. It wasn't that she was unwilling to give up, but that there was no way to give up temporarily.She has to manage the future of the organization well, and can't let the organization become lonely or even destroyed in her own hands.

Precisely because of this thought, although she also wanted to leave with Hua Yueling, she still chose to stay.This is not what she wants.But he felt that there was no way to choose this kind of thinking. This was not the result she wanted, but it could not be changed.

"I also want to take you away, but this time is not enough. I can only leave by myself. But the next time I come back, it may be different."

"Can't it?" Saier asked sadly.She hopes that she can leave with Hua Yueling, and she doesn't want to stay here, but since Hua Yueling has said so, then she has nothing to do. Even if she wants to leave, Hua Yueling must be willing.

"Sorry, not for the time being, but I will leave you some useful props. With these props, you don’t have to worry too much about your safety. You need to use them when you need them. Don’t worry about wasting them. These things are right. It’s not precious to me, you can easily get it if you want."

Before leaving, Hua Yueling was going to do another big thing. It was not mandatory to see when he wanted to leave anyway.

"Qian Lian, what are you going to do next and stay here?"

An Li looked at Lin Qianlian and asked, it is not safe for them to stay here.

"We are planning to leave, after all, we can't stay in a dangerous place forever."

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