Hua Yueling thought of certain things, but it was a pity that she wouldn't use summoning magic, otherwise things could be simpler.Just use the summoning magic to summon some creature, and then let it protect the parents.

But there are other ways.Hua Yueling thought in her heart.The organization led by Lin Qianlian didn't know if they would leave other people in the city. If so, they can be trusted for the safety of their parents.

Although the parents here are definitely not their biological parents, no matter how they get along with them, they are considered good, and both the father and the mother still care about him.Therefore, to be able to protect them, we must protect them, and we cannot do nothing.

That's what Hua Yueling thought in her heart. He was willing to send someone to protect the parents here instead of saying nothing to do.

What does Hua Yueling need to do? After all, they are her parents in this world, and they have not done anything unpleasant.From this point of view, Hua Yueling should protect them.

Hua Yueling believes that his father must know these things in his mind, but knowing them does not mean he can make the right decision.My father must also have a fluke mentality, thinking that the emperor would not know what he was involved in, but Hua Yueling didn't think so.

Even if the emperor doesn’t know it now, it doesn’t mean that he won’t know it in the future. The emperor will definitely send someone to check it out. As for what will happen later, whoever is unlucky will not be unlucky. This is not what Hua Yueling or someone can do. I'm sure, who can know what the emperor thinks, no one can guess the emperor's mind.

Hua Yueling found her mother. Her mother seemed to have no problem. She had a good mentality. She didn’t know if she knew what had happened. In any case, Hua Yueling was unwilling to tell her these things, and there was no need, after all. There is no other effect except to make her feel worried.

As for whether the mother can help, what kind of thing can still help, even if the mother is the emperor's sister, it is not necessarily easy to use.

After talking to her for a while, Hua Yueling left, and he kept spinning around in various places all morning.During the period, he also took some time to go outside the city. The children who were taken out by the two girls were waiting in the distance. The team Lin Qianlian said hadn't appeared yet, but the girls were quite calm. Naoteng didn't do anything else, just waited calmly with the girls.

This makes Hua Yueling very pleased, the girls are very obedient little guys, very obedient not noisy.There is no need for others to talk about it at all, they themselves know to stay quiet.

After observing them for a while and confirming that they had no problem here, Hua Yueling left. He didn't take the initiative to show up. There was no need. After all, he didn't intend to let the girls see themselves coming. He just came to understand the situation. Yes, confirm whether they have any problems. It seems that there is no problem now. The girls performed very well and their performance is something to be proud of.

Hua Yueling likes these girls very much. The girls are very good children, as are the boys who are adopted. They are all children worth raising.

Hua Yueling returned to the city. He was walking around here during the rest of the time. He also went to talk with his father after his father came back. In fact, he could have guessed some of the results of the conversation, but he still There is some hope, and I hope my father can obey his own words.

But obviously those words he said were useless and could not change his father's mind.In fact, Hua Yueling knew what his father thought.It is absolutely impossible to leave at this time. If you don’t leave, you may still hide it. But when you leave at this time, don’t you tell the emperor clearly that I can contribute to today’s affairs?

Hua Yueling's father was not a fool, on the contrary, he was a very smart man, he also had his own ideas in his heart.He will be very happy when others tell him his thoughts, but he will never change his thoughts at will.

Hua Yueling can understand this kind of thinking, even if he is, he has his own ideas, he will not say that he changes his mind because of what others say, even if those people are his own relatives, Hua Yueling is in this way.

Most people are like this, Hua Yueling can understand this kind of thinking, but when he faces this kind of person, he is also very helpless.It's hard to convince the other party with words, Hua Yueling sighed helplessly, there is no way, then she can only think of some way by herself.

For this reason, Hua Yueling found Lin Qianlian again, and when she shared her thoughts with the other party, Lin Qianlian naturally agreed directly.Hua Yueling was a little worried about whether her plan would be affected, but Lin Qianlian said there was no problem.

The purpose of staying here was to keep people, just as Hua Yueling thought, to stay here and help take care of his parents.This is not a big problem, it's just a matter of casual words, and the one who stays here is someone Lin Qianlian can trust, who has also been taught by Hua Yueling, so the strength is naturally unnecessary.

If the people who have not been trained by Hua Yueling are left, he is not particularly relieved, after all, those people do not have enough strength to solve the problem.When the problem appeared in front of them, it was difficult for them to solve it well. This was not to say that Hua Yueling did not believe them, but that he believed that was the case.

Those people are not strong enough, so they are not trusted, things are that simple, not that Hua Yueling doesn't trust them.

But since they are those who have been taught by themselves, they can still be trusted. The strength of those people Huayueling knows better than anyone else. Their strength is not as good as Lin Qianlian, but they can't say that.After all, Lin Qianlian’s strength can basically be said to have no rivals in this world. Except for her and Sai'er and others, in this world one-to-one, or even many-to-one, no one can cause them. What a threat.

From this point of view, Hua Yueling feels that she doesn’t really need to think too much, as long as the other party pays attention to his father’s situation. It is possible to rescue his father if something happens with their strength, not completely impossible. Do it.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people, but they are not ordinary people, so they are not affected by these.

In this case, I don't have to worry about anything. I just need to entrust Lin Qianlian's safety to her parents. I believe Lin Qianlian will not let herself down.

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