"How many people will stay here?"

Hua Yueling asked, if there are two people staying here, then there is no need to worry at all, and there may be some trouble if one person is left behind.

"Two people will stay, but not all the people around me will stay. The people around me still need to protect me, and there shouldn't be too many people left here, otherwise there is a danger of being discovered."

"It's enough to leave one, but I hope he can always help me pay attention to the situation with my parents. Not only my parents, but also those who are subordinates. I hope they won't have any problems."

Hua Yueling didn't want those subordinates to be dragged down because of what happened to her family, after all, they were mostly irrelevant to these things.

"Don't worry, I will remind them that they will pay attention to the situation there, and if there is anything to do, they will be rescued and placed in another place, and then they will be removed by some means."

"Anyway, I'm pleased with this matter, Qian Lian, I have no other way, but you have to be careful."

"I will tell them that they are very smart people, so don't worry, there will be no problems." Lin Qianlian is quite confident about this, and doesn't think anything will happen.

"By the way, did the money for selling those things last time? If you still need money, I can find a way to help you get some things, and then I can take them to other cities and sell them."

"No, there are a lot of those things, and they are all sold. We made a lot of money, which is enough."

"That's fine. I will leave soon. I may not be able to see you again for a long time. I hope you can have a better life."

Hua Yueling didn't know how to say parting, especially when the two parties could not meet for several years. Hua Yueling knew this very well, but it didn't mean that Lin Qian pity and the others knew.

Although she didn't know what Hua Yueling was going to do, Lin Qianlian did not ask, although she was still curious about it.

"Qian Lian, I will be away for a long time, maybe even a few years."

After being silent for a while, Hua Yueling still said this sentence.This was what he had been thinking about whether to tell Lin Qianlian, he decided to say it, there was no need to hide it.

"So long?"

After hearing what Hua Yueling said, Lin Qianlian asked a little surprised and incredible.She didn't expect that it would take that long, a few years, and she didn't say how many years it was. This is hard to say. Originally, she thought that Hua Yueling was only away for a few months, but she didn't expect it to be several years.

"Yes, but I'm not sure, just a rough time."

"Is there something very difficult? Do you need my help?"

"No, only I can solve this problem by myself, others can't help. If I can, I would definitely hope someone can help, but this is beyond my control."

Hua Yueling shook his head and said, this matter can't even be controlled by him, what else can he expect.It's time to look at the situation again, but it must be clear now, otherwise it will be years later, and he doesn't want them to worry about what they think in their hearts.

But Hua Yueling didn't know if his reminder was useful. Maybe it didn't matter at first. They just wondered why he had to leave for so long, but waited for a long time.

Hua Yueling didn't know what would happen, he hoped nothing happened, and he also believed that he shouldn't need to leave for too long.If he can control him, he even hopes to continue directly from now instead of waiting until a few years later. Although he knows that it may be better for him, it is just him, think about how the three girls have spent these years After that, Hua Yueling felt a little uncomfortable, but unfortunately he couldn't change much.

Think about how long you don’t need to stay here anymore.Hua Yueling wanted to wait until she told Saier the time she was leaving, and after they knew it, she was about to leave.There is no need to stay here. As for the children, Hua Yueling doesn't think there will be any problems.

I believe Lin Qianlian and Sai Er can solve these problems well, don't worry about them, their strength lies there, even if someone obstructs them, there is no way to really organize them.

It's just a little troublesome, so don't worry too much, you just worry too much and trouble a lot.

Hua Yueling also told Saier and Fluttershy what he had said with Lin Qianlian. Saier and Fluttershy heard that he might be away for so long, and they were not very happy.But they still didn't say anything, nodding to show that they knew.

Hua Yueling also knew that they were not very happy, they hoped to be able to leave with them.If possible, Hua Yueling would also want to take them away directly instead of letting them stay here, but Hua Yueling had no good way, he couldn't do this.

This is the crux of the problem. If it can be done, Hua Yueling will directly choose to take them away instead of letting them stay here. Unfortunately, it is not enough for the time being. It is far from enough. They are still integrated with the world. , Still belongs to this world, not a real person.

Hua Yueling didn't find more clues to solve this problem, originally he thought it would be enough to use those powers.But just doing this with scattered power is not enough.

He has three people here. It is okay to just turn one person into a real existence, but three people are too much.So he must think of other ways.

He couldn't think of a way to do this, but he thought other people could have a way.Whether it is Sister Aroline or Xiaoxue, there should be ways.

But now Hua Yueling doesn’t want to ask Xiaoxue this question. He thinks it’s not a good way to ask Xiaoxue. Anyway, if you ask Xiaoxue, the result will basically not change. Hua Yueling thinks Xiaoxue will definitely say, use gold coins. Buy it, anyway, everything can be solved with gold coins.

If Hua Yueling has a lot of gold coins on hand, then he must go directly to ask the elementary school, but the key is that there are not many gold coins left on hand. In this case, he chose not to ask for the time being, and wait until later. Well, if Sister Aroline can't do anything, or Sister Livyuo can't do anything, then she really can only ask Xiaoxue, but Hua Yueling still doesn't want to ask.

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