When the flowers in the village were turned into a circle. When he returned to the living room, he saw that the wood cample cream and Lu Wei were sitting on the chair, and the two people took a cup and was drinking water.

"You can make it up, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The flower moon immediately walked forward to them. He is really waiting for a long time, always looking forward to them, now they can be awake.

"We slept quite, so some late, sorry, Al Ling."

"It doesn't matter, will you still have to wait later?"

"Waiting for us to finish this cup of tea, we will start."


When the flowers of the flowers, the month, although he had can't wait to act. However, anyway, they also got up, then there is no need to worry.

Looking for a place to sit down, then wait for them. Not long after Kung Fu, the cream and Lu Yu have finished drinking the water, they stand up and eventually have been able to act, and then say "Let's start".

"Let's go."

Hua Yue is also standing immediately, three people go outside.

"But let's go next to where, what do you think of?"

"I have spent some time before, let's go to a place nearby, go there. Maybe there can be some gains there."

While talking, Hua Yuling took the map out of the two people, pointed to a place on the map. That place is still some distance from them.

It takes some time to rush, and then look at the luck, not what you can find something. It may be able to find something there, but it is also very likely that I can't find it. However, the Moon is still believed that this map can take himself.

Three people find the direction, then act quickly, rush toward the direction. They all hope that they can find something, but it is not possible to be sure.

There is still a record in the map, if there is no problem, it is certain that you can find something, but you can't affirm it. It is also possible that you can't find it, not without this possibility.

But what can I find, the launch of the moon is still awesome, although it is clear that I can find something, but now they are still unable to find something, this is temporarily unable to determine, need You can get answers to your place.

There is not a good way to make the flowers in this month, I can only look at it step by step. After all, you can't say that everything is developed in accordance with your hopes, the world is not so running. Not there, what is there, then you can find something, this is impossible.

Hua Yuelings only hope to find something, these maps are not very old, and according to the girl, there are also information on the top of the list every time, since now, there is a record on the top map. , Then explain what you can still find there.

The Moon is a little confident, but this confidence is obviously not so strong.

A group walked in a direction, and the moon did not have any special goals, just want to find it near this. The place they want to go is also a plain, where it is very empty, seeing the mountain range around, the trees are very small, let alone the village or town.

However, for the flowers, they are like this, if there are some cities or villages nearby, it is trouble. The moon, their identity is not suitable for exposure, whether it is a town or village.

If you are seen by some soldiers, you may have trouble. In fact, if you only encounter some villagers or ordinary people, the problem is not very big. After all, those people don't necessarily know them. If there are more other things for ordinary people, they need to worry, rather than do not want the other party. Wanted.

The soldiers are very different from this, and they are definitely more or less about these. So this is the problem that Huaying is worried.

However, in such a place, I don't have to worry about it, don't worry, I will encounter others, and I don't have to worry that someone will recognize himself.

About an hour, the flowers arrived at the destination. If you can, they want to create a portal here, and then be able to transfer anytime, anywhere, but they can't do this, which is very dangerous.

In this world, if you want to make a transfer, you need someone else, not what they do, this is a point that needs attention. They are best not to do it in this respect, since Aralen sister they Without doing this, then they don't do anything.

Anyway, come here, as long as the existence of monsters is fine, others don't worry. As long as you find a monster, just give the monster to eliminate it, the other is no need to do it.

Anyway, just destroy the monsters, when they will continue to continue this place, there is no need to transfer, there is no need. Hua Yue, I want to think that this idea is actually not wrong, there is no need to come to send out what to do.

After all, it may not come again, and if there is any need to get it out, a transfer array is not. Even if it is made out.

When they arrived in the place, they were looking for, but they did not find anything here, there seems to be nothing here, and there is no attention to anything worth noting on the empty plain.

Hua Yue Ling quickly observed around, but did not find anything. It is difficult to find a weak monster here, let alone is the more powerful monster. I don't know where to find something, the flowers are still more concerned about it.

"It feels that it doesn't seem like it is something like it."

Lu Yu is also whispered after observing the surroundings. Hua Yue Ling agrees with her view, actually he thinks. There seems to be nothing here.

"Can't say this, or find it first."

The moon is not so worried about nothing, the opposite, how many confidence is he still in this. He believes that the logo above the map also believes in the record inside the book, although it may be affected by some time, but may not have any problems. It is only the problem of finding it.

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