The moon is looking forward, it is difficult to find something very much. At least temporarily, the moon, I don't think what I can find, this is a very difficult thing, I want to do it is not so easy, at least more difficult than Impressions.

"Let's find it like this. The most important thing is to know where the other party is in place. I have read the records above the book. It is said that the monster likes to live in the mountain range, but in the mountain range, but in the usual need to prey At the time, it will be hidden in the grass, and some will wait for the past pedestrian at a high place. "

"That is to say, is it better to go to the mountain to find it?"

"No, don't necessarily want this, there are other possibilities. That monster may now hide near this, waiting for us to enter their circles. If you are not careful, you will step into it, then Being siege. "

"Then we have to be more careful."

Lu Wei said something concerned. At the same time, she also quickly observed the surrounding situation, but it did not seem to pay attention to the place nearby. Wherever you can't find a dangerous creature.

Hua Yue Ling took advantage of the surrounding situation, so he can say that everything around him is as good. Nothing can escape his exploration, everything nearby is within his control.

If what happens, he is the first to know that even if there is a monster, he can also find the other person's trace as it is. This is not impossible to spend the month, this kind of thing is still relatively easy, after all, he has such a terrible skill, and there is nothing to use the probe skills to escape his eyes.

The flower month is practical to understand the nearby situation, but it is still not progress until now, everything nearby seems to be very calm.

When can I find something, the heart of the moon is so thinking, he hopes to find something, but have to say this is very difficult.

It seems that there is nothing closer here, at least until now, the flowers still have not found anything worth noting. Whether it is a monster or anything else, everything seems to be.

This is such a calm here, you can't see any monsters, whether it is the huge monster who wants to find it in the moon, or a smaller monster is so.

Where is the thing you want, just around this, this is certain, but it is not easy to find it.

However, there is no way, you must continue to find it. This is the goal of the flower month. As soon as can I find it, then I still have to look at their luck.

Some of this place is not what they can say, the flower month is found in the map and has found a lot of information. What is the monster, and what kind of monster is living in one.

It can now be known that monsters are living in this place, and monsters like to prey here. These are all in the records, which is very important to the flowers of the flowers.

"Some strange," Hua Moon thought, overlooking the observation ", there is no encounter until now, is the monster here is eliminated?"

The moon is very strange, if the girl should tell yourself, but there is also a possibility, that is, the girl is not clear, so I didn't say it. This possibility is of course existing, but the spring is temporarily not going to conclusively, after all, there is no need.

Anyway, they have just arrived here, there is no need to decide, there is still some early. It is not necessary to make the conclusion so early, how is it, these still say it later.

The moon, they continue to walk forward, so they have already left the distance. However, until now they are still no gains.

Sighted, the scope of the spending of the moon is already big enough, but it is so hard to gain something. This is naturally not very good news for the flowers.

"Not good to do."

The moon is low, and the situation is really not good. How to do it, continue to go forward, Hua Yue does not think that this can be found, but it will give up he feels a little unwilling.

It is definitely what is there, the flowers of the moon are four weeks, and even a monster can't see such an empty place. How do you think that it is not big? Or that sentence, unless all of the magic is eliminated, otherwise, the words should not be so.

What should I do, I look at the two sides, no matter whether it is there, the grass is shaking, but it doesn't mean that there is a monster to act. That is the wind blowing, not other reasons.

"I look at the map ..."

The marked area is within this large area. If you want to find this whole area, you will be a lot, the area is too big, just relying on them a team, I don't know how long it takes. It must be solved for a while.

The moon launches them continue to look for, looking for what they need. The monster doesn't know where it is hidden. Anyway, there is no progress until now, this makes the flowers amazing as irritability, he hopes to find something as soon as possible.

On the empty plains, there is no, the flowers can't find anything, and you want to find a monster here is extremely difficult.

The moon, I don't know how to do it, I can only continue to find it with the current situation. In addition to finding, there is no other thing, it is quite helpless for this flower, can only sigh, and then continue to find it.

In addition, there is any other way, there is no better way, and the flowers are nothing. Helpless shook his head, and the flowers looked at the distance and continued to go forward.

Come slowly, you can't expect to find something here, that kind of thing is impossible, or don't expect some. Take a look at the situation, maybe after you can find something, but now there is no place yet, this possibility is always.

Who knows where you can find something, the moon is not sure, he can affirm what is sure to be in this vicinity, as for when to find that, it is not that he can affirm it. He can only guess, maybe it will be harves soon, who knows.

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