The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 551 Fan Ying's Conspiracy (3)

Yuan Zhixing drove Zhang Hui and Yundou back to the house by the lake in a carriage. Zhang Hui got out of the carriage and Ji Yuan greeted them.

Ji Yuan asked Zhang Hui and Yundou to be helped in, and brought in the prepared meals.

Zhang Hui sat on the couch, waiting for Yuan Zhixing to come over and tell him what had happened in the past few days and why he and Yun Dou were suddenly released again.

Yuan Zhixing and Ji Yuan were also sitting together on the couch. Ji Yuan looked at Yuan Zhixing and motioned to him to tell Zhang Hui what happened in the past few days.

"This is really funny to talk about, and Princess Beimang really showed up by herself." Yuan Zhixing said with a smile.

When Zhang Hui heard it, he guessed that the princess should have appeared, so he and Yun Dou were not convicted of hiding the princess and smuggling out of the city.

"Where did she show up? Didn't she just want to escape? Why would she show up?" Zhang Hui asked curiously. When he asked the question, he found that besides being curious about the princess, he seemed to have something in his heart. So caring, suddenly her cold face appeared in his mind again.

Yuan Zhixing cleared his throat, held back his laugh, and said, "She, you must have never thought of it... She appeared in the post where Ye Xiang lived."

"Ah..." Yun Dou exclaimed, "Does that mean she is back again?"

Yuan Zhixing shook his head and said, "No, she just showed up and ran away again, as if she was deliberately teasing Ye Xiang. Moreover, the entire post and Changdu Mansion knew about this. Many people saw Ye Xiang chasing her but Did not catch up."

Yun Dou said: "I think she has an antagonism with Ye Xiang 80%, and deliberately asked Ye Xiang to do the miscellaneous things, and now even people have run away."

Zhang Hui said: "She is a woman who can have any hatred against Ye Xiang. However, she can escape from Ye Xiang, and her ability is not so great!"

"Yeah, I also heard that Princess Beimang Yunya's skill is superior to that of many North Amen masters, but I didn't expect that even Ye Xiang could not help her." When Ji Yuan said this, his face was full of smiles. Looks very satisfied with this result.

Zhang Hui saw that Ji Yuan's reaction was a little confused. It stands to reason that he was a member of the royal family. This kind of thing would hurt the royal family's face. He shouldn't be so happy when everyone is talking about it.Later, Zhang Hui thought that Ji Yuan was the main fighting faction and opposed peacemaking, which was understandable.

Now Zhang Hui could finally figure out why no one came to care about them in these two days. It turned out that this embarrassing thing happened to Ye Xiang, and he definitely didn't want to see Zhang Hui.

Yun Dou asked again: "What about Ye Xiang now?"

Ji Yuan said, "I left for Beimang early this morning. My father was very angry about this. Ye Xiang just hurried away wittyly. But I don't think he will return to Beimang immediately. Princess Yunya will be found first."

"That's what I said." Zhang Hui nodded in response.

Several people also talked about Ye Xiang's sudden change of mind to arrest Zhang Hui two days ago. Ji Yuan said: "This is Fan Ying's idea. He just wants to make a fuss and make my father dislike us even more. These main combat factions, hey, it just happened that we were in the same place these few days and let him catch him. That day, I was afraid that Fan Ying would embarrass you, so I planned to follow up and watch, but I saw that Senior Brother Yuan and Ye Xiang couldn’t escape. Body, I helped Senior Brother Yuan, but I can’t help you anymore, because once I catch up, I’ll sit down and I’m instructing you to destroy and kiss."

Zhang Hui patted Ji Yuan on his shoulder: "Okay, I understand this. It's just that you and Ye Xiang..." Zhang Hui hesitated when he said that, because when he met the assassin in Lushan, he didn't see Ji Yuan. He couldn't think that Ji Yuan could fight Ye Xiang.

"You must be thinking that I and Senior Brother Yuan together are not Ye Xiang's opponents?" Ji Yuan smiled heartily.

Seeing Zhang Hui's doubts about this matter, Ji Yuan explained the reason why he did not take action when they encountered the assassin last time they went down Lushan.It turned out that at that time, Ji Yuan was in the broken mirror stage. During the broken mirror, the practitioners will have new adjustments to the movement of pulse awareness and real power. The pulse awareness will be in a very fragile stage, so he had no luck at that time. Oppose the assassin.

When Ji Yuan said this, Zhang Hui felt even more strange about what happened last time. Why did Ji Yuan happen to meet an assassin during the period when he broke the mirror?When he and Ji Yuan went down Lushan together, the assassin had already appeared at the time. Ji Yuan didn’t say anything about himself in the broken mirror period. It can be seen that for a practitioner, he must be kept secret during the broken mirror period. At that time, the two assassins were clearly prepared, and it seemed that someone in Lushan had betrayed Ji Yuan.

Zhang Hui sighed in his heart: "His Royal Highness, as an excellent prince, is really living on thin ice!"

In the end, several people brought the topic back to Princess Yunya. Ji Yuan opposed the marriage. He was amused and curious about Princess Yunya's escape, because he knew that his father Ji Hui was angry at this moment. I just forgot about it, so he was amused and it wasn't filial piety.

Yun Dou was completely confused by the whole incident, and he was still immersed in the disillusioned loss of Sister Lanhua.

Yuan Zhixing felt that a princess Beimang had such a high level of cultivation and was very puzzled. He sighed: "I have never heard of such a powerful princess in Beimang. This princess even has Ye Xiang. She can't help it, what kind of character is this?"

Ji Yuan said: "It doesn't have to be that Ye Xiang's cultivation base is above Ye Xiang, maybe she's just light work and particularly powerful."

Zhang Hui recalled the situation when he saw the white-clothed woman that day. He couldn't help but imagine her being in the air, elegant and swift. A picture emerged in his mind. The woman flew up in the sky with her clothes draped and was about to disappear. Looking back at him, her cold face instantly imprinted on his heart, leaving him with melancholy and regret.

"Hey, what am I thinking about? She is far away in Beimang. I will probably never see her again in this life." When Zhang Hui thinks this way, he seems to be really sorry. Meeting in a hurry, there is no time to leave a reason to meet again.

Ji Yuan has been thinking about the funny part of this incident, and suddenly looked at Zhang Hui and joked: "Hey, the princess didn't know that you were arrested, so she came to save you on purpose?"

"How is it possible, we met right on the water, how could she risk such a big risk to save me?" Zhang Hui shook his head helplessly.

Ji Yuan usually acts steadily and rarely ridicules with others, but now he talks happily and continues to ridicule: "Maybe people don't want to meet you Pingshui. If she still meets you next time, I think Bacheng is in love with you."

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