The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 552 The Princess May Be Fake

Ye Xiang left Changdu with his family-sending team. He was always depressed along the way. He felt that what had happened in the past few days was too coincidental.

In the general’s mansion, Fan Ying gave him an idea to take Zhang Hui. At that time, he also guessed Fan Ying’s intentions. He had also heard about the contradiction between Fan Ying and Ji Yuan. He knew Fan Ying. Want to take this matter to hit Ji Yuan.At that time, they both concluded that Princess Yunya would definitely not come back since she ran away, so they made the decision to arrest Zhang Hui in order to beat Ji Yuan. As a result, no one would have thought that Princess Yunya was actually herself. came back.

Ye Xiang rode on the horse and walked extremely slowly. He was unwilling to leave Changdu here. He always felt that he was trapped in a conspiracy, and Yunya was probably also part of the conspiracy.

In Beimang, he had heard that Yunya's cultivation was not weak, but he never believed that Yunya could escape from his own hands.

He kept reminiscing about the situation two days ago, when he returned to the post house and heard someone shouting "The princess is back" outside, so he hurried out to see.

Yunya wears a veil as usual and stands coldly in front of him, and just as he is about to ask Yunya what happened before, and who has taken her away, Yunya suddenly flies from his eyes. On the roof, he was so fast that he almost had no time to react.

He also jumped on the roof to chase after him, and the Beimang warrior and relatives in the post house watched him chase Yunya.In Beimang, he had very little contact with Yunya. He didn’t know Yunya’s level of cultivation, but he didn’t believe that Yunya’s figure could be so fast. She jumped off the roof when he chased him down. , Yunya has disappeared.

He really didn't understand why Yunya wanted to run away, and returned after escaping.In the past few years in Beimang, Yunya has rarely left the palace, and has never resisted her marriage to Qi. How can she suddenly behave so strangely, as if she had changed someone.

He felt that he could only explain it by being caught in a conspiracy. Yunya seemed to be deliberately sabotaging the marriage, but he could only think about it in his heart. If he told other princes and ministers of Beimang, he had no evidence. , May cause trouble for yourself.

He even suspected that this princess Yunya was a fake, because this princess had covered her face for many years, and no one knew what she really looked like, but he could only think about it. He had no evidence of all this. No one would believe him.

Now if he goes back to Beimang, the princess will be lost, and his relationship will be disturbed. He can't make any relationship, so he is unwilling to leave the capital, but he has to leave again.For the present, he can only find Yunya to prove that these are not his faults.

After the team he led climbed a mountain, he asked everyone to stop and rest, but he still couldn't let go of Yunya's affairs.He asked the girl who had brought Yunya to call over.

The maid had been asked several times by Ye Xiang, and when she saw Ye Xiang, she was no longer as scared as she was at the beginning.

Ye Xiang was sitting on a piece of grass, drinking a sheepskin bag in his hand, his expression dignified, and he fell into a moment of thought.

The maid walked to Ye Xiang's side and waited for him to ask questions with her head down.

"What's wrong with the princess lately? Have you said anything wrong?"

"No, the princess has always said few things, and hasn't said anything wrong recently."

Ye Xiang looked at the person next to him, and made a gesture to the maid, telling her to come closer to her, so as not to let others hear their conversation.

"You have been following the princess for many years, don't you think that the princess has been different from before?" Ye Xiang knows that this maid is timid, if you ask her if she thinks Yunya is different in recent years, she might still Would not dare to say, so I opened this head to lead her to talk about it.

"When Ye Huwei said that, I really feel that something is wrong with the princess in the past two years. Now the princesses are gone. I don't know what the end will be when I go back. I have nothing to say about it. I'm waiting for the princess. For seven years, many of the princess’s previous habits have suddenly changed in the past two years. The princess has never liked salty food since she was a child. A new cook came a year ago. We didn’t explain the past in time. The princess made the dishes salty and even ate it. Nothing. In the past, the princess was not afraid of the cold. In the past two years, she was extremely afraid of the cold. She took care of me for a stove early. I was always a confused person and wouldn’t care about so much, but there was a lot of something wrong with it. Yes, I will naturally still feel weird.” The maid talked a long list, as if suddenly remembering a lot of things that were wrong.

"How long have you seen the appearance of the princess?" Ye Xiang asked a key sentence.

"The princess didn't let me serve in the past two years, so I haven't seen it in two years."

"Then if you see the princess, can you recognize it?"

"Of course." The maid replied with great certainty.

Ye Xiang listened to the maid talking so much, and even more suspected that the problem was with this princess Yunya, she might really be a fake princess.

He also remembered that when he asked Yundou and Zhang Hui for questioning, Yundou talked a lot and revealed that the girl who looked like Yunya he saw near the inn had rescued them in Lushan.

"I don't know if the girl Zhang Hui met that day is really Princess Yunya, if that girl is really Princess Yunya, and the girl really saved the two boys in Lushan, then this fake cloud Can Princess Ya really have something to do with Lushan? The seventh prince Ji Yuan practiced in Lushan before. Could this fake princess be a spy arranged by Ji Yuan?" Ye Xiang made some assumptions and felt this A series of questions seemed to make sense, "It's no wonder that Fan Ying wanted to take this to attack Ji Yuan, but in the end it turned out to be nothing. It turned out that it was the mantis hunting the cicada and the oriole."

Thinking of this, he was even more unwilling to go back to Beimang like this. He wrote a letter to send the family back to Beimang, parted ways with them with his entourage, and walked in the direction of Lushan.

Zhang Hui bid farewell to Ji Yuan with Yun Dou and Yuan Zhixing, drove the large boxes of books in a carriage, and began the journey back to Lushan.

After some inquiries these days, he probably knew what Mount Seymour was like.He asked Yun Dou to sort out the contents of the book related to Mount Seymour in his mind, and the two drew a rough map of the vicinity of Mount Seymour.

Mount Seymour is at the junction of the three countries of Qi, Beimang, and Yan. The terrain is complex, with high mountains and valleys crisscrossing, and the terrain is steep. It is separated from Beimang by a snowy mountain. The population of Beimang is concentrated in the south of Daxueshan. Therefore, there are few Northern Mangs living near Mount Seymour.Mount Seymour is to the south of the country of Yan, but there are few people from the country of Yan near Mount Seymour. Because the Demon Sect originated in Beimang, they cannot accommodate the people of Yan and Qi, so they formed their own relatively closed circle on Mount Seymour. .

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