The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 563: Xie Zhuo is Angry

Seeing Ye Xiang approaching, Xie Zhuo smiled at him, rubbing his palms on the booklet, and praised: "Good things, good things, why don't you honor me!"

Ye Xiang panicked. He had seen Xie Zhuo's absurd behavior, and he was afraid that Xie Zhuo wasn't joking with him, but wanted to actually buckle down this booklet.

"If the predecessors like these words, Ye Mou will find a better one to pay tribute from that day onwards. This booklet is very important. It must be completed before the Queen Mother’s birthday, and the predecessors will also give it back." Ye Xiang walked to Xie Zhuo and said before bow , The tone is cautious and sincere.

Xie Zhuo pointed to a few pieces of paper next to him and said, "I like these ones the most. Let's keep these ones."

Ye Xiang saw that these were the pages that Xie Zhuo had torn down from the booklet. He was so panicked that he squatted to the side of Xie Zhuo to see which pages were torn down by Xie Zhuo. When he saw it, he screamed again and again. "This is the handwriting of the number one talented man in Jinzhou. I waited two days before asking for it. This one was written from the Southern Realm Book Sage. I ran a long way for this character... This ancestor really has a vision, but It hurts me."

Xie Zhuo saw Ye Xiang's bitter face, anxious and unwilling to give up, and instantly became unhappy, and said angrily: "It's really hard to have you so many copies, it’s better than having this whole book. Alright, no matter how bitter you are, I won't pay you back."

Ye Xiang had no choice but to keep silent, hoping that Xie Zhuo could return the booklet to him soon.

Xie Zhuo saw Xu Gui's handwriting and suddenly turned his head to Ye Xiang's side: "Why are Xu Gui's characters in the people of Lushan? I really don't have any eyes. Xu Gui's characters are good? This kind of characters is It was written by a nerd! Come and see what I wrote, look at what Xiaohui wrote, it's better than Xu Gui's."

Ye Xiang heard Xie Zhuo mention a person named "Xiao Hui", and instantly thought of Wen Ruhui, his heart was tight, and he felt that his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Could it be that the little Hui mentioned by the old man is really Wen Ruhui? I really have nowhere to look for it through the iron shoes, it takes all the work!"

Ye Xiang was overjoyed in his heart, but he wanted to suppress it. He just pretended to be interested in Xie Zhuo's words, and said: "Really, can I really look at it? If I'm lucky enough to be able to see senior A masterpiece is certainly better."

Xie Zhuo loves being coaxed, and now Ye Xiang is courteous, he can't wait to show his words to Ye Xiang, and listen to how Ye Xiang will praise him.

He brought Ye Xiang into the room, took out the "Comment to Truth" that he had written with Wen Ruhui before, and placed it on the desk side by side.

"Look, isn't it better than Xu Gui's?" Xie Zhuo smiled and asked Ye Xiang to come up and see.

"Dare to ask if the Xiaohui mentioned by the predecessor is a girl with the surname Wen?" Ye Xiang was still uneasy.


Ye Xiang's eyes were immediately locked on the character written by Wen Ruhui. He walked to the book table and pointed his finger on the character written by Wen Ruhui, his throat pounding with excitement.

"It's really exactly the same as Princess Yunya's handwriting, Wen Ruhui, now I see how you shirk, and Lushan people, you sent spies to pretend to be Princess Yunya, the evidence is in my hands, and I want to make you famous from now on Messy, don't turn over." Ye Xiang has been depressed for a long time, and now he has finally grasped the evidence, he hasn't been so proud for a long time.He went to Lushan several times and was met with cold eyes and blows from the Lushan people. Now he finally has the opportunity to breathe out for himself.

Xie Zhuo saw that Ye Xiang had been staring at Wen Ruhui's writing and urged: "Quickly, is it better than Xu Gui's?"

"Okay, it is indeed the best in the book." Ye Xiang didn't know calligraphy very well, so he could only replied perfunctorily. "Old man, these two characters are really rare. It would be a bit regretful to be included in this booklet, I think Dedicated to the Queen Mother alone, she will be very happy to see it."

When Xie Zhuo heard that Ye Xiang had listed his and Wen Ruhui's words on top of everyone's works in this booklet, he became proud of himself. He had always collected these two words very carefully, and he didn't do this anymore. I cared, and smiled: "If you have vision, then I'll give it to you."

Ye Xiang pretended to be careful and respectful and accepted the two characters. Seeing Xie Zhuo still smiling smugly, he thought: "Although this old man hates him, he has no heart for the city. It's really a lie."

Xie Zhuoka happily sent Ye Xiang out and said, "If you ask for a reward, remember to send me some back!"

Ye Xiang turned around, lowered his head and gave a sneer, and left the vegetable garden.

On the second day, Zhang Hui and Yun Dou went down to Lushan to find Xie Zhuo.

Xie Zhuo saw Yundou holding a set of words in his hand, and the ink on the paper and the words looked familiar, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Yun Dou handed the word to Xie Zhuo's hand: "Uncle Shi, isn't this your proud work? Why did you throw it at the intersection?"

Xie Zhuo took a look at it, and it turned out that it was the "Reduction of Reality" he wrote. He complained: "Ye Xiang asked me yesterday for the "Reduction of Reality" written by Xiaohui and I, and said that he would be alone. Dedicated to them the queen mother, why did he fall halfway so accidentally?"

As soon as Zhang Hui heard Wen Ruhui's words fall into Ye Xiang's hands, he immediately cried out: "Uncle Master, you have been fooled. Ye Xiang's purpose is to get the words of Senior Sister Wen. He said that he wants the words of you and Senior Sister. They were given to the Queen Mother to coax you. He knows what you like to listen to, so he composes these words to deceive you, and throws your words like waste paper out of this mountain pass."

Zhang Hui will tell Xie Zhuo before and after what happened in Changdu. Xie Zhuo didn’t even bother to listen to Zhang Hui’s detailed story. What he cared about was that Ye Xiang lied to him, and Ye Xiang told him The word was thrown away.

"Battle bastard, dare to lie to me, next time I see him again, I have to skin him, no! I'm going to chase him back now!" Xie Zhuo flushed anxiously, bulging his eyes, back and forth. A small place stomped his feet straight, and his anger only hated nowhere to vent.

Yun Dou carefully took Xie Zhuo's arm, and comforted him softly: "Uncle Shi, let's not get angry. The wicked have their own wicked people. Ye Xiang has already gone far away now. You don't know how to go all the way. Which direction to chase."

Zhang Hui also replied: "Yes, Master Uncle, since Ye Xiang asked for the words of Senior Sister Wen, he will definitely come back to Lushan to find trouble. At that time, how we deal with him should be considered in advance. Ye Xiang will definitely not be able to run by then."

Xie Zhuo was so persuaded by Zhang Hui that he suddenly stopped making noise. He sat down on the stone bench next to him and said bitterly: "Yeah, Ye Xiang will come back. I don't do anything these days, I just want to deal with him. The way."

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