The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 564: Xie Zhuo Drunk

After Xie Zhuo was angry, he suddenly thought about Ye Xiang's doubt that Wen Ruhui was pretending to be Princess Yunya, and asked Zhang Hui to repeat what they had encountered in Changdu.

After listening to Xie Zhuo, he felt a little puzzled and murmured: "Xiao Hui has been walking in the world on the orders of the Lord Gu in the past two years, and her whereabouts are indeed somewhat mysterious, but she is not going to pretend to be this princess Yunya, pretending to be this princess. What's so good is that they eat well and dress well and are served, and Xiao Hui is not a rare person."

Zhang Hui thought to himself that Xie Zhuo would only think of these simple reasons with simple thoughts, and he could not think of any big conspiracy behind this.

After Xie Zhuo was angry for a while, his mind slowly shifted to other things.

He suddenly said to Zhang Hui and Yundou: "I haven't had my birthday for many years. Since I came down here, I won't let them come over and pretend to be my birthday. After a long time, everyone has forgotten about it. I Suddenly I feel that I am old. I am afraid that I will live in a few years. I will have a birthday. You can buy some wine and vegetables when the time comes. Xiao Hui said she will also come."

Yun Dou and Zhang Hui looked at each other with a smile, and both sighed that Xie Zhuo was a child with a temper. He was still mad at Yexiang, and now he was thinking about longevity.

Seeing Xie Zhuo turned the corner, Yun Dou took the opportunity to coax him: "Uncle Shi, Ye Xiang is vain at this moment, and he can't be beaten again. It's better to play with us and have a good life. Then we will all come. Drink and eat happily."

Xie Zhuo was so coaxed, his mood improved a lot.

On the day of Xie Zhuo's birthday, both Zhang Hui and Yun Dou had already planned, and the two of them had done what they needed to do in advance. Fortunately, they were able to get off and come to Xie Zhuo on this day.

When the two of them arrived at Xie Zhuo's residence, Wen Ruhui was already playing chess with Xie Zhuo. At this time, Wen Ruhui seemed more friendly than usual, and smiles appeared on his face from time to time.

Xie Zhuo was also full of red, always smiling.

Xie Zhuo saw that Zhang Hui and Yundou had arrived. He looked at them quickly, still staring back on the chessboard, and ordered: "You two will go buy some wine and vegetables. I will eat and drink today. Chicken, pork knuckle, beef, good wine, buy something delicious, your senior sister said she paid for it."

Yun Dou persuaded: "Uncle Shi, you are at this usually have rough tea and light rice. Today, I am eating and drinking so much, I am afraid that I will have a stomach, let's buy some light ones?"

Wen Ruhui looked up at Yundou and said, "I have persuaded him, he doesn't listen, let him go."

It was past noon after Zhang Hui and Yundou bought the wine and vegetables. A few people set up a table on the stone table outside the house. Xie Zhuo smiled extremely happily at the rich wine and vegetables.

Xie Zhuo drank a few sips of wine, his face began to flush, and his words became more serious. He said solemnly: "I don't know how many birthdays a person has passed. Sometimes I forget about it, even myself. I don’t remember my birthday. This year, some of your little friends finally came to accompany me. I haven’t been so happy in years."

After hearing Xie Zhuo's words, Zhang Hui sighed in his heart: "Uncle Master has stayed in this valley alone for too long. It is indeed too lonely."

Yundou raised his glass to comfort him: "As long as Uncle Master is happy, we will come to accompany you often."

Xie Zhuo blushed and gave Yundou a white look: "Who wants you as a idiot to accompany you, there are many stupid people, but sometimes I can think of a place with me, it is also considered to be related to me. I still prefer Xiaohui and Zhang With this kid, I'll be happy if they come here often."

When Zhang Hui and Wen Ruhui heard this, their eyes suddenly met. After taking a few sips of wine, Wen Ruhui's faces looked more bloody than usual and more delicate and beautiful.Zhang Hui glanced at Wen Ruhui's face, feeling that he shouldn't look at her that way, and quickly turned his gaze away.

Xie Zhuo also noticed that Zhang Hui and Wen Ruhui were facing each other just now. He looked at Zhang Hui and Wen Ruhui again, and nodded as if thinking of some good idea: "I think you two men and women look very good. A pair..."

Before Xie Zhuo finished speaking, Yun Dou smiled and interjected: "Uncle Shi, drinking and eating, how do you get to this?"

Yun Dou knew that Zhang Hui and Meimei were both interesting to each other, and now Xie Zhuo messing around with mandarin ducks here would only make Zhang Hui and Wen Ruhui uncomfortable, so he deliberately interrupted Xie Zhuo's words.

No one knows that Xie Zhuo is still struggling with this matter. He leaned toward Zhang Hui and asked sternly: "Boy, for you, don't you like Xiaohui?"

"Uncle Shi, you have drunk too much. You have not drunk in too many years. You are easy to get drunk. Come and drink some hydrolysis." Zhang Hui saw Xie Zhuo's eyes a little loose and his face was red and purple, knowing that this is the beginning. Nonsense.

Wen Ruhui didn't feel uncomfortable either, just as if he hadn't heard, he lowered his head and looked away.

Xie Zhuo heard Zhang Hui said that he was drunk and was very unconvinced. He slapped his palm on the stone table and said loudly, "Who said I drank too much? I could drink half a catty thirty years ago."

After he finished talking, he took out a big bowl, filled it with wine a few times, and drank it after a few clicks.The action is so fast that no one else can stop him.

Xie Zhuo took a long hiccup after drinking this bowl of wine, and then he ate too much and sat there with a dazed expression. After a while, his head began to wobble, his mouth babbled. Talking about something.Suddenly he fell on the stone table and slammed his face into the bowl that was still holding vegetables.

Zhang Hui hurriedly helped Xie Zhuo up, and Wen Ruhui drew water over and wiped the oil on Xie Zhuo's face.Xie Zhuo was still confused. Suddenly, he stretched out to the side and started to vomit again.

The three of them circled around Xie Zhuo. He vomited for a while, then had to drink water, and then said that his stomach hurts and he had to go to the latrine. This afternoon he was tossed over.

When it was getting dark, Xie Zhuojiu hadn't woke up yet, because he had eaten too much greasy food, his stomach was upset, and he couldn't sleep well at all. The whole person was always confused, sighing over and over on the bed.

Fortunately, Wen Ruhui knew some medical techniques and was able to massage acupoints for him to temporarily relieve his pain.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wen Ruhui urged Zhang Hui and Yun Dou to return to Lushan first.

Zhang Hui said to Yundou: "You go back first. I will stay to take care of Uncle Master. You have to work tomorrow morning."

Wen Ruhui looked at Zhang Hui and guessed that he was worried about the inconvenience of her being a girl's house alone, so he stayed with her. At this moment, she was a little grateful, but also faintly happy, and stopped persuading Zhang. Will return to Lushan with Yundou, and said faintly: "Okay, Junior Brother Zhang will stay."

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