Zhang Hui saw that this was a fatal blow to Huan Chen. He thought that he would definitely lose his life if he hit Huan Chen, but he didn't expect that after a while, he could still perceive everything around him.It's just that he feels uncomfortable as if his internal organs are gone, and his life only survives for a while.

At this moment, Huan Chen squatted down beside him, grabbed his chin and opened his mouth, and stuffed a ball into his mouth.

Zhang Hui panted hard and looked at Huan Chen: "Why do you want to kill me and still have so many famous people, why don't you just hit me to death?"

"Take it, this is not poison, this is the Tianxin Xuluo pill that saves you, I don't want you to die, I have a great use for keeping your life." Huan Chen said, pulling Zhang Hui. When he got up, a rope came out of his sleeve and swished around Zhang Hui's body to wrap Zhang Hui.

Zhang Hui recognized that this was the golden rope that Huan Chen used to bind people. At first, Gou Xin couldn't get away under the golden rope, but now that this thing is tied to him, he is hopeless to escape.

After Zhang Hui was crossed by Huanchen, two carriages soon came to pick him up, and Zhang Hui was escorted into a cage in the back of a carriage dedicated to prisoners.

Two carriages walked one after the other, attracting passers-by from time to time along the way.

People recognized that this was Huanchen's carriage, and some even recognized Zhang Hui.

"Look, this is Gou Xin's apprentice Zhang Hui, who has now become a Lushan disciple, and this has fallen into the hands of the envoy of Huanchen.

"Gou Xin is a traitor to Bei Amen, and his apprentice is not a good thing."

In the beginning, all the discussions Zhang Hui heard were related to Gou Xin. After walking on the road for two days, the people in Huanchen let out a word, saying that Zhang Hui would abduct Princess Yunya and have now captured him.

Zhang Hui thought to himself: "Why is Huan Chen suddenly charged with arresting me and abducting Princess Yunya? It’s been a long time since I came here to talk about the matter and arrest me. To save my life, it seems that he has another conspiracy behind it!"

And Zhang Hui also discovered that the matter of Huan Chen's arrest of him deliberately made a big deal, and now it seems that the whole Beimang knows about it.

"Huachen's intention is not to make the whole Beimang know, it seems that he wants to send the news to Qi."

When Zhang Hui thought about it, he felt that Huan Chen was grabbing him to threaten someone.

Ten days later, Zhang Hui was taken by Huan Chen to Shidu, the capital of Beimang.

Everyone feels that this is a city of stones. The houses and roads here are inseparable from stones. Some places are built based on the original appearance of the stones. Those ancient stones reflect the long history of this city. And the tenacity of this clan.

Zhang Hui looked at everything on the road, feeling novel and shocked, and even awed the Beimang people.

His father lost to the Beimang people, and his master Gou Xin was also from the Beimang people. Now he is also in the hands of the Beimang people. He has unclear grievances with the Beimang people, but he has to admit that this The nation also has something he admires.

Before the carriage reached a Da Shiping, the carriage in front stopped suddenly, and Huan Chen came out of the carriage and stood outside and said loudly to Zhang Hui: "Look at the Da Shiping in front of you. It was here that your father lost to Xinghai. Xinghai’s magical sword energy sharpened the stone pillars in front."

Zhang Hui looked at the place where Huanchen's fingers were, and he saw that there were six stone pillars in the stone flat in front. The tops of the five stone pillars were carved with rare and exotic animals. Only the upper end of the rightmost one was cut out of a slope.If Huan Chen didn't say that this was cut by Xinghai's magical sword energy, Zhang Hui really couldn't think of any sharp weapon in this world that could sharpen such a thick stone pillar.

The stone symbol of Shidu is permanence and tenacity. The sign of Xinghai's victory over Lu Yan is this stone pillar. It will remain in a conspicuous place forever, as if it has retained their honor for a long time.

Zhang Hui suddenly understood why his father lost to Xinghaihui and never heard of it, because the Beimang people value honor and victory so much, and correspondingly, it also placed strong pressure on the loser.

After Zhang Hui got out of the carriage, he was taken to Shidu's prison for repeated offenders. Like other places in Shidu, this prison was made of large stones. I don't know how many years the stones have become. The mottled cyan.

After he entered the prison, the first thing he smelled was the smell of aging and tide on the stone.

He was detained in a cell alone. After two days, no one came to interrogate him, and no one came to pay any attention.

"Huan Chen really forcibly settled me a crime, he just wanted to arrest me."

Zhang Hui wasn't too anxious in this prison, but rather expected what would happen next, and wanted to see what Huan Chen wanted to sing.

On this day, Zhang Hui was dozing in a daze. Suddenly there was a clear sound of footsteps. He could hear that the footsteps were a little weird. The prison guard who usually came to give him food would not walk so carefully. And this person walked very lightly, and seemed to look forward and backward, cautiously.

When the man approaches, Zhang Hui can't wait to walk to the door of the cell.

This prisoner seemed to be not the one who brought him food, but he was wearing prison clothes. He walked with his head buried in, but his eyes always looked back.

Zhang Hui felt that this veteran was probably pretending to be someone, so he kept staring at him.

After the prisoner approached, he raised his eyes sharply and looked at Zhang Hui. Zhang Hui immediately recognized him and said with a smile: "Wushiro!"

Wu Shilang put a finger in front of his mouth, motioned to Zhang to speak quietly, looked back again, and saw no other movement, then said: "You stay at ease, I will try my best to make Your life here will be easier."

Zhang Hui found that he had not seen each other for almost a year, and Wu Shilang seemed to be a different person, not as black and thin as before, and he looked more confident than before. The former Wu Shilang looked like a sheep-herding baby who had never seen the world before. , And now he is obviously not so simple.

Wu Shilang went on to say: "I am not called Wu Shilang anymore. My name is Wu Cong. Last year, I came to North Amen and found the Xinghai envoy. He is the great benefactor I told you. He took me in and gave it to me. For Bei Amen’s errand, many people in this city are now vying to flatter me. I said hello to the cell boss here, but I can’t come to see you often, so please take care of yourself.”

Zhang Hui imagined that Wu Shilang must have gone all the way to North Amen to find Xinghai last year. He must have exhausted all the hardships. Now he has finally managed to get out of his head. He was right. Wu Shilang has tenacity in his body. Things will be done.

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