Zhang Hui felt himself seeing the stone pillars cut by Xinghai with the magic sword energy, and from time to time he would imagine his father competing with Xinghai, and he became more curious about Xinghai.

He heard Wu Shilang say that Xinghai is his great benefactor, and he asked: "Why do you call Xinghai Saint Envoy the'great benefactor'?"

Thinking of the past, Wu Shilang smiled shyly, and said, "That was three years ago. At that time, I was herding sheep. Our people came and went, and once met a passerby who wanted to snatch my sheep. If I lost a sheep, I would have to pay for many days' wages. Of course I refused, and I fought with those people. I was beaten up and bruised. In the end, the Xinghai envoy helped me drive them away. At the time, he was still fighting. I said a lot and asked about my future ambitions. I said that I would become a practitioner. He said that when I think about it, I will go to North Amen to find him. He can help me fulfill my ambitions."

Zhang Hui saw that when Wu Shilang talked about Xinghai, his face was full of admiration. He also heard that Xinghai had helped him, and instantly became more curious about Xinghai.In the past, he heard that Xinghai’s name was often due to his father’s battle with Bei Amen many years ago, so he didn’t have a good impression of Xinghai at the beginning, but when Wu Shilang said this, he felt that he might have some prejudices about Xinghai. .

Zhang Hui saw that Wu Shilang was about to leave, he stopped him suddenly, and said, "You do me a favor and ask me about someone. She is a 16 or 17-year-old girl named Meimei. She was recuperating in Yaowang Valley last year. I think I know how she is now. Now that Qi Guo is at war with Beimang, it may not be easy to inquire. You can help if you can think of a way.

"Well, I know, don't worry, there are quite a few people in Shidu City now buying my face. This is not a difficult thing." Wu Shilang said, turning around and walking outside.

President Zhang sighed, with the look of eyebrows in his mind, and said in his heart: "Brows must think that I am dead, she must be sad for me, I don't know if she is still waiting for me to go back."

Medicine King Valley.

Summer is the best season of the year in Yaowanggu. The island is full of flowers and the sky is sparkling, making people feel extremely cool on the island.

There is a quiet courtyard behind this small island where Wen Yingbo’s daughter Wenxin lives. Outside men are usually not allowed to enter. The scenery here captures the essence of the beauty of the Medicine King Valley.

The gardenias and jasmine bloom most in this courtyard, with white flowers, dark green leaves, wood-colored fences and huts, giving it a simple and elegant beauty everywhere.

A woman was wearing a white long dress, her body was graceful, her skin was as white as snow, and her face was flushed because she walked a little anxiously, and her color resembled the white hibiscus with some red.

She is Wen Xin, the owner of this small courtyard.

Wen Xin entered the courtyard gate and rushed directly into the house. She walked slowly now, and her gait seemed a bit cramped.

"Mei Mei, I have something urgent to tell you." Wen Xin hurriedly looked for Mei Mei as soon as she entered the house.

Meimei was worried about planning to return to Lushan, when he heard Wenxin walk in so anxiously, he quickly got up to welcome Wenxin.

"Sister Xin, you are back. I originally planned to go to the Valley Master with you. I want to say goodbye to his old man. Why don't you wait for me." The brows were pale, but they pretended to smile. Come and talk to Wen Xin.

Wen Xin saw the eyebrows come out, and slowly walked towards the eyebrows, grabbed the shoulders of the eyebrows with both hands, and kept looking at the face of the eyebrows.

Comparing the two, Wen Xin's figure is slightly plump than her eyebrows, and her face is more radiant than her eyebrows.

"Mei Mei, I have something to tell you... Zhang Hui, he is still alive." When Wen Xin said this, a heart jumped into her throat.

During the year the two got along with sisters, Wenxin can often feel what Meimei was like. She knew Meimei would be very excited after hearing the news.

Eyebrows looked at Wen Xin obsessively, her lips trembled a few times, trying to say something, but she was panting very hard, she frowned, her face looked like crying and laughing, and suddenly she shook her head again. : "What are you talking about, he's not dead... You didn't lie to me?"

"How could I lie to you on such a big thing? I just went to my father's place and heard A Huo telling my father that the person who abducted Princess Yunya had been caught. It was Zhang Hui. This is absolutely true, Huan. Chen held him around everywhere, and all this had spread." Warm grabbed his brow's hand, trying to comfort her.

There were two lines of tears at the corners of the eyebrows and eyebrows, and the eyes were also full of tears. Wen Xin took out a handkerchief and wiped her tears with her eyebrows and comforted her: "Well, isn't this a person still alive? Just alive. "

Brows and eyebrows lay on Wenxin’s shoulders and burst into tears, crying for a while, and choked up: "I thought there was no him in this world. How did I come over this year? He is still alive...I I'm afraid it's God who is playing tricks on me again. I'm afraid this is not true. I want to find him, sister Xin...

Wen Xin patted on the back of her eyebrows, and said softly: "I'll just let you live a good life. No, I finally hoped for him. This news is true. He is really still alive."

"I'm going to find him." With tears all over his face, he straightened up and tried to stop crying, and said vowedly.

Wen Xin held Meimei's shoulder and led her out of the house, hoping to make her mind sober when walking outside.

Wen Xin said: "You calm down, think about it, Huan Chen and him have always had a private vengeance, why did Huan Chen catch him and lock him up this time without killing him?"

Meimei was all concerned about Zhang Hui, and didn't have the mind to think about so many stakes.

Wen Xin continued: "Now Qi Guo and Bei Mang are fighting, and Huan Chen deliberately used Zhang Hui as a threat."

"Holding? Whom?"

"His Royal Highness, the Seventh His Royal Highness treats talents well and is famous in the world. It is precisely because of this that the heroes of the world will join the Seventh His Royal Highness one after another. It is difficult to accumulate a good reputation, but it is easy to ruin. Huan Chen is betting that His Highness Seven will think The way to save Zhang Hui, so Zhang Hui was detained in order to blackmail His Highness Seven."

With such a slight adjustment of the eyebrows and eyebrows, she suddenly felt that this matter was more complicated than she thought, and it was impossible for Zhang Hui to be rescued by her alone.

Wen Xin watched Meimei calm down, helped Meimei to rest in the room, and said a lot of comforting Meimei.

And she herself was in a panic, and she needed to find a place to be quiet.

Since Wen Xin met Zhang Hui once in Wen Yingbo, she felt that this person was lingering in her heart.Later Meimei came, and the two were in love with sisters. Meimei always talked to Wen Xin about Zhang Hui a lot. Wen Xin felt that she had known Zhang Hui for a long time, and Zhang Hui’s position in her heart was also slow. Slow-rooted.

At first she thought she just admired Zhang Hui, but then she heard that Zhang Hui would be as sad as her eyebrows when she died. Now she heard that Zhang Hui was still alive, and her heart started to be confused again.

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