Xie Zhuo looked at Zhang Hui’s face for a long time, then called Yundou to his side, and said, “Non-boy, don’t just look at people, you are not weak, and I have not learned much this year. In the past, compared with Zhang Hui, let him treat you differently from now on!"

Yun Dou was still a little hesitant and unconfident in himself. Hearing Xie Zhuo asked him to go up and compare Zhang Hui, his face was a little embarrassed, and he muttered: "This, don't compare it, I give up."

Xie Zhuo flicked his finger on Yundou's forehead and cursed: "I teach you nothing for nothing, go, don't shame me."

Zhang Hui thought that the one he had learned the most with Yundou before was "Yundou Slow Step", when Dangdang took this step and invaded Yundou.

Yun Dou's body flashed back quickly, and that body was indeed not as cumbersome as before, and now it moved like a solid and stable object, even this aura was different from before.

In this year, Zhang Hui, especially in the days when he was trapped under the cliff, practiced "Yundou Slow Steps" very little, but his skill has improved a lot, so when he used this set of footwork, he was still better than before. Great progress.

He found that it was no problem for him to beat Yundou in speed, but Yundou understood some ingenious details better than him. Yundou was able to grasp some subtle points, so although Yundou The speed is not as good as him, but he can do clever changes in this set of footwork, which means he can better grasp the essence of this set of footwork.

After nearly half an hour, Xie Zhuo became impatient and stopped the two of them: "It's alright, it makes me dizzy. I think I'm still a little foolish. Even better, the nerd's skill and physical strength are not as good as Zhang Hui, but the understanding of this step is much better. Zhang Hui, are you convinced?"

Zhang Hui knew that Xie Zhuo’s child had a temper. He asked Yun Dou to compare himself with him, but in order to show the results of teaching Yun Dou this year, if he refuted his face at this moment, he would be unhappy, so he had to answer. Said: "I serve, serve."

Xie Zhuo continued to show off: "Even though Yundou is a little bit stuck, if I spend my time teaching, hey, I have to teach it. In terms of runes, he can be said to be Lushan second. "

Seeing that Xie Zhuo was so proud, Zhang Hui said in his heart: "Of course, your old man in Lushan is not willing to teach others at all. Is there anyone other than Yundou who can learn?"

Although Zhang Hui thinks so, but seeing Yundou again after nearly a year, he does feel that Yundou is not as timid as before. As the saying goes: "Yi Gao people are courageous." Yun Dou also learned from Lushan. , Will have more confidence in yourself.

The two stayed here with Xie Zhuo until it got dark before leaving for Lushan. Early the next morning, Zhang Hui ran into Yuan Zhixing as soon as he walked to Zhigongyuan.

Yuan Zhixing can also be regarded as half of Zhang Hui's former master, so Zhang has always respected Yuan Zhixing.

Yuan Zhixing was wearing a gray gown with a long sword in his hand, walking steadily, smiling calmly, his clothes, his words and deeds showed the calm atmosphere advocated by Lushan everywhere.

When he saw Zhang Hui, his face, which he usually only smiled gently and slightly, also showed a bright smile at this moment.

"Junior Brother Zhang, you can be regarded as coming back. Everyone is worried about you. I heard that you were rescued from Beimang, but I am looking forward to your coming back early. No, the master sent Yundou to look for you. "Yuan Zhixing patted Zhang Hui's shoulder and was very happy for him to see Zhang Hui coming back safe and sound."

Zhang Hui walked with Yuan Zhi. The two narrated for a while. Zhang Hui roughly talked about what he had encountered in Beimang, but did not mention that the owner of the valley trapped him under the cliff because he thought of this uncertainty It’s better not to spread it in Lushan for the time being, lest it provokes something wrong before it’s determined.

When Zhang Hui mentioned Xu Gui and Xiang Yan, Yuan Zhixing realized that he still had important things to tell Zhang Hui.

Yuan Zhixing looked at Yundou, then looked at Zhang Hui, and said, "Unfortunately, the two gentlemen went out together yesterday, and they may not be able to come back these days. My master explained before he left. He said, The imperial court wanted Junior Brother Yundou to visit Changdu. Now the situation is not stable. Changdu wants Junior Brother Yundou to reconfirm the formation map of the capital city in the past. After so many years, I am afraid that the previous formation map and the current formation map. The situation is out of question."

After Yuan Zhixing finished speaking, he added: "Master said, let Junior Brother Zhang also follow along. You two are often in the same place, and you will take care of everything you encounter in the past. Junior Brother Yundou, this matter is very important. The lifeblood of Qi State’s safety, please be careful and don’t go wrong."

Zhang Hui replied, "Please rest assured, Brother Yuan, I will assist Yundou in completing the task. The two gentlemen are back, please say hello for me."

"Okay. Master has written to Changdu about this matter, saying that you will leave for Changdu immediately after you return to Lushan." Yuan Zhixing finished speaking, and again told Yundou, "Now, all Lushan will default to you as a teacher. My uncle’s descendant is here, and this time I will entrust you with the heavy responsibility, so don’t let Master down."

Zhang Hui has just returned to Lushan, and now he is going to Changdu with Yundou again. He originally wanted to go to Yaowanggu to see eyebrows immediately after he came back to explain, but now I don’t know when he can go to Yaowanggu again. .

The two took a rest in Lushan, and then set off for Changdu the next day.

As they passed through the Orchid Valley, Zhang Hui suddenly remembered that he had met Wen Ruhui here, and thought that after Wen Ruhui and him had parted near Hexian, there was no news of her again. When he asked Yundou, Yundou said There has been no news of Wen Ruhui in this year.Because Wen Ruhui is a direct disciple of the Valley Lord, he has always come and gone without a trace. Even if Lushan didn’t know about her for many years, everyone would not find it strange, so no one would remember it again. File things.

In this season, Orchid Valley is no longer as bustling and lively as it was at the beginning. Suddenly, it loses a lot of scent of fireworks. Although you can't smell the fragrance of orchids, it turns from lively to quiet. It makes people feel that this season is more in line with its name. "Orchid Valley".

At this time, it suddenly started to rain. Zhang Hui and Yun Dou rode on their horses and quickly found a place to shelter from the rain. After they got off their horses, they saw that there were several other people also sheltering under the eaves. .

When a woman in white saw them coming, she quickly turned around and walked around the back of the house.

Zhang Hui felt so strange. He faintly felt that the woman was hiding from them. He carefully thought about the figure of the woman again, and suddenly blurted out: "Is that person Senior Sister Wen just now?"

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