The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 653 Fan Ying's Attempt (1)

Zhang Hui felt that the white-clothed woman who had just appeared looked like Wen Ruhui, and hurriedly chased it out from the back of the house. At this time, half of the person was no longer visible.

"If it is Senior Sister Wen, you will definitely not be able to catch up." Yun Dou stepped up and said.

"It's strange, why did Senior Sister Wen hide when she saw us?" Zhang Hui felt very puzzled. He and Wen Ruhui hadn't seen each other for a year, and he really couldn't figure out why Wen Ruhui had deliberately avoided meeting them.

Zhang Hui and Yundou came to Changdu. The relevant responsible personnel of the Guards Department received them, arranged a place for them, and gave them a token to be able to travel the entire Changdu city because they needed to re-do the site. After inspection, it is convenient to complete the formation chart.

After the person in charge of the reception left, Yun Dou rubbed the token and said, "This is a good thing. With this token, I can go to places that I usually can’t go. So, I’ll pay for this trip. What a beautiful job."

"You think so beautifully, don't you most want to go to the Prime Minister's Mansion, you go try it, you must be blasted out." Zhang Hui laughed and teased.

Yun Dou knew that Zhang Hui was teasing him and hadn't seen Huo Qingyao for a long time.He and Huo Qingyao had no chance to meet since they parted in Changdu a year ago, and it was impossible to even deliver a letter.

Yun Dou thought of this and sighed: "Hey, I don't know if the Prime Minister pointed her to someone else recently."

Zhang Hui said: "This girl's house can't stand the wait, you have to get ahead soon before you can marry her."

After the two took the tokens, they rode horses around the Great Capital City.Yundou is greedy and loves to watch rare, so the two of them started to stroll around the busy place.

Where there are many people, there are many right and wrong, and all kinds of remarks about Ji Yuan's transfer back to Changdu are circulating.

Because someone in the court accused him of saving Zhanghui, he secretly exchanged Huguan with Beimang people, and was ordered by Ji Hui to return to Changdu. All things in his hands were handled by Fan Ying.

Fan Ying was not very worried about this, and sent his generals to Jianyang, and he still stayed in Changdu.

After Ji Yuan returned to Changdu, he received everyone's attention and became the focus of people chatting everywhere in Changdu.

Zhang Hui and Yundou are walking on the street, and from time to time they hear about Ji Yuan.

"His Royal Highness, this is a waste of all previous achievements, and finally caught an opportunity to do meritorious service, but in the end he was charged with such a crime. It will not be easy to get up again in the future."

"I'm afraid that the wall will fall down and everyone will push him. If the people around him are not optimistic about him, he will be sad in the future."

Hearing these comments about Ji Yuan, Zhang Hui was very uneasy, and urged Yundou to leave quickly: "Don’t listen to these people who are full and have nothing to do here nonsense. Your Highness Seven was wronged this time. There is always the truth. When it comes out."

Unconsciously, the two of them walked to the vicinity of the general's mansion. At this moment, a carriage was parked facing each other, and one person came out of the car, it was Fan Ying.

Fan Ying got out of the carriage and smiled at Zhang Hui and Yundou.

Zhang Hui and Yun Dou had to dismount and walk to Fan Ying to salute him.

Fan Ying smiled, lifted Zhang Hui and Yundou up, and said warmly: "Oh, I heard that you two are coming to Changdu. I'm still looking forward to your coming, but it happens that I can meet you here today. ."

Fan Ying saw that Zhang Hui and Yun Dou's faces were cold, and then said: "Don't be stunned here, let's go to the general's mansion, and I will pick you up."

Zhang Hui knows that Fan Ying has always regarded him as a thorn in the eye. Now suddenly Fan Ying is so enthusiastic about him. It must be uneasy and kind, but it is not easy to push him when he meets him like this, although Fan Ying has entered the general mansion.

Fan Ying let his servants serve wine and food, treating Zhang Hui and Yundou as distinguished guests.

Zhang Hui guessed that Fan Ying couldn't afford to look at their weak juniors. Now it must be a big attempt to entertain them like this.

Fan Ying looked at Zhang Hui and laughed politely, and said: "I heard that Shi Nephew was in danger in Beimang and was missing for a long time. It is good to be able to come back safely now. If you die in a catastrophe, you will have a blessing. It’s like a blessed person."

"Zhang Hui is ashamed and made the general laugh." Zhang Hui arched his hands.

"Senior Nephew was able to come back from Beimang this time. I heard that His Highness Seven has contributed a lot, but it's just a pity that His Highness Seven was trapped by someone because of the Shi Nephew's affairs and caused some trouble."

"The clearer is clear. Zhang Hui has hoped to have the opportunity to clarify this matter for His Royal Highness, so as not to let those who have bad intentions behind the scenes." Zhang Hui said, watching Fan Ying smile.

Fan Ying toasted and laughed, and said: "Nephew Shi is really a man of temperament. I know that Shi Nephew has a great friendship with His Highness Seven, but if you enter official career in the future, you will know that you have to have a strong tree next to a sugar tree. Otherwise, your hard work in the first half of your life will be completely abandoned."

"The general has a good opinion, but it is a pity that Zhang Hui has no intention of entering official career."

"Haha, disciple Lushan, there are a lot of things that are said, but they are all young disciples who say this. This place in Changdu is a good place. There are prosperity and wealth you can't think of, young talents like Shi Nephew, and a bright future. what!"

Hearing what Fan Ying said, Zhang Hui felt very ironic. When Fan Ying came to Lushan, he didn't bother to say a word to him, but now he is so elevated.

Seeing Zhang Hui’s face cold, Fan Ying turned to Yundou and said, “I heard that Master Yundou came here for the sake of the capital formation?”

Hearing Fan Ying’s question, Zhang Hui suddenly understood why Fan Ying was so kind to entertain them this time. He remembered that when he first met Fan Ying it was at Xie Zhuo’s place. Fan Ying and Xie Zhuo mentioned the capital. Xie Zhuo scolded him about the formation map in a few words. Now he is deceiving Yun Dou to be honest and wants to start from Yun Dou, so he invited them to the house today.

"Yes, this time I was ordered by my teacher to assist in this matter." Yundou knew that Fan Ying had no good intentions and was afraid that he would say something wrong, so he answered Fan Ying's question as simply as possible.

Fan Ying immediately cast an admiring look at Yundou: "Oh, Lushan is really talented. Yundou's nephew inherited the mantle of Xie's uncle at a young age. He is really a talented genius. This has won glory for us Lushan. Someone in my Fan is caught in the light of my nephew, come here, and I will drink this cup with my nephew."

Fan Ying, whom Zhang Hui came into contact with, has always regarded the mediocre juniors as ants, and he spoke without mercy and had an upright temperament. Now, in front of the two of them, he is so kind. It seems that he wants this capital city. The formation chart is crazy.

Zhang Hui said: "The general has nothing to do with Lushan. The general said that we are not in the light of Yundou."

Fan Ying listened to Zhang Hui's words and satirized Lu Shan no longer recognize him as Lu Shan disciple, and finally began to change his face.

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