Wen Ruhui said to Zhu Si: "The poisoning is not deep, so I should be awake soon."

"That's good. Fortunately, Miss Wen arrived in time. Now Mr. Xu has to remember a great deal. Can Miss Wen see this poisoner clearly?" Zhu Sidao.

"I can't see clearly, his skill is not weak, he may be afraid of being discovered by me, and he is not sure to kill me, so he gave up halfway, and I have a chance to save His Highness."

Hearing Wen Ruhui’s tone, Zhang Hui was very respectful and careful when talking about Ji Yuan, and Zhu Si accidentally mentioned that "Mr. Xu should remember a great deed", he was shocked, feeling that the matter was beyond what he could foresee. He thought in his heart: "Senior Sister Wen is familiar with His Highness Seven, what does it matter to Mr. Xu? And Senior Sister Wen saved His Highness Seven and still credits Mr. Xu, what are they talking about?"

Zhang Hui heard this, not knowing whether it was appropriate for him to wake up at this time. When he woke up at this time, he just heard Wen Ruhui and Zhu Si talking about these things, but if you don’t wake up, it seems that someone else is eavesdropping on. Suspect.

After hesitating for a while, he continued to squint and opened his eyes again after thinking about it for a while.

"I feel more relieved to have Miss Wen, Mr. Xu really has the most careful thoughts..."

Zhang Hui heard half of Zhu's four words and then seemed to be interrupted. He felt two pairs of eyes looking towards him, as if he was awake.

After Zhu Si was interrupted, he found a reason to leave, fearing that he might reveal something again.

Now, only Zhang Hui and Wen Ruhui were awake. He felt that Wen Ruhui was sitting next to him. The fragrance of the orchid was so cool that it seemed to flutter Zhang Hui’s face, making him dare not make a sound. .

At this time, he felt that he could open his eyes, but suddenly, there was a cool, soft feeling on the back of his hand.

Wen Ruhui actually put his hand on the back of his hand. He felt that his hand seemed to shake slightly at that moment, but he was not sure whether such a weak shaking would be felt by Wen Ruhui.

He felt that the hand that was in contact with Wen Ruhui was so frozen now that he couldn't move.

"What's wrong with Senior Sister Wen? Could it be that he really meant that to me like Yun Dou said?" Zhang Hui thought of this, and even felt that it was not easy to open his eyes to face Wen Ruhui, so he could just continue to sleep and do anything. I don't know.

Wen Ruhui suddenly let go of Zhang Hui's hand and walked aside. The surroundings were too quiet, even if Wen Ruhui walked away from Zhang Hui, she could still hear her faint sigh.

After a while, Zhang Hui finally opened his eyes and saw that he was lying in a dirt hole, which was so close to the ground that light from outside could shine through.

Wen Ruhui was leaning on one side and squinted to doze, but Ji Yuan didn't move at all, as if he was still in a coma.

"Sister Wen." Zhang Hui sat up and whispered to Wen Ruhui.

Wen Ruhui opened her eyes slowly, then blinked vigorously, turning her head to one side, fearing that Zhang would see her eyes, because she didn't know when there were tears in her eyes, and the teardrops fell on the corners of her eyes. Slipped down.

Zhang Hui stood up with his hands supporting him, and wanted to walk to Wen Ruhui's side. He saw Wen Ruhui's eyes with tears, as if he didn't want to let him come closer, so he stood still.

The two stood facing each other in silence, Zhang Hui felt a little uncomfortable, but when he talked to Wen Ruhui, he felt that Wen Ruhui did not want to talk to him.

Wen Ruhui looked at Zhang Hui suddenly, the tearful eyes in Zhang Hui's heart was a little flustered.Her face was like a gardenia in the drizzle, white and fragile, making him forget that she was still the one who could go in and out of Lugu and Beimang Palace freely, and could save him again and again. She was tender and weak at this moment. He couldn't help but feel pity.

Wen Ruhui frowned slightly and fixed his eyes on Zhang Hui. It took him a long time to speak, "You just woke up, didn't you?"

Zhang Hui was stunned by Wen Ruhui's question, and he didn't know how to answer.He wanted to trick Wen Ruhui into saying that he didn't wake up just now, and he didn't know anything, but he knew that he couldn't fool Wen Ruhui with this look, so he silently raised his eyes and looked at her carefully.

Wen Ruhui lowered his head, forced a smile, raised his sleeves and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said: "Look at me, what are you talking about, just assume I haven't asked."

At this moment, her heart was suffering. She saw Zhang Hui's expression, and she knew that he was pretending to be asleep just now, pretending not to know her affection for him.She suddenly complained about Zhang Hui: "Even if he doesn't mean that to me, he can't pretend to sleep, so he doesn't want to face me?"

In order to resolve the embarrassment at this time, Zhang Hui ran aside to look at Yun Dou and Ji Yuan, and looked at Wen Ruhui as if nothing had happened just now and asked, "How are they both?"

"They should not be deeply poisoned, and they will wake up soon. I am afraid that those who want to plot against you will follow, so I find a place to avoid it temporarily."

After Wen Ruhui finished speaking, Zhang Hui felt Wen Ruhui invade him quickly. Then, his neck seemed to be trapped by something, and he was pulled by Wen Ruhui and walked out of the cave.

Only then did he see clearly that it turned out to be an unformed tomb.

He was pulled to the place near the exit by Wen Ruhui, and the red silk on his neck suddenly tightened. He stretched his neck and tried to swallow his saliva.

The eyes that Wen Ruhui looked at him suddenly changed, and he was very different from the poor Wen Ruhui who had tears in his eyes just now.

Zhang Hui looked at her helplessly and called out "Sister Wen" in confusion.

Wen Ruhui's eyes were fierce, but helpless, she stared at Zhang Hui and asked, "Did you hear what I said just now?"

Zhang Huili stayed still, and didn't intend to deceive Wen Ruhui, but didn't answer her.

"At the moment I... approached you, I felt you were awake." Wen Ruhui said here, resentment and sadness appeared on his face again.

Zhang Hui has been questioning Zhu Si's mention of Xu Gui for a long time, from hearing a conversation between someone who sounds like Xu Gui and Ji Yuan at the back of Lushan Mountain, to Xu Gui deliberately concealing the murderer of Ji Yuan. The identity, and the bitter tricks Wen Ruhui and Xu Gui played in front of Lushan and Ye Xiang made Zhang Hui feel that Xu Gui had ulterior motives.

Now he heard Zhu Si mention Xu Gui, and said that Wen Ruhui should give Xu Gui a credit for saving Ji Yuan. He suddenly understood that Xu Gui had been playing for Ji Yuan all the time.

Wen Ruhui said, "Since you know everything, then I can't let you live."

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