Zhang Hui heard such indifferent voice from Wen Ruhui, and his mind was completely blank. He couldn't believe that the matter was so involved, he just knew that Xu Gui and Ji Yuan were secretly connected, and now he was about to provoke a murderous disaster.And the woman who was fond of him was going to kill him now for this.

Wen Ruhui pulled the red silk on Zhang Hui's neck forcibly, Zhang Hui felt uncomfortable choking in his throat, and began to numb from his neck to his jaw. He turned his face to look at Wen Ruhui.

Tears began to gloom in Wen Ruhui's eyes again, but her expression was fierce, as if she was determined to make herself cruel to Zhang Hui, but slowly, the hesitation in her eyes increased. Unconsciously, her strength weakened. When she found that the red silk was loosened, she suddenly regained consciousness and tightened the red silk again.

Zhang Hui knew that he could not beat Wen Ruhui, and at this time he did not have the idea of ​​defending himself against Wen Ruhui. He always felt that Wen Ruhui would not kill him, and he did not know why he was losing his life in this way. At the juncture, she would still trust her so much.

Wen Ruhui stared at Zhang Hui steadily, and once again increased the strength of his hands. Zhang Hui's face began to flush, and he gritted his teeth to endure the discomfort from his throat. Soon his breathing became difficult, and his feet staggered.

Wen Ruhui was so frightened that he let go of the red silk and went to help Zhanghui. After realizing that he couldn't make a cruel hand after all, he bitterly threw the red silk aside, pulling Zhang Hui and quickly walked out of the cave.

Zhang Hui was originally poisoned, but he hadn't fully recovered at this moment. He was strangled by Wen Ruhui. He was dizzy for a while. He didn't know which direction Wen Ruhui took. When he settled down, Seeing that the two of them had stood in a small forest.

Wen Ruhui stood with her back to him, wearing a white dress that looked elegant and weak in the wind. He could feel that Wen Ruhui was also struggling at this moment in her heart, and she had some unexplainable difficulties.

"You leave Lushan and disappear forever." Wen Ruhui turned his head, and the eyes that looked at Zhang Hui were full of concern and affection.

At this moment, Zhang Hui really felt Wen Ruhui's affection for him. Although he also had pity for her, he had told himself that he only loved his eyebrows in this life.

Zhang Hui thought about what Wen Ruhui said to let him leave Lushan and disappear forever. He didn't expect that he would be murdered because of this incident.It was only then that he realized that Xu Gui's gentle appearance and inner heart were so difficult.

Zhang Hui asked: "Why should I leave?"

"Don't you understand? Mr. Xu won't let you go."

"Just because I knew he was a member of the Seventh Highness?"

Wen Ruhui's expression became extra serious: "Yes, this matter is related to Mr. Xu's reputation in Lushan for many years. Don't you know that people in Lushan are not allowed to participate in the court affairs if they do not leave Lushan?"

"It's so serious. When it comes to killing me, Mr. Xu shouldn't be so cruel, right?" Although Zhang Hui felt that Xu Gui was not that simple before, he never thought that Xu Gui could do such a murderous thing. .

Wen Ruhui reproached: "How long have you been in Lushan? What can you understand?"

"Even so, I can just pretend I don't know?" Zhang Hui said casually.

Wen Ruhui sighed for a long time, looking embarrassed, and said: "Then I know that if I don't report it, it's my unfaithfulness to Mr. Xu. Mr. Xu has the kindness of raising me. Everything I have done over the years is to repay me.

"Repaying your gratitude? You mean Mr. Xu's arrangement for your hiding in the Beimang Palace?" Zhang Hui asked.

Wen Ruhui glanced at Zhang Hui coldly and said, "I don't need to explain this to you, and the more you know, the more disadvantaged you are."

Hearing Wen Ruhui’s tone, Zhang Hui didn’t deny what he had just said, so he couldn’t help asking, “Are you hiding in the Beimang Palace to win the map of Demon Cultivation Pool? And provoke Qi Guo and Beimang. What happened?"

Zhang Hui thought that Yundou had seen the map of Moxiu Pond from Xu Gui and he drew a copy, and later saw the same map in Ji Yuan. This map may have flowed from Wen Ruhui's hands.In addition, Wen Ruhui used to pretend to be Princess Beimang Yunya, and fled during the marriage process, destroying the kinship relationship between Qi and Beimang, and finally hitting the Zhuhe faction, which was beneficial to Ji Yuan.

Wen Ruhui sneered, and did not answer Zhang Hui's question, but said: "Don't ask so much. If you don't leave, I'll kill you here."

Where would Zhang Hui be willing to leave Lushan like this, and said in the same tone: "I'm not going to leave, and I don't believe that Senior Sister will really kill me."

"You..." Wen Ruhui flushed with anger, looked straight at Zhang Hui, raised his palm and tried to smash Zhang Hui's face, but finally realized that he couldn't make a cruel hand, and put his hand down angrily. Didn’t you force me? I’m either sorry for Mr. Xu or... sorry for my heart!”

When Zhang Hui heard Wen Ruhui's "I'm sorry for my heart", he couldn't help being touched by it. He understood her feelings at the moment. If it was him, he would kill someone he likes. It will be heartbroken.

Now, Zhang Hui is also very contradictory. If he does not leave, he will make Wen Ruhui embarrassed. If he leaves, he is really unwilling. He can't let go of his expectation of entering Lushan. He wants to become a great swordsman. Since then, he has not lived in the shadow of his father, and wanted to seek revenge for hurting his eyebrows.

Zhang Hui originally used a playful tone and Wen Ruhui to argue, but as he said it, he felt very uncomfortable in his own heart. He was so bored that he wanted to sigh constantly, not knowing what to say to resolve this. Kind of uncomfortable.

Wen Ruhui's mood was the same as Zhang Hui's. She suddenly regretted asking Zhang Hui if she had heard her and Zhu Si's conversation, but she couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart.

Zhang Hui understands Wen Ruhui's loyalty, and thinks that she became an orphan when she was a child and was brought up in Lushan by Xu Gui.

And Wen Ruhui also understands Zhang Hui's ambitions, knows that it is not easy for him to enter Lushan, and also knows the hardships and progress he has made along the way after entering Lushan. She knows that he will not just leave Lushan like this.Her eyes became blurred again, and her heart became a mess.

In fact, what she hopes most is that Zhang Hui can leave with her, and she can only ask about Lushan and go to a world where there are only two of them, but she has him enough, and she has nothing to do with him. Nothing, I won't give up anything for her.

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