When the group of five people returned to the room, Wang Xifeng’s face was also full of smiles, and the action of pouring tea and water was extremely swift. When several people sat down safely, Wang Xifeng took the old lady out for a stroll. A young man left some room.

"Not bad! Such a beautiful daughter-in-law! Why didn't you tell me when you got married?"

Sitting in the upper seat, Li Jianhua asked with an approachable smile on his face, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she is just a friend of mine. She is a little uncomfortable. She is resting in our house!"

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head quickly and explained a few words. After all, he couldn't tell Li Jianhua what medical skills he could.

"Okay, okay, I will come back this time to build the village, and secondly, to get married, do you know there is a family named Zhao in the east of the village?"

Li Jianhua no longer asked about this matter after hearing this, and looked at Jiang Xiaohu with a smile, his eyes full of mystery.

"I remember, didn't that girl go out to study? I forgot what it was called!"

"Zhao Mei! She looks good. I know you are at home. I didn't even go to my husband's house, so I just rushed over. This is my invitation. Look, I am married! Five days later! Hahaha !"

While talking, Li Jianhua took out a small invitation card from his arms.

Just looking at the side of the gold thread on the invitation card, you know that Li Jianhua is really good now.

"Not bad! Gold thread!"

Jiang Xiaohu took the invitation, and after opening it, it was a photo of Li Jianhua with an unfamiliar, but very delicate, aura woman. The two laughed very sweetly, but Jiang Xiaohu just didn't know what was wrong, and felt that strange.

"Good-looking! Hahaha!"

Li Jianhua said, implying that Jiang Xiaohu handed it to Gongsun Yao.

Instead, Gongsun You waved his hand and said with a smile: "Use things that are not used to gold threads, I won't look at them! Just talk about it, I will go to my room to sleep first!"

Having said that, Gongsun Yao stretched out his hand and tugged at the short sleeves on his body because of sweat, and walked into Jiang Xiaohu's room.

"I just heard Aunt Wang say that this is not your room? Wouldn't you be...hahaha!"

"Thinking too much, she is really a friend of mine, don't joke with you, yes! I will go there and give you a big gift!"

Seeing what else he was thinking about, Jiang Xiaohu said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll go now! Don't forget it then!"

Li Jianhua said, stood up, walked to the door, and when he walked through the small courtyard, he reached out and picked up his purple clay pot on the table.

It was not until Li Jianhua walked out the door that Jiang Xiaohu put away the invitation card in his hand, curled his lips, and muttered: "It's too vulgar to take money, it's better to get some medicine from the landscape map!"

While thinking, Jiang Xiaohu opened the door and walked into the room, only to see Gongsun You was curled up naked in the quilt playing with a cell phone.

"What are you doing in broad daylight? Come out!"

Jiang Xiaohu stuffed the clothes thrown aside into the quilt and frowned.

"What! Really, you really don't know much about this kind of person, you really plan to go to his wedding!"

Gongsun You didn't care about this, but he gave Jiang Xiaohu a blank look and said softly.

"What do you mean!"

When Jiang Xiaohu heard that his friend was wrong, he immediately became a little unhappy and shouted in a low voice.

"Well, you really can’t see it, then forget it! I’ll tell you for free! This kid looks down on you, not just a little bit or two, and I listen to him, it’s fake to come back and build a village. It is estimated that there is something in the village that he liked before, so you have to keep a little mind, don't let him..."

Gongsun You was talking, and found that Jiang Xiaohu's eyes were getting more and more wrong, so he stopped talking, sat up and took a clean short sleeve over his body.

"I said that you don't like to listen, and you will suffer by that time. Don't say I didn't tell you. If you die suddenly, what should I do with my illness!"

"Don't always think that others are bad guys!"

"Hey, I'll just tell you, I just look at people accurately, so I dared to lie on your bed like this, otherwise, because of my physical condition, I can still hang around outside all day?"

Although Jiang Xiaohu didn't believe Gongsun You's words, she didn't stop, and said all her thoughts in one go.


After listening, Jiang Xiaohu stood up and said angrily.

"If you don't believe me, let me tell you that the person surnamed Zhao is nothing more than a tool. I tell you, if the thing is done, the woman will stay at home and be a widow. Then you will know if I'm right! Although I don't know what he is going to do when he comes back, I am sure that he has something to do!"

Gongsun You did not show any weakness, collided with Jiang Xiaohu's eyes, and was not afraid of Jiang Xiaohu's fierce eyes.

"Oh, when I was wrong, if you really don't believe it, someone like him, you just patted his shoulder, he will definitely throw away his coat, if you don't believe it, go out and look for it. , If you can find it! I'm right, if you can't find it, I will apologize to you seriously!"

After looking at each other for a minute, Gongsun Yao could only take a step back. In fact, she didn’t know what to say when she said this. He met a lot of people like that and she knew some of them, but Li Jianhua was No, she really didn't dare to confirm it 100% based on a look in her eyes.

"I don't want to care about you!"

Hearing such unfounded words, Jiang Xiaohu shook his head and let out a soft sigh, and opened the door to go out.

"Little tiger, where is Jianhua?"

"Oh, I'm out, I'm going out too, I'm so bored!"

At this time, Wang Xifeng had already returned, picking vegetables in the small courtyard, and saw Jiang Xiaohu coming out of the inner room, and asked suspiciously, until Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and walked outside the door on his own.

"Come back early! The village chief said that I'm looking for you for something!"

"Know it!"

After exhorting, Wang Xifeng didn't bother Jiang Xiaohu.

When he left the door, Jiang Xiaohu suddenly didn't know where to go. He was already familiar with the small roads in the village, but with Gongsun You's words, he dared not go anywhere.

He was scared, afraid that he would really see Li Jianhua's coat lying in a corner on the side of the road.

"Don't make trouble, how could this be possible with my brother for so many years! Although I haven't contacted him for so many years!"

Not a few steps away, Jiang Xiaohu began to comfort himself, his hands trembled involuntarily, and his eyes began to look around uncontrollably.

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