In a blink of an eye, Jiang Xiaohu was sitting in the middle of the night near the recognized garbage dump, staring at the blank space in the distance.

An hour ago, there was a suit jacket, but it was picked up by an old scavenger, and Jiang Xiaohu just came here to see this scene.

Had it not been for Jiang Xiaohu who had lived in the Shen's house for a long time, and had some understanding of these things, I am afraid that it would not be possible to tell if it was the one belonging to Li Jianhua for a while.

"What Yaoyao said is still true?"

After sitting there again for half an hour, Jiang Xiaohu walked home under the moonlight.

At the same time, in the room, Gongsun You was sitting at the dinner table, and Wang Xifeng and the old lady were eating.

"Don't wait for him! Eat, eat!"

Wang Xifeng yelled softly when he saw Gongsun Yao was not eating yet.


Gongsun You looked at the door again, and then he picked up the bowl.

"My son won't have such a small heart, don't worry, eat and eat!"

Although Wang Xifeng said so, her ears kept listening to the movement at the door.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Wang Xifeng and Gongsun Yao turned their heads and looked over at almost the same time. However, it was not Jiang Xiaohu who stood at the door, and they had to bow their heads angrily.

"Eh, are you so uncomfortable to see me this old man?"

The old village chief stood at the door and mumbled dissatisfiedly.

"No, no, the head of the village came in and said, have you eaten yet? Come and have a bite. Xiaohu has been out for an afternoon and has not returned yet. We are a little worried!"

Wang Xifeng quickly stood up and greeted the village chief to sit down, took out the cigarette Jiang Xiaohu had smoked and put it on the table, and prepared a pair of chopsticks.

The old lady also smiled. Among the people present, Gongsun You only ignored the arrival of the old village chief. He kept looking at the door, waiting for the figure to return.

"This little baby!" Seeing that Gongsun Yao was still looking'nobody', the old village chief shook his head, sighed, and said: "Little tiger hasn't come back yet. I have something to tell him today. Unbelievable, unbelievable..."

"The village chief, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the village chief was hesitant to speak, Wang Xifeng couldn't help feeling a little worried, and asked softly.

"This matter, let's wait for Xiaohu to come back! It's hard to say!"

The village chief waved his hand, stopped talking, and quietly waited for Jiang Xiaohu's return.

It may be that there are a lot of meat dishes on the table, and the village head can't help being a little greedy. He looked at the table, and under Wang Xifeng's warm hospitality, he started to use his chopsticks and started to eat.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaohu's appetite is relatively large, and Wang Xifeng cooks more than before, and the food on the table is enough.

When the meal was about to end, Jiang Xiaohu finally came back. Seeing that everyone had finished eating and was clearing the table, Jiang Xiaohu sighed.

"What? Am I right?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu's dejected look, Gongsun You suddenly forgot that he was still worried about Jiang Xiaohu, and asked cheerfully.


Jiang Xiaohu didn't hide it either, nodded, and glanced at the village chief who was full of food and drink.

The latter covered his mouth and burped in a low voice before saying, "Little tiger, did you know that Li Jianhua went to my house today?"

"I do not know!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned when he heard the words, and took the big steel bowl that Wang Xifeng brought over, which contained all the food reserved for Jiangxi Outback.

"What he told me today was a piece of land that you only contracted a few days ago. He said that the express delivery has been tested by professionals. It is very likely that there are minerals, or jade mines!"

"Huh? Isn't this nonsense?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohu frowned, his eyes full of disdain.

"Little tiger, don't talk nonsense, look at this!"

The village chief shook his head, reached out his hand to take out several folded sheets of paper from his pants pocket, and handed them to Jiang Xiaohu.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu quickly wiped his mouth, put the bowl down, and took the pieces of paper. Gongsun You heard the news as fresh, and followed him.

In addition to the turquoise in the Jiangzhong area, there is nothing else in the riverside area!

However, what both Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun You didn't expect was that the document in hand clearly pointed out that there was jade within the hilltop of Price Xiaohu Castle.

"What does this mean, isn't this fucking me?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned tightly, threw the document in his hand on the table, and reached out and picked up the bowl again.

"No, you can still eat in!" Gongsun You slapped Jiang Xiaohu on the shoulder and shouted loudly: "Your money path is almost blocked by others, you still want to eat!"

"If I didn't eat, I would starve to death long ago!"

Jiang Xiaohu stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, muttered in a low voice, looked outside the door and began to think about what happened during this time.

"Something is wrong...what does it have to do with them when I hold a mountain top?"

"The only thing wrong is you! I want to eat all day, and I don't want anything else!"

Gongsun Yao unceremoniously added one sentence aside.

"Little tiger, you have to think about it too. Look. Many people in the village know that you are going to do this. They all mean that you can develop the things in the village! Now some people have money. I have not forgotten my roots and started to develop the village. I know you have a heavy burden, but the village does not want to be taken over by others!"


Jiang Xiaohu was thinking that when Ge Chun came back recently and the appearance of the so-called Qin Ge was something wrong, the village head was talking leisurely.

"The village chief, why are you the same as they thought?"

"Huh? Xiaohu, don't you want to take that mine as your own?"

"The head of the village... I have never thought about it this way. What I mean is just the authenticity of this matter! Even if it is true, once this jade mineral is developed, our village will soon be lonely in the later stage. After all, we are not In places rich in jade, we do not have the power to participate in!"

While talking, Jiang Xiaohu seriously summarized the future development.

"Xiaohu is right. In your village... to be honest, if it is well developed, no one in your village can intervene in this matter. If the development is not good, it may be your village who is behind..."

Gongsun You nodded when he heard the words, and Du Jiang Xiaohu agreed with what he said.

"In that case, Xiaohu, what do you think of this matter? Just say, you belong to our village, and I am still facing you. Even if this matter fails, I will try my best to help you participate. After all, like you Such young people don’t forget the village, so few!"

The village chief sighed softly and said softly.

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