In the middle of the night, the crescent moon was high above the treetops. Under the guidance of the moonlight, the old village head opened the door and walked out of Jiang Xiaohu's house and disappeared into the vast night.

After the old village chief had left for a long time, Jiang Xiaohu returned to the room. At this time, Gongsun Yao had already gotten into the bed and was playing with his mobile phone.

"I'm going to bed first!"

Jiang Xiaohu said casually, he got into the quilt on his own, and two of them were one of them. This was the rule for so many days.

"You go to sleep, don't you even think about it? Fortunately, I still check the information for you!"

Gongsun You gave Jiang Xiaohu a white, threw the phone directly beside the bed, turned over, ignored him.

"I..." Jiang Xiaohu was about to speak, but found that Gongsun Yao didn't care about him at all, so he had to get into his bed and muttered: "I want to control, I'm not you, I only cover the sky. You can do everything, you can only wait for the soldiers to stop you and the water to cover you!"

Even though he said that, Jiang Xiaohu was just looking at the moonlight outside the window, feeling uneasy. After all, he finally had one thing to do, but he faced such a result.

If this matter is really approved by Li Jianhua, let alone development, it is done well. Every time jade is produced in the village, it may turn into a resort. If it is not done well, the mountain will be hollowed out, and nothing will be left in the end. It's still going to fall, and it can't be stopped.

Perhaps this thing was squeezed in my heart. The moon outside the window was no longer as attractive as before. Even the dark clouds came to join in the fun. Looking at the good moonlight, it was gradually blocked by it. In the end, only left The next darkness.


After a few mutters, Jiang Xiaohu's eyelids began to fight, and after a while he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaohu was awakened by a shout outside the door, and quickly sat up and looked at the door.

"Brother Huzi, Xiaohu! Brother Hu, get up!"

A loud shout came, Jiang Xiaohu quickly put on his clothes, and opened the door sleepily and walked out.

Opening the door, Yang Zhou was standing at the door. As soon as the other party saw Jiang Xiaohu, he stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Xiaohu, and said nervously: "Oh, Brother Tiger, something has happened and killed!"

"No, no, you say it well and make it clear that there was a car accident on your way here?"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and asked, after all, anyone who grabbed him early in the morning and yelled and killed someone would be unhappy.

"Oh, Brother Tiger, that's the fir! It's dead! Ouch..."

"Huh? Don't worry, speak slowly!"

When Jiang Xiaohu heard that something was wrong with his fir, he patted Yang Zhou on the back and whispered.

The two walked into the room one after the other, Jiang Xiaohu poured him a glass of water, and then asked: "Say slowly, don't worry, what's the matter?"

"No, Brother Xiaohu, I don't know how to tell you about this. Didn't I say that there is a factory under construction now?"

"I know!"

"That's the factory area. Last night, the fir suddenly broke and killed two workers. I was just about to run away, Brother Tiger, I'm already talking about it. I'm leaving now! You can figure it out. Right!"

While talking, Yang Zhou stood up, picked up the hot tea on the table and took a hasty sip, and Sa Yazi ran out.

"No, you can tell me clearly what is going on!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and stretched out his hand to pull Yang Zhou back. He was strong. Yang Zhou was his opponent. After being held for a few times, he couldn't get away and was panicked.

"Brother Tiger, don't embarrass me anymore. This can't be done! The two workers who died are not easy! It was Kyoto who came to inspect! I really can't wait any longer. I was caught. It will really be over!"

Yang Zhou was so anxious that he almost cried at this time, and he reached out and took out two stacks of red banknotes from his arms and slapped them on the table.

"I don't want money, you tell me this thing clearly!"

"You let go, I'll speak slowly!"

Realizing that Jiang Xiaohu's tone was a little wrong, Yang Zhou also knew that he could not beat Jiang Xiaohu, so he could only swallow his saliva and said helplessly.

"Sit down and say!"

Jiang Xiaohu was not polite, and threw him on the stool, sitting at the table waiting for the other party's words.

Yang Zhou, on the other hand, was not in a hurry to run away now. He took a few deep breaths, picked up the teacup again and took a sip, then said softly: "That place is not a good thing, it was originally an ordinary one. The site, some time ago, was suddenly acquired by a company in Kyoto. Since then, people will be sent here every week to check, including the expansion of this project."

"Do you have to go to battle in person?"

"Yeah! Those people are not good things. Everyone went to battle in person. This time, I don’t know what’s wrong. The two people who came have to go up to check the safety of the expansion area. Everyone stopped them and was afraid. Of course I was there when an accident happened. After all, I was producing materials..."

As he said, Yang Zhou's face turned red, lowered his head, and did not dare to speak any more. After all, he lied to Jiang Xiaohu by being a material dealer. He gave birth to a program and didn't tell him. He also swallowed Jiang Xiaohu to open up the channel. Money.

"It doesn't matter, keep talking!"

But now is not the time to entangle this matter, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand, saying that he didn't care.

"I just said later. When the two of them walked near the factory area, suddenly the cedar broke, the beam broke, and all the steel bars on it fell off. None of them survived and they were killed alive. This incident followed. Those who come here don’t eat hard and soft, and report directly to Kyoto. People from Kyoto have already been sent. It is about cutting corners. No one can run away. Hold accountable... I only heard that there was a new boss. , The methods are vicious, if this matter is caught, I don't think I know how to die!"

Yang Zhou was talking, sighed, and took another sip of tea.

"I don't know what went wrong. I always do things with small profits but quick turnover! I dare not be confused, let alone cutting corners, otherwise I would have such a good reputation!"

"Since you have a clear conscience, what are you running for?"

Jiang Xiaohu took out his teacup and took a sip, and asked in a low voice.

"Do you think I don't want to make it clear? We are little people, compared with them, we are in the sky and the earth. They can hear you saying this? If you don't say anything, then let you go to the pit or make you lose your life, what do you do? Is it possible that you still expect to file a lawsuit with them? People can kill you if they come out with money and smash you!"

Yang Zhoubai glanced at Jiang Xiaohu, and turned his head to look outside the door, with fear in his eyes, as if the people over Kyoto were already standing outside the door.

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