"I have a question!" Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand and swayed in front of Yang Zhou's eyes, drew his gaze to his side, and asked in a low voice: "It stands to reason that this matter does have something to do with me, but why are you today? Come to me early in the morning?"

"I did not say!"

Yang Zhou was stunned as soon as he heard this, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to speak.

After all, the incident of the fir is generally related to Yang Zhou, and it is still the main relationship, because he is responsible for inspection and shipment, followed by Party A, after all, the relationship with Jiang Xiaohu is very rare.

"Then you mean they know me?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked with frowning, took out a cigarette and handed it over, trying to relieve Yang Zhou's nervousness.

"I really didn't say, I don't know what's going on, the place where the shipment from me is not just yours, but I don't know who said it, so I directly led all the spearheads to Jiangbian Village and followed. Come here!"

Yang Zhou shook his head and sighed, with a helpless look in his eyes. If something happened before, it would be a problem of 1.8 million. But now things are different, and this matter has been magnified countless times.

Naturally, he could also see that someone was making trouble behind him at this time, but he was just a small transition, maybe a scapegoat, so he was so panicked.

"Let's go, let's go and see together!"

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xiaohu knew that Yang Zhou was also on the verge of collapse, and if he continued to force the questioning, Yang Zhou might not be able to bear it.

"I dont go……"

"If you don't go, you have to go. You are running now, and your guilt is even greater. Don't worry, the person who introduced you to me is my best friend. As long as I am here, you will be fine! Yes, You don't know who Shen Hui is?"

"I don't know. Isn't he just a second gangster? I don't understand this. I know how many houses his family has in Kyoto. This kid is not in good shape, but then I heard that I settled down for a long time. No contact, after all, he and I are not the same, he reads a lot, I am illiterate!"

Yang Zhou frowned and recalled that the kid in the impression was still so indifferent, but thinking about it, he should have had a pretty good life now.

"Well, wait for me here, don't worry, I am here!"

Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand and gently patted him on the shoulder, letting a burst of true energy into his body, and then turned and walked into the room to change his clothes.

This true spirit is afraid that Yang Zhou will secretly run away. After all, the human heart is separated from the belly. Although Jiang Xiaohu believes in the truth, he still does not believe it personally.

"Where are you going? So early, is we weeding or fishing today!"

Just as Jiang Xiaohu put on a looser long sleeves, Gongsun You sat up on the bed, squinting his eyes and asked.

"I have something to leave! You are waiting for me at home!"

"Standing, what if you go and I die!"

Before Jiang Xiaohu was ready to put on the socks, Gongsun Yao sat up with a sharp spirit, yelled a few loudly, and sat on the side of the bed with his waist due to physical reasons, and took a breath.

If it were someone else, Gongsun You wouldn’t be afraid to relax like this, but it was Jiang Xiaohu who healed him. If something really happened, Gongsun You really wouldn’t dare to judge what he was in Jiang Xiaohu’s heart. Weight.

"Forget it, get up quickly, I'll wait for you!"

Jiang Xiaohu saw her sitting on the side of the bed with a bitter face, he couldn't bear it, and he said a few words softly, reached out and patted the latter on the shoulder, turned around and waited.

To Jiang Xiaohu’s comfort, Yang Zhou did not leave, but just sat there quietly calling and texting, which probably meant to tell his family that he might be going out for a period of time, where is some of the private money in the house, and What needs to be done for some arrangements.

"I didn't expect you to be like a family guardian!"

Jiang Xiaohu passed a cigarette again, sat beside him, and said softly.

"No way, there is an old mother in the family. He is old and his brother is an honest person. If he stays at home for so many years, it will be fine for my mother to feel sorry for him. It has been almost ten years. Then I went crazy, but fortunately, at least there is no burden, hahaha!"

When talking about the past, Yang Zhou's emotions also stabilized, as if he was talking about an old old story, telling it softly and seriously, but he didn't complain about it.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour has passed since the two of them sat here. Jiang Xiaohu didn't say a word during this period. Only Yang Zhou was there silently telling about the past that he had put together for so many years. The tattoos on his body were hidden under social pressure. Entering the cuff, the flesh on his face turned into a whispered smile.

What happened to the first dead person I dealt with? Even though my current status is not high, many people respect it. As a result, I am twenty-four or five years old and have nothing to do overnight, just because I got involved. The big family in the capital.

"Why are you here too?"

The two chatted, and Gongsun Yao came out of the inner room. He had put on his clothes and was about to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he saw Yang Zhou coming, he was confused.

"It's fine if you have something, you go and wash it first, and you will say on the road for a while!"


After answering, Gongsunyou was very clever to wash in the small courtyard, perhaps because of the balance of yin and yang, Gongsunyou's temper was not as explosive as before.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xiaohu drove his car out and drove Yang Zhou and Gongsun You to the city.

Along the way, Jiang Xiaohu briefly clarified what happened with Gongsun Yao. Gongsun Yao thought it was a trivial matter and wanted to call the old man directly, but Jiang Xiaohu refused.

The reason is that if others know that she is Gongsunpu's granddaughter, then they will face endless assassinations when they go out.

Regarding Jiang Xiaohu’s conversation with Gongsun You, Yang Zhou didn’t think he had heard it, lit a cigarette, and lay down at the window to smoke silently, but he also believed that Jiang Xiaohu said, “Smash the bar and let people come out.” apologize'.

After an hour of driving, the car finally came to Xihua Road.

This is a factory area outside the urban area. Almost all of them are large-scale factories. This has also allowed the development of several small villages here, which is to set up stalls every day according to the working hours of the workers.

As for Gongsun Yao, Jiang Xiaohu let her get out of the car. Although she looked reluctant, she was still obedient.


"Turn left ahead! Chen Hong! Right there!"

Under Yang Zhou's guidance, Jiang Xiaohu parked the car at the gate of the factory.

"You guys! No parking here, go!"

The car hadn't stopped, and the security guard at the door had already arrived, holding a swinging stick and yelling.

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