"Blind your dog's eyes! I am the brother of your factory owner! Open the door!"

Jiang Xiaohu didn't get used to him, so he roared directly.

The security guard was also stunned. He had never seen such a horizontal one before. For a moment, he dared not speak like he did before, and quickly bent over and approached.


Before the security guard could speak, Jiang Xiaohu stretched out his hand from the car window and waved his hand is a slap in the face. To such a bullying and fearful person, Jiang Xiaohu has always been able to fight.

"Blind dog eyes! Open the door, I wasted time and killed you!"

"Yes, yes! Don't be angry!"

Even though this security guard has not encountered such a direct hand, he ran back to open the door buzzingly.

It wasn't until the car drove into the factory that Yang Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and said seriously: "Brother Tiger, you are really brave, you don't know who is in charge of this area!"

"Tian Wang Lao Zi Guan also has to come first! What happened before?"

Not long after the car drove forward, I saw that a factory area under construction in front was cordoned off, and many people gathered around to direct something.

"Stop parking! Who are you!"

After seeing Jiang Xiaohu's car, a strong man stepped forward to stop the car and asked in a low voice, lying on the window.

"Oh, I'm in the factory, come and see here..."

When Jiang Xiaohu was thinking about making up the nonsense, his eyes froze on a person not far away, and his voice stopped.

"It's him, this man is very vicious! Brother Tiger!"

Yang Zhou, who was sitting in the car, also saw the man, and hurriedly said softly, afraid of Jiang Xiaohu's shoulder.


Jiang Xiaohu looked at Ge Chun, who was slowly approaching, with a cold light in his eyes.

Originally, Jiang Xiaohu just thought he was coming back to play, but he didn't expect that he really came back to look for things. It seems that the things he happened the other day were deliberate. As for the Qin brother...it seems that he still needs to find it himself.

"Hey, this isn't Brother Xiaohu, how come you have time to come here, do you come to see the crime scene! What a pity, we want to protect the crime scene!"

At this time, Ge Chun had already reached the side of the car, staring at Yang Zhou fiercely after speaking, grinning coldly.

Although Yang Zhou was in the society back then, but now he has a lot of burdens on his body, and he naturally started to be afraid. He lowered his head and avoided his gaze, sighed lightly, and was ready to be beaten today. As for losing money, he also figured out. .

"Why? Don't you let me see?"

Jiang Xiaohu sneered and opened the door without fear. Now that the enemy meets each other, it is better to settle the old and new accounts together.

"Don't don't don't, I can't afford to provoke him. Brother Xiaohu has such a powerful fist. You see I'm only number 30. If I fight, I won't be beaten to death?"

Ge Chun sneered, and took a step back. The so-called maintenance workers also came over, each with cold faces, as if the wolf had seen the food.

"I'm going to see the scene, don't make trouble!"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the crowd, his eyes still cold, and he said softly, raising his foot to the factory area ahead.

It's just that Ge Chun didn't intend to let him pass safely. With a beckon, the people behind him directly blocked Jiang Xiaohu's path.

"Brother Xiaohu, this one, let me calculate the new and old accounts together!" Seeing Jiang Xiaohu stopped, Ge Chun thought he saw the dawn of victory, turned his head to look at Yang Zhou in the car, and sneered: "Boy, just rely on this! You can't get out of this factory even if you keep holding your arms today!"

"Did you finish?"

"What? You can still..."


Under Jiang Xiaohu's question, Ge Chun didn't express his hatred, only felt that a strong force came from the lower abdomen, followed the body upside down, and hit two or three men to the ground.

"I want to beat you, a hundred people are not enough!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at Ge Chun lying on the ground and said disdainfully.

"Fight Laozi! A reward of 500,000 for the disabled, I will pay if I die!"

Under the so-called reward, there must be a brave man. With such a sentence as an introduction, those little brothers instantly became ready to move.


A man standing in the corner suddenly roared, and these people rushed over instantly.

It's a pity that they completely underestimated this innocent-looking Jiang Xiaohu, who was thin and thin.

The two standing in front rushed towards Jiang Xiaohu, punching and kicking over. Before the two of them touched Jiang Xiaohu's body, they felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of them, and flew out.

Bang bang bang!

After a few muffled noises, these so-called little brothers did not dare to step forward, looking nervously at the five men lying beside Jiang Xiaohu, all wailing with their hands and feet.

With the lessons learned from the past, the follow-up people didn't dare to be half presumptuous, staring at Jiang Xiaohu with fierce eyes, hoping that Jiang Xiaohu could be afraid.

"Aren't you coming? Then I'm going to see it!"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at them, said to himself, and walked towards the factory. Yang Zhou, who was hiding in the car, naturally did not dare to stay alone, and hurriedly opened the car door to follow.

As for Ge Chun lying on the ground, Jiang Xiaohu didn't even glance at it, as if nothing existed.

"Brother Tiger, do you know martial arts?"

"I can still cultivate immortals, can I learn? I learned to live forever!"

"Huh? Really?"

"Really! At that time you can make money and lose money, so you don't have to check the scene carefully!"

After ridiculing Yang Zhou for a few words, Jiang Xiaohu gave a white glance at the workers who followed him but did not dare to step forward, breaking the cordon and walking into the construction area.

Fortunately, it was not long since the incident happened. Except for the corpses of the two deceased, everything else was still in place, and only a few of the broken fir were removed.

"Check it out and see if it is artificial!"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at the wood in it and said in a low voice.

The center of the wood was completely undamaged. In addition, the wood was processed. It would not break easily at all. It is very likely that someone moved their hands or feet. After all, the person watching the scene is Ge Chun.

"I know!"

Yang Zhou nodded repeatedly and began to search earnestly. He had dealt with wood all the year round, and naturally he had seen a lot. This was one of the reasons why Jiang Xiaohu insisted on him to follow.

"What are you looking at! It's not up yet, shit, wait for death! You won't be able to run by then! Get on it!"

The two were rummaging, and Ge Chun, who was standing outside the cordon, eased a little. He ran over and kicked the two workers. He took out his mobile phone and started calling, shouting various brothers, saying that someone was making trouble.

Jiang Xiaohu and Yang Zhou turned a deaf ear to this, immersed in the broken wood.

"Found it! Look here!"

Suddenly, Yang Zhou shouted in surprise, took a piece of wood out of the ruins, and shouted repeatedly.


Jiang Xiaohu quickly turned his head to look around.

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