The alien species of the city arrives

Chapter 816 Shen Rong'er is so ruthless

"White-eyed wolf!"

Hearing this, Gongsun You, who had been silent for a long time, couldn't help but spit out. This time, he didn't exchange two people's eyes.

"Then there is nothing to talk about, Li Jianhua, what I am telling you now is to let you stop. This is your last chance! If you stop now..."

"Can you forgive me if you just stop it? What happened before is wiped out?"


Before Jiang Xiaohu finished speaking, Li Jianhua helped him finish the rest of the words.

"It's useless, I have never regretted what I did, and what are you fighting against me? This little girl? The one I have seen is pretty good, but it's not unique!"

Li Jianhua pursed his lips and chuckles, revealing all his disdainful expressions, and Gongsun Yao's expression on one side was pale.

"Let's go!"

Seeing that there was no way to continue, Jiang Xiaohu could only stand up and speak softly to Gongsun Yao.


Gongsun You nodded and didn't speak, because she had nothing to say. Facing such a person, she felt that she had nothing to say for the first time.


Li Jianhua raised his eyebrows and waved his hands, as if saying goodbye to his friends, but did not respond to him.

Until Jiang Xiaohu and others got in the car and left, Li Jianhua took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit a cigarette. There was no smile on his face, and he muttered: "Fight me? Jiang Xiaohu, you are not qualified!"

When the words fell, Li Jianhua seemed to have returned to the poor days of the year. There was no food to eat, and the clothes were not warm. During the New Year, there were three dishes and one soup on the table, and two meat and one vegetarian were a very happy event.

For so many years, what I have been fighting outside is not just money. Although this kind of thing is not kind and damaging, it is also something in my next life, and it has nothing to do with myself now.

"I must eat it, no matter how unpalatable, I will eat it! I can still eat it!"

Thinking of this, Li Jianhua picked up the coffee on the table and drank it. The greasiness of tobacco, the bitterness of coffee, and the acridity of cigarettes in his mouth.


"Sir, are you okay! Get the paper quickly, this gentleman vomited!"


"I'll call the old man!"

Sitting in the car, Gongsun Yao felt the atmosphere more and more thinking about it, and couldn't help taking out his mobile phone and muttering quietly.

"Fight, don't worry about my business anyway, you have to deal with him and don't pull me in, I don't want to find someone else for everything!"

Jiang Xiaohu nodded and said softly.

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Gongsun Yao only felt that Jiang Xiaohu seemed to look down on himself, and asked in a low voice: "You mean I have to find someone else for everything?"

"if not?"

Jiang Xiaohu did not deny it either.

"Anyway, I don't think it's time for desperation. There is no need to trouble others. It is also my own ability to have someone help me, but I think if I can stand it, there is no need to find someone else!"

After all, Jiang Xiaohu didn't care about Gongsun You who was stiff beside him, lit a cigarette, and focused all his attention on driving, lest this lady go crazy.

Fortunately, Gongsun You didn't show any anger, but just stared at the road ahead, lost in thought.

Time passed by, and Gongsun Yao remained in this state for a full half an hour. He was relieved when he saw the town.

"You said you haven't reached a corner yet, what do you want to do?"

Gongsun You asked in a low voice.

"It's true that the village chief is on my side, but Li Jianhua has already started to mobilize the masses. Didn't you find that no one is taking care of our family affairs today?"

Jiang Xiaohu explained quietly.

"Yes, these goods have been beaten back by them in normal times. You are the little red man in the village!"

Gongsun You chuckled lightly and picked up a cigarette, but Jiang Xiaohu snatched it away before she could light it up.

"Think too much! I'm still riding a tiger now, all pointing to my desire to develop the village, all looking at the face of the Shen family, thinking that I have climbed a high branch, otherwise the village chief will not be on my side! Look! Don’t understand?"

Jiang Xiaohu said leisurely, opened the car window and stretched out his hand to catch the wind.

"Cut, what's the use of understanding these? It's nothing more than using each other. There is nothing more to say. As long as you know that you still have use value, the village head will follow you. If you are of no use, the village head will ignore you. of!"

Gongsun You didn't know where he took out another cigarette and held it in his mouth. While talking, he looked at the sky outside and fell into contemplation.

The space inside the car also stopped after Gongsun You's voice fell, and the big tree house outside the window retreated as the car moved forward.

Finally, when the car arrived at the home surgery, the two of them said nothing or watched the time along the way. They didn't know how long it had passed, only that the setting sun had appeared in the sky.

"What should I do now? He will get married in three or four days!"

Gongsun You closed the door and asked softly.

"If you go out tonight, follow me. It's no good to stay up late, but it's not necessarily all bad."

Jiang Xiaohu slammed the door as he said.

At this time, Wang Xifeng had already prepared the food and was about to start eating. Seeing that Jiang Xiaohu and Gongsun Yao were back, he was not as happy as before.

"Is it all done?"

After Wang Xifeng arranged Jiang Xiaohu's bowls and chopsticks, he asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's all set, someone deliberately finds fault!"

"That girl from the Shen family...does things even better!"

"Mom, the mall is like a battlefield. She is just being forced to continue. If the other party turns over in the future, it will be more vicious to her!"

For unknown reasons, Jiang Xiaohu waved his hand and quietly defended Shen Ronger.

"You young people, we don't understand, just do our part! Let's eat!"

Wang Xifeng talked about pulling Gongsun Yao and sitting next to him, like his own daughter, picking vegetables for her from time to time, asking her if she was right.

In the face of the sudden concern, Gongsun Yao was also a little uncomfortable, so he could only nod his head constantly and echoed softly, for fear that something went wrong would arouse anger.

After a wonderful dinner, Gongsun Yao also came to the kitchen for an unprecedented time and started the so-called "help". After ten minutes of inquiring about the use of various utensils, Wang Xifeng was very pleased to drive her out.

"Why are you sitting here again?"

After the defeat in the first battle, Gongsun Yao saw Jiang Xiaohu sitting in the small courtyard as soon as he went out.

"Why don't you sit here? Is it possible that there are still bars and discos in the village?"

Jiang Xiaohu glanced at Gongsun Yao and stretched out a cigarette, and handed it to Gongsun Yao for the first time.

This time, Gongsun You waved his hand, refused a cigarette, looked up at the sky, and said, "Hey...what am I doing this for?"

"What for what!"

Jiang Xiaohu looked at the little light remaining on the horizon.

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