"Myself, I don't know what I live for. What I have is money, as much as I want in my career, and a confidant, you are one, but there is no second one, love..."

While speaking, Gongsun You squatted beside Jiang Xiaohu's stool, leaning his head on Jiang Xiaohu's shoulder.

"What? Is it possible that you can still see me?"

"Of course it looks good!"

"Don't don't, I can't stand it!"

Jiang Xiaohu chuckled when he heard the words. He knew very well that Gongsun You's love would not stop in front of him. She had met too many people, and she was just one of Yunyun.

"Actually, I really thought about it, but... I really can't stand you like this. I would rather find an ordinary one! At least it won't attract so many flowers and plants!" Gongsun Yao said gently He smiled, suddenly turned his head and kissed Jiang Xiaohu's profile, and said in Jiang Xiaohu's smile: "I think, you are really like my brother! I have never felt this way before!"

The voice fell, and the small courtyard fell into silence, the silence of the night.

The two chatted without a word. Jiang Xiaohu kept flipping through the various information in the phone. Gongsun Yao was sitting on the side, not caring what Jiang Xiaohu was doing. He leaned his head on Jiang Xiaohu’s shoulder, quietly. Waiting quietly, in a blink of an eye, two hours have passed.

Seeing that the time had reached more than nine o'clock, Jiang Xiaohu popped the cigarette butt in his hand along the wall and stood up.

"Finally I can sleep! I'm so sleepy!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohu finally got up, Gongsun Yao quickly stood up and turned around to return to the room.

But Jiang Xiaohu grabbed her and said leisurely: "Go to the mountains with me, did you forget?"

"I'm going, this is the middle of the night, what are you going to do there!"

"Huh? Then don't you go during the day?"

"During the day? During the day, there are people who are watching, otherwise the news will be sent out?"

Jiang Xiaohu shook his head before letting go, indicating that she would go back and prepare.

The latter could only sigh helplessly when she saw this, but she couldn't hold back Jiang Xiaohu, turned and walked into the room, and soon prepared the pots and pans and a hoe in her hands.

"What are you bringing these for?"

Jiang Xiaohu asked in a low voice as if he had seen a ghost.

"Didn't it mean someone is stalking?"

"No, you are expecting to kill someone! You can't do it without it!"

"Oh, too, then I won't take it!"


Ten minutes later, under Jiang Xiaohu's guidance, Gongsun You put on a slim black suit.

Fortunately, when Jiang Xiaohu was fifteen or sixteen years old, Wang Xifeng didn't throw away his clothes. At this time, he wore Gongsun Yao's body.

"Let's go!"

With an order, the two of them walked towards the mountain.

It's just that the two of them did not go along the ridge and the road, but came to a thorny road under the leadership of Jiang Xiaohu.

Just looking at the deep trail, Gongsun Yao felt that a retreat voice kept appearing in his mind, and all the horror movies he had seen back then crazily came to his mind at this time.

What's more frightening is that the horror images in those movies appear in front of you as if you have added a luxury version of 4k.



Jiang Xiaohu, who was standing next to her, saw that she suddenly stopped moving, and yelled softly, and almost scared her to scream.

"Are you OK!"

Jiang Xiaohu frowned and asked.

"It's okay! It's just that I think it's better to come during the day, but I can't see it at night!"

Gongsun You looked at the trail, her body was chilly with the cold wind blowing in her back vest.

"It's okay, you are holding my clothes!"

"it is good!"

Although he promised, Gongsun Yao's hands still grasped Jiang Xiaohu's arm honestly. After all, she remembered that there was a movie in the past when she was clutching clothes, but she was still lost.

The two just walked on the road one after the other. With Gongsun Yao's constant pulling, Jiang Xiaohu's footsteps slowed down a lot, and Jiang Xiaohu regretted bringing her out not far away.

Ten minutes later, the two finally saw a small light in the distance.



"Don't be so surprised!"

Jiang Xiaohu helplessly took off Gongsun Yao's hand and pointed to a small light in the distance.

"That should be stalking. It seems that it hasn't come for a day or two. Now time has passed not long ago. This person is also a little relaxed!"

"That's a good opportunity!"


Jiang Xiaohu nodded, and the steps under his feet became extraordinarily slow, moving slowly towards the distance.

Sha ~ squeaky!

In the Wilderness Village, unknown bugs screamed deep in the forest. Hearing the sound, I felt that there was a wolf barking far away, but I felt that someone's dog ran out.

In a word, in just one or two hundred meters, Gongsun Yao and Jiang Xiaohu just felt like a century had passed. He didn't feel the slightest warmth at all, and some had only endless fear, even if he looked at him. , She felt it was a torture.

"You stay here and don't move!"

Seeing that the distance was less than fifty meters, Jiang Xiaohu turned his head and said softly.

"No! I'm with you!"

Gongsun You just shook his head, looking very unwilling to be thrown here alone.


Jiang Xiaohu nodded helplessly. When he was about to turn around, he suddenly stretched out his hand and slammed under Gongsun You's abdomen, and followed his finger on Gongsun You's shoulder.

Gongsun Yao, who was about to keep up the previous second, suddenly felt that thousands of mountains were pressing on her shoulders and could not move. More importantly, she was about to open her mouth to speak, but found that she could not open her mouth, even whining. Can't send it out.

"Sorry! Wait for me!"

Jiang Xiaohu only apologized softly, then turned around and disappeared.

Huh ~ sah!

A small wind blew, Wu Wei, who was sitting under the tree smoking a cigarette, cast a glance at his side, and muttered, "Why do you want me to do this work? It's really torturous and I don't want a separate way!"

"What the hell... Yier..."

Seeing a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of him, Wu Wei looked up, only to see a person with his feet off the ground in front of him.

In this situation, Wu Wei didn't hesitate at all. He leaned back, rolled his eyes and twitched, and passed out completely within a few seconds.

"Why don't you be so stupid!"

Jiang Xiaohu spit out silently, loosened his hand holding the branch, and gently landed on the ground, trying not to make any noise, turning around and rushing towards Gongsun You.

At this time, Gongsun You was closing his eyes tightly, trembling lightly all over, not letting herself make any noise, until Jiang Xiaohu came to her, she didn’t notice it. If it continues to this level, it will probably take less than two minutes. Can stun myself.

"Still don't count on her!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaohu sighed helplessly, put his hand on Gongsun You's neck in the air, and vomited, the latter's body directly softened and fell into the arms of Jiangxi Outback.

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